He looked at me angrily smirking. What did he mean by the monsters play I wondered as he picked me up. He held onto me tightly his gaze never leaving my fear filled eyes. I didn’t realize I was moving until he threw me down into the living room.
    “I want you to clean the house today kid” He said to me showing absolutely no sign of emotions what so ever. I stared at Him then nodded afraid to say something else. I didn’t want him to know I was afraid. I thought about it and then began to fold a blanket. At that moment his monstrous hand grabbed my tiny arm tightly.
    “Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, You should know better than to touch things that aren’t yours you little s**t!” He said raising his voice. That’s when I realized he liked to trick me just so he had a reason to yell at me. I closed my eyes as a blow came to my face. At the moment his hand hit my face I saw Stars. I stumbled back and my cheek stung and was tingling.
    “But you said to. You told me to clean up…”

    I stared at Him in disbelief as the sensation on my face grew bigger.
    “I said clean the house, I was going to say of your items but you just started off doing what you thought I meant instead of what I really did mean.” He held onto my arm and dragged me down the hallway into my room. He threw me in there and held the door shut. As he stood there hearing me yell and bang my tiny balled up fists against the door my brother woke up and started to cry.
    “Its okay son, don’t be scared, I’m here, I’m here” he said to my brother. I cried still trying to open the door. I thought about my father and how he is never here anymore. It made me very mad. I stopped kicking and screaming and I went over to my bed and sat there as still as I could. I was listening for any movements of my door handle. He walked away from the door and picked up my baby brother. He started to sing a lullaby.
    “Go to sleep, rest your head
    Close your eyes its time for bed
    Dream a dream, a super dream
    Of someone that you want to be.”

    I listened to Him quietly through the wooden door. He repeated the song four times before the baby’s sobs silenced. I heard the foot steps quietly go down the hall. I sighed in relief thinking that today was over for Him and me. I laid there on my bed looking out the window. I stared at the birds that flew freely in the wind. I wish I could fly.
    “Child, get your a** up, wake up!” I opened my eyes slowly and waited for my vision to re focus. My eyes widened as I saw Him standing above me giving me that smirk of his.
    “Its way too early for you to be sleeping, I think you should eat this seeing how you slept through lunch.” He said throwing two pieces of bread at me. He was holding a cup in his hand, it was full of water and he dumped it on my head. I closed my eyes so that the water wouldn’t get in them. I wiped my face with my sleeve and when I opened my eyes he was gone. I heard wheels outside in my drive way. I slowly stood up to go see who it was. I saw that Him and my brother were sitting on the couch watching a movie. I heard foot steps on the front pourch and the door opened.
    “Hello my baby” Said my mom wrapping her arms around me.
    “Oh, dear, your all wet…” She said pulling away from me to look me over. She just smiled at me and kissed the top of my head.
    My mom is my hero, she always takes the monster away.