• We ran down the street, triping over the debris of buildings which had once been magnificent. I pondered the days when the everything was....better. But in the files and files of information in my overstuffed brain, already too full for my age, i couldn't find those days. They were there, of course, but, i couldn't reach them. I couldn't grasp the idea of everything once again being....ok. It was too far fetched. But then again.....i still didn't remember much. I was only 8 then and as far as i knew i had never lived a normal life. The war started five years ago, when my brother, Dallas, who was now pulling me through an alleyway and up some stairs, was only nine years old. I was three. But i still remembered. Remembered the fights, the towns lost. Remembered my mom being trust into the back of a car a shipped off. That was the last time. The last time i cryed. Although, I didn't recall what happened after that. None of us did. That was the odd part. The last thing we all knew was that the men busted into our house, and took the ones we loved. Then a blank. The next thing we knew we were in cages. Locked up like monkeys, but treated worse. We lived off what we earned. And what we "earned" was equivelent to how many tests we alowed them to preform on our bodies. They needed information. Who knows why. The only thing i heard was that we were the only ones they WEREN'T able to "dispose of," whatever that meant. For some reason, we were special ones, and they wanted to figure out why. As for the rest of society, They were forced. Forced out of well....everything. FOrced out of their lifes, forced out of their bodies, forced out of their minds. The week before they took my mother away, you could already see them, blue lights rising in the air headed for...for.....who knows where. A few more days and the whole sky seemed to be filled with them. Everywhere you looked there was one.....two.....five in a row. Far away at first, but then as the days passed the areas they were coming from seemed to come closer. closer to my town. The town i loved. Soon enough, men were knocking at our door, then busting down the door before we even had time to get up off the couch to see who it was. The rest was so fast, all i knew was that they took my mother away and shoved her in a car. Screeming, my brother dashed out the door to try and stop them. I was in his arms at the time. When i raised my head off of his jacket, which i had been burrowing in for saftey, i saw my neighbor, Joe, lying on the floor begging for mercy. A uniformed man like the one who busted down our door was over him, waving his bat, or what seemed like a glowing bat, in the air. He stricked Joe once.....twice.....five times and then again. After the last one, all was still in Joe. I knew that that was it. Then his chest started to glow. glow a bright blue. And from it came a light. Like the thousands we had seen in the sky. It was his soul. The men were after human souls.