• This evening was most unusual. I’m still trying to comprehend what I saw, and who she could be. I saw this woman; she was dressed in a Victorian gothic style purple black dress. She was as pale as the moon she stood under. Her hair was the color of the midnight sky at the twilight hour. It was black as night, yet sparkled in the moonlight. Her fingernails were the whitest of white. She had the reddest, most luscious lips I’ve ever seen. But aside from her appearance, her fragrance was most welcoming. I was very well possibly over 50 feet away, but I could still smell the vanilla coconut flavor that arose from her skin. Although she had that wonderful aroma, she had a musty smell, as if she’d been hiding behind closed doors for weeks with no sunlight or contact to the outside world.
    I was as lost as, well what I was, a city kid in a small suburban town. I had just moved here from New York City, to this quiet little town. I am so lost in this town. But it was trying to find my way to my apartment when I stopped to ask her, being the only person out at that hour, for directions. I held back and just starred when I was about 20 feet from her. She was stunningly beautiful, and I couldn’t take my eyes off her, though I felt a sharp pain of jealousy comparing her to my plain figure. She turned at that moment, slowly around so she was facing my direction. It was then that I caught a glimpse of her dazzling eyes; they were as pitch black as her hair. “Is there anything I can help you with?” her voice hinted at an accent from a different time period. Oh, her voice, it was like music in one tone, and most mesmerizing. “D..do..do you..know in which direction Emily Drive is?” I managed to get through my lips, trying to get over my initial astonishment of her marvelously flawless appearance. She smirked as if I had said something funny, or was she laughing at me and my stuttering? “It’s to the left,” she points “Go three blocks, turn right and about two blocks later you’ll see the sign.” Her voice was magical, yet it had a certain rhythm to it, unusual. I was magnetized as I turned and headed in the direction she had instructed me. But, I turned back around to ask a question that is now lost from my memory; for as I turned, I found her nowhere in sight.
    The image of her still remains in my memory. I fear it may never go away. A few questions still linger on my mind, and keep me from sleep. Who was she? The obvious and most thought question. Why didn’t I ask for her name, or why she was there? I really was acting stupid during our brief skirmish. The main question that keeps me from sleep is was that mystifying woman….a vampire?