• PAGE ONE biggrin AY


    SAMAEL, thin and dirty, stands on the side of the road.
    Little black wings come from it's shoulder blades, too
    small to be real. Prostitutes walk the street.

    PANEL 2

    A car stops in front of Sam, and it bends forward, leaning
    on the open window.

    Howdy there. You traveling alone today?

    PANEL 3

    The driver looks at Sam's chest from over his dark glasses

    I don't take boys.

    PANEL 4

    Sam winks.

    I may not be a girl, sir, but I'm definitely
    no boy. I'm different.

    PANEL 5

    The man pushes the lock button

    Get in.

    PAGE 2

    PANEL 1

    A light turns on on the third floor of a cheap apartment.

    PANEL 2

    Sam, naked, sits atop the man, who is still fully dressed,
    just his pants are undone. Sam's hands are clenched, and
    it's teeth are clenched behind it's hair.

    PANEL 3

    The man sits up, awkwardly.

    I-I'm sorry. From your offer I didn't think
    this was your first time.

    PANEL 4

    Sam looks up, surprised, tears in it's eyes.

    It's not that, sir. Sorry. No, this isn't my
    first time. I'm sorry.

    PANEL 5

    The man leans forward and hugs Sam.

    It's okay. You're still new at this, that's
    easy to see.

    PANEL 6

    Through the window, Sam tries again.

    PAGE 3

    PANEL 1

    Sam walks down the street, it's arms wrapped around it's
    thin shoulders.

    PANEL 2

    Sam pushes into a sandwich shop.

    PANEL 3

    PETE, a tall man with long hair pushed back into a hair net,
    wipes his hands on his apron, smiling.

    Hey, Sammybabe! How's it going?

    PANEL 4

    Sam looks into the glass container at the sandwiches.

    It's gone better, Pete. How's the store?

    PANEL 5

    Pete leans over the counter.

    It's been really busy today, Sammy. This is
    actually the first break I've had today.

    PAGE 4

    PANEL 1

    Sam smiles, small and painfully.

    Well that's good. Your sandwiches will be
    famous someday.

    PANEL 2

    Pete stops smiling and looks at Sam, worriedly, coming
    around the counter.

    Sammy...I want you to be here. I don't know
    what your doing, but I know it's not good
    for you. I could use you at the shop.

    PANEL 3

    Sam turns it's face down, so it's hair covers it's eyes.

    I'm okay. I promise.

    PANEL 4

    Pete bends forward, rubbing Sam's shoulders with his big,
    muscular hands.

    Are you still in between apartments? Mine's
    too big, We could split it.

    PAGE 5

    PANEL 1

    Sam looks up, smiling.

    It's okay. I promise. Just a couple more days
    and I'll have my own place. I already have it
    set up.

    PANEL 2

    Pete stands, crossing his arms, eyebrows knit.

    I'm worried about you, Sammybabe.

    PANEL 3

    Sam leans on the glass counter. It points at a sandwich.

    Don't be. Can I have this one, please?

    PANEL 4

    Sam digs in the back pockets of it's ultra tight jeans for
    cash while Pete walks back around the counter.

    PANEL 5

    Pete trades Sam the sandwich for a handful of loose bills.

    PAGE 7

    PANEL 1

    Sam walks towards a booth at the window.

    PANEL 2

    Sam sits, facing a mirror. It reflects Amanda behind Sam, as
    she hurriedly tries to cover a black eye with make up.

    PANEL 3

    Sam turns, looking over at her.

    Looks like your day is worse than mine.

    PANEL 4

    Amanda looks up at it, surprised.

    What? Oh, this. No. I got hit in the eye
    yesterday by a baseball. Some kids were
    playing on my street.

    PANEL 5

    Sam spins into the seat across from her.

    Mind if I sit with you?

    PANEL 6

    Amanda picks up her purse.

    Actually, yeah. My boyfriend is on his way
    and he's kind of the jealous type.

    PAGE 8

    PANEL 1

    Sam unwraps it's sandwich.

    What's to be jealous of?

    PANEL 2

    Amanda leans forward

    He may think your being here is more than

    PANEL 3

    Sam leans back, truly smiling for once.

    Oh! You think I'm a boy! Wow. You know,
    you're the second one today!

    PANEL 4

    Amanda covers her face in embarrassment.

    Oh dear! I'm so sorry.

    PANEL 5

    Sam laughs.

    Don't worry about it. The gender question
    helps me all of the time.

    PAGE 9

    PANEL 1

    Amanda sits forward, more comfortable, smiling.

    Oh yeah? How? What do you do?

    PANEL 2

    Sam stops smiling, looking a bit sick.

    What? You okay?

    PANEL 3

    Sam leans forward on the table.

    Nothing. I do nothing.

    PANEL 4

    The door jingles as it opens and GREG steps into the shop.
    He is short and muscular and square, donning a crew cut and
    a muscle shirt.

    PANEL 5

    Greg walks over to the booth. Amanda stands up.

    Hey babe!

    PAGE 10

    PANEL 1

    Greg grabs Amanda by the wrist, inconspicuously. He looks at
    Sam, who tries to get small.

    You look great today, Mands. Who's your

    PANEL 2

    Amanda gestures with her free hand. Sam starts to stand,
    hand extended.

    Greg this is...

    Ah, it's Sam. You must be the boyfriend I've
    been hearing about.

    PANEL 3
    (GREG, SAM)

    Sam's handshake is feminine, so Greg grabs only the tips of
    it's fingers.

    Good things I hope?

    Of course.

    PANEL 4

    Amanda and Greg sit back down across from Sam. Greg looks at
    Amanda, expectantly, she bites her lip.

    Did you get me a sandwich, hon?

    They had something new today, babe, that I
    thought you would like. Pete's toasting it
    for you now.

    PAGE 11

    PANEL 1

    Greg's giant hand crushes Amanda's smaller one and he leans
    forward, pushing her into a corner.

    You know what I like, hon. This better be

    PANEL 2

    Sam wipes its mouth with a napkin, setting it's sandwich
    down for a moment.

    Greg, your lovely girlfriend-


    -Amanda was telling me about how she got a
    black eye from being hit by a baseball
    yesterday. Were you there?

    PANEL 3

    Greg looks at him, angrily.

    That's known of your business, is it?

    PANEL 4

    Sam stands up

    Actually, Greg, it is. You see, pain is one
    of the most easily seen things in the world
    and the easiest to inflict.

    PANEL 5

    Sam leans forward.

    It takes a great man to keep from hurting
    others. And even though I hardly know you, I
    can tell that you are no great man.

    PAGE 12

    PANEL 1
    (GREG, SAM)

    Greg stands, teeth and fists clenched. They stand next to
    the table, looking straight at each other.

    What did you say?

    I said that your an abusive d**k. You don't
    deserve Amanda.

    PANEL 2

    Greg throws a punch, which Sam dodges.

    Sorry Pete!

    PANEL 3

    Pete turns, frying pan in hand, trying to get in on the

    PANEL 4

    Sam punches, it's fist oddly red.

    PANEL 5

    The fist connects with Greg's gut.

    PANEL 6

    Greg's eyes are open in shock.

    PAGE 13

    PANEL 1

    Greg folds, an arm around his stomach, his shirt looks

    PANEL 2

    Amanda rushes to Greg's side

    What the ******** is wrong with you?

    PANEL 3

    Sam takes a step back, meeting Pete.

    Here I was thinking you'd need my help. I
    wish I had been able to get to him sooner.

    PANEL 4

    Sam grabs what's left of the sandwich on the table.

    I have to get back to work.

    PAGE 14

    PANEL 1

    A homeless man stands on the side of the road, a cigarette
    in hand. Sam rushes by, trying to contain it's anger.

    You have a light?

    PANEL 2

    Sam turns, and gives him a light, which reaches high into
    the sky. Sam isn't holding a lighter.

    PANEL 3

    Sam walks to a narrow bridge, where only geese and ducks
    hang around.

    PANEL 4

    Sam leans on the side, spitting anger.

    PANEL 5

    Sam falls back, leaning on the other side.

    PANEL 6

    Sam slides down it

    PAGE 15

    PANEL 1

    Pete taps Greg in the gut with his foot

    Hey, mate. Get up. You're supposed to be some
    sort of tough guy, right?

    PANEL 2

    Greg glares up at Pete

    PANEL 3

    Amanda slides next to Pete.

    Go on, Greg. Get out've here.

    PANEL 4

    Greg stands, slumped.

    What's wrong with you, Amanda?

    PANEL 5

    Amanda crosses her arms and looks at her feet.

    I don't approve of what Sam did. But she was
    right. I'll come by tomorrow to pick up my

    PAGE 16

    PANEL 1

    Greg spits on the ground

    PANEL 2

    He pushes himself out of the shop

    PANEL 3

    Amanda sits in the booth, holding her head.

    Oh s**t. What am I going to do? Greg'
    probably going to kill me.

    PANEL 4

    Pete sits with her, an arm around her.

    Here. How about I come with you? Keep the lug

    PANEL 5

    Amanda looks up at Pete.

    How did she knows?

    Sam? She's got a way of knowing what your
    problem is. She's great at solving them too.
    Just not her own.


    PANEL 1

    Sam walks through the night, headlights lighting the way.

    PANEL 2

    Sam looks at a car window, seeing it's reflection.

    PANEL 3

    Sam looks away, brushing some stray hair behind one ear.

    PANEL 4

    Some homeless men stand around a trash can. One looks at Sam

    Hey, Spare a light?

    PANEL 5

    Sam turns and joins the men. It tosses some garbage into the

    PAGE 18

    PANEL 1

    A great fire comes from the can. They all huddle around it.

    PANEL 2

    The men look at the fire at each other and at Sam. One of
    them, whose missing teeth and hair, points at Sam.

    We were all just telling stories. You want to
    join us?

    PANEL 3

    Sam warms it's hands

    If I may. Who's turn is it?

    PANEL 4

    The toothless man points at Sam.

    PANEL 5

    Sam smiles

    Well, I'll bet you haven't heard this one.

    PAGE 19

    PANEL 1

    Two angels stand side by side, holding hands, a city of
    silver behind them.

    We all know that God awoke in the void and
    decided to create something new. The first
    things He made were His angels, Michael and
    the Morningstar. He then built them a city,
    so they could learn and grow.

    PANEL 2

    The two angels stand at a pedestal, a crowd of others
    surrounding them.

    In this city were other angels, and they
    taught each other through their skills and

    PANEL 3

    The angels do all sorts of tasks, showing each other how
    each is done.

    This entertained Him and he sat and watched
    for a long, long time.

    PAGE 20

    PANEL 1

    The Earth sits alone in a black sky.

    But he is easily distracted and quickly
    becomes bored. He decided to create a new
    world, one where the beings created

    PANEL 2

    Two more angels appear, these ones with genitalia.

    For this He created his first experiment,
    Atiell and Myrael were placed in the Silver
    City to procreate, so He could see how the
    new life forms should exist.

    PANEL 3

    A group of angels throw stones at Atiell and Myrael.

    But the angels did not like the newcomers.
    They were afraid that He would love them
    more and forget about the other angels, so
    they threw things at them, called them names
    and chased them to the edge of the city.

    PANEL 4

    Myrael leans against Atiell, hands around her swollen tummy.

    They completed their function, and soon
    Myrael was pregnant.

    PAGE 21

    PANEL 1

    Michael flies out of the city, into the void

    Michael was sent out of the city to inform
    Him of the progress of the experiment

    PANEL 2

    Angels stand shoulder to shoulder, swords drawn

    He became afraid. A child would be a new idea
    and a new idea is just as powerful as an old
    one. He ordered the child killed, before it
    could be born.

    PANEL 3

    Myrael lies on the ground, swords sticking her wings to the
    ground, one through her stomach and one through her heart.

    The angels carried out their function. They
    cut out her heart and stabbed it through.
    Threw their swords into her to kill the

    PANEL 4

    Atiell sits, next to Myrael's body, head in his arms

    Atiell stayed by her body for the rest of the

    PAGE 22

    PANEL 1

    The Morningstar sits beside Atiell, holding him to it's

    The Morningstar came to Atiell,the only one
    of the angels who had no hand in Myrael's
    death. They sat and spoke and decided.

    PANEL 2

    The Morningstar walks through the city, carrying Myrael's
    body. The city around them is on fire.

    The Morningstar showed his anger the next
    day, carrying Myrael, it burned everything
    it came into contact with. Michael stopped
    the Morningstar, warning it with the wrath
    of God. But the Morningstar paid no heed.

    PANEL 3

    An angel escorts Atiell through the Silver City

    Atiell came and as soon as he entered the
    garden where the Morningstar and Myrael
    waited, the area was enclosed in fire.

    PANEL 4

    The three of them stand around Myrael's body, which rests on
    a pedestal.

    Here they held the first of all the burial
    services. It closely resembled those that we
    have today for the richest and most famous.

    PAGE 23

    PANEL 1

    The Morningstar steps out of the garden only to be ran
    through with the sword of Michael. Atiell and the other
    angel stay by his side.

    Upon leaving the service, the Morningstar was
    run through by the sword of it's kin,
    Michael. Not for the wrath of God, but for
    the wrath of it's equal.

    PANEL 2

    The Morningstar stands, emotionless

    PANEL 3

    Sam looks the same way.

    PANEL 4

    One of the homeless men, a tall black man with dreads, looks
    at Sam quizzically.

    Excuse me, but, I was a priest for 30 years.
    I've never heard this story.

    PANEL 5

    Sam looks at him and smiles

    And you probably never will again. I tell you
    though, it's just as true as any other
    stories you may have heard from your book

    PAGE 24

    PANEL 1

    Sam walks away from the fire and the homeless men, a thin
    smile on it's lips

    PANEL 2

    The men watch Sam walk off, black burnt remains of wings
    sticking from it's back.