Fiction Arena SpotLight
- Betrayal by XxSins_of_the_DemiwolfXx
- From my ratings I'm aware I'm not the best writer. But here's my attempt at Calypsa's great betrayal of her pack.
- The Immortal Kiss by demon-wolf-goddess_death
- well for 3 days i thought about writing it then one nite i woke up late in the evening as always and decided to write it..well the first thing that came to my mind was amazing but i need a few second opinions help me out (it ha...
- CH 7 "THE ROOF ENCOUNTER" by Vocaloid_Len_Lover16
- hey guys its the 7th chapter of my story so please leave comments ewhich make me smile :D add me if u want and i will rate and read stories and avi art ect. please tell me wat you think cause i hope to capture hearts of my re...
- The Nightmare Chronicles Chap1 by goth_rock_puppy_sakura
- This is a story I've been wanting to write for a while, so I put it out and I think it turned out well, I hope it did. The picture is to represent what I would like Vasina to look like. Rate fairly, I worked kinda hard on this!...
- My Mistake by RiikoxSoushi
- Please, please, pleeeease forgive my spelling errors. I had to use wordpad and that doesn't really do much and I'm not the worlds best speller so I apologize! And I didn't proof read because I'm very tired right now. The stor...
- Fear part 2 by randomguy_sisco
- The second part to my work. Enjoy and Feed back is always appreciated!
- Legends Of Vior Bone Master: by Forbidden Ambrosia
- An extract of my story I have been working on for a few years. I have a map and list of races on another site, so if you really wish to know more just ask. ^^ One day I plan to develop this story into an actual novel. P.s I ...
- The New Neighbor by Vasago110892
- A script for a 10 episode thing i'll be doning after high school.
- deamon by demonfoxer93
- the story of a normal human until......
- Kain's Pain by NuM nUmS 08
- This is made by me ["Rachel"] please comment and rate it if you have the time this is about a guy named kain who's wife died, i wrote this in my notebook a year ago and decided to put it up. ((please no mean comments)) :'(
- Death Moon part one by Kiriri_56
- I am writing a book, i want to publish it but I don't know if people will like it so I'm going to see if people on Gaia will like it. Sorry it's really long! This isn't even all of the frist chapter. Sorry if there is any bad...
- Moon Flowers [Chapter Two] by HaNa_Oshi
- Hello, I'm back. Uh...this is a continuation of the first chapter I posted. I'm sorry if it's not eye catching or anything. I still hope you enjoy it though.
- CruelFait the reutrn of Zaquan by mommymeme
- true but cold please comment i had doubts on this.......
- The raven among the crows 4 by SHSL Togami
- The fourth part of the novel.
- Sorry (Going, Going, Gone.) by Jui Kan Zhang
- Ohdamn. first: no, I have no thoughts of suicide. I just felt like writing something mildly depressing. second: this just came to me over supper, okay? If you think I took this from someone, please don't go all psychotic in a c...
- Blood to Wine Chapter 1 by Lilgemcy
- A new story that I am currently working on. Not too sure about my writing skils though. But I hope that I may be able to work on it more in the near future.
- Another weird dream I had by [XblackfireX]
- Yeah. This is another weird dream I had. The ending was like a wish-fufillment fanfiction with me and Steve Burnside. Gah! Why am I dreaming about him?! I think I could've decribed things a bit more, but I honestly couldn't rem...
- underground veins of the metro by w0rm buffet
- aqua-planing hold on I have got a bad feeling