• Chapter 6: Training Now, Sorrow Later!

    Ryu went into a Pokemon Center to heal his Pokemon. " Hi Nurse Joy!" said Ryu with a smile on his face. " Hello!" said Joy. " Are you hear to heal your Pokemon?" " Yes I am! My got pretty bad beating out there but we won!" said Ryu. " Okay then I'll have your pokeballs for sec please." said Joy hold out her hands. " Okay!" said Ryu handing his pokeballs to Joy. Nurse Joy put the pokeballs on the healing machine that was right next to her. The machine made a noise. " Here you go!" said Nurse Joy handing the pokeballs. " Thank you!" said Ryu. Ryu exited out of the Pokemon Center. " Come out Pikachu!" said Ryu throwing his Pokeball. Pikachu came out sad.User Image " You alright Pikachu?" asked Ryu. " Pikachu." said Pikachu with a sad face. Ryu understood why Pikachu was sad. Pikachu lost to Chimchar in the battle. Pikachu gave it's all and it lost. " Pikachu cheer up." said Ryu with a smile on his face. " Losing is a good thing because if you loose a battle that means you'll learn something about yourself. Then when you learn about yourself, you'll have to train harder to become stronger than ever!" Pikachu looked at Ryu. " Cheer up. Because next time when we see Chimchar again, we'll knock him out the park!" said Ryu. " Pika!" said Pikachu jumping onto Ryu. It gave Ryu a hug with a smile on it's face. " So let's train together to become stronger!" said Ryu balling his hand into a fist. Pikachu had a determined look on it's face.User Image Pikachu was training with Quilava. " PIkachu use Thundershock!" commanded Ryu. Pikachu let out a jolt of electricity, but this time it was a stronger jolt. " Alright you learned ThunderBolt!" said Ryu. " Quilava use Flamethrower" said Ryu. Quilava used Flamethrower. Both of the Pokemon's attacks clashed together and made a explosion. " Pikachu use Quick attack!" said Ryu. Pikachu rushed at Quilava. " Quilava used Quick Attack too!" commanded Ryu. Quilava did the same like Pikachu. Quilava and Pikachu bashed together and jumped back. " Quilava Flame Wheel." commanded Ryu. Quilava used Flame Wheel.User Image " Pikachu use Volt Tackle!" commanded Ryu. Pikachu used volt tackle. They clashed together making a big explosion. The smog went away and Pikachu was still standing. " Alright Pikachu!" said Ryu. " Are you Ryu?" said a voice. Ryu turned around. It was the attendant girl from the Arena. User Image " Yes I am." answered Ryu. " You have go back to the Arena for your next battle." said the girl. " Oh! Okay! Be right there!" said Ryu. " Let's go Pikachu!" " Pika!" said Pikachu jumping on Ryu's shouldered. " Quilava return!" said Ryu holding out his Pokeball. Quilava returned. Ryu is about to return to the Arena to fight his next opponent. Who will be his opponent? See you next time!

    End of Chapter 6