so... guess what... i got SUPER SMASH BROTHERS BRAWL!!
party at my place, *woot woot*
Omake theater!!
"so... who's stupid idea was this again?" kanda snapped.
Allen laughed nervously and lavi just shrugged, an annoyed look upon his face.
"of course its komoui" lenalee sighed.
*** flashback ***
"hey girls!!" lavi pounded on luna and alteara's door. "komoui called a meeting!"
there was a rustleing of objects before the door opened quickly and a disheveled luna stood in the doorway.
"what!?" she snapped sleepily. "its 5 IN THE MORNING!"
lavi stared for a moment, then his face turned red and he looked to the celing.
"dont shoot the messanger!" he said in an akward voice.
"what is your problem..." luna slurred. she looked down.
"OH BEJESUS!" she cried, then slammed the door.
"what did you see?!" she yelled, her face turning pink.
"luna..." Lenalee moaned " did you forget to put on pants...?"
"SHUT IT!" she cried, her blush darkening.
'white...' lavi drooled...
"Alteara wake up..." luna mumbled, tossing a pillow directly at her friends head. Alteara mumbled and pulled the blankets over her head. Luna threw another pillow. Alteara giggled sleepily. luna rolled her eyes, and grabbed some pants that had been strewn on the floor the night before. Lenalee walked out, fully dressed in her exorsist uniform.
"so what is this about?" she asked, looking at lavi curiously.
"dunno" lavi shrugged. "komoui just said it was 'majorly important' and that 'the future of the order depended upon it.'"
"i guess i'd better run ahead to check it out." lenalee sighed. "if its another komorin..."
lavi shrugged.. remembering the giant robot. "theyre in the mess hall. if you see any robots, please kill them."
lenalee smiled and ran ahead. Then after a few moments, luna and alteara walked out, the former suddenly bright and ready to go, and the latter looking like the walking dead. Lavi laughed. "shall we go?"
*** end flashback***
currently, all of the exorsists sat in the mess hall, waiting patiently, or in some cases, impatiently.
"geeze..." allen moaned. "cant we just get this over with?! im sooo hungry!"
"you just ate!" lavi cried. "what are you, a bottomless pit?"
Kanda sat with his arms crossed, trying his hardest to ignore the others. Of course it became rather difficult when alteara leaned over his lap to talk to allen.
"maybe its something concerning the kitchen?" she said. luna snickered behind her as kanda's face turned pink, but he didnt move.
"what?!" allen cried "do you think they are going to change meal times or something?!" he sobbed.
lavi and lenalee deadpanned.
suddenly, a wave of hush fell over the crowd. the group looked up to see komoui entering. behind him, many members of the science dept stood, holding manilla envelopes by the dozen.
"attention exorcists, finders, and friends!" he called out, his voice echoing over the room. "since its been a while since everyone has had a reason to celebrate, and since ive happened to notice the increase in couples across the order..." a blush spread over the members "ive decided to host an activity for today!"
mumbles spread across from one picnic table to another. some people were looking across the tables to see if maybe the one they had in mind was also looking for them. lavi grinned as luna giggled with alteara, who looked a little concerned. Kanda 'che'd' as allen and lenalee turned bright red.
"if everyone would please split, girls on the left, guys on the right?" reever called.
everyone mumbled, then slowly separated, some laughing, others looking nervous.
luna, alteara, and lenalee sat together with miranda on the girls side, and allen, lavi, kanda, and crowley all joined together on the guys side. eventually, the room was generally even, with an equal number of guys and girls on either side.
"alright!!" komoui announced. "now, if each girl could obtain one of these?" he motioned to the men of the science department holding the manilla folders. they were slowly passed out to each girl.
luna and alteara slowly opened theirs.
"oh noooooo.... " alteara moaned quietly "i see math..."
luna sighed, then opened her folder. inside was a single sheet of paper that said this:
create an aluminum can that will hold 45 ounces of fluid using the least amount of aluminum.
Volume = pie r^2 h
surface area= 2pie r^2 + pie r^2 h
all of the girls sighed. "now now!" komoui called "before you all despair, let me tell you that YOU will not be doing these math problems!" all of the girls smiled.
"the boys will!"
all of the guys froze.
"are you KIDDING ME!?" kanda snapped. "what makes him think im going to do some stupid math problem?!"
Allen was pale and fidgeting. "i-i was never good at math..." he gulped.
lavi just stared. "i woke up at 5 FOR THIS?!"
"now now!!" komoui called from behind Reevers. " there will be a reward!"
the room was suddenly back at attention.
"so here is the game!" komoui was suddenly more brave. "each girl will pick a guy to answer the math question. Guys, you have full access to the library, or each other. However, each guy most only answer ONE question. we will have golems watching.. so NO CHEATING!!!" the guys looked at each other. Komoui stood with a big grin on his face.
Reevers elbowed him in the side.
"oh yes!" he adjusted his glasses. "the prize... the first five guys who bring me a correct answer will be asked a second...simple...question. if you answer correcly, then you and the girl who gave you the question will be able to pick a place for a 'day off' in town."
the room was suddenly abuzz with excitement, as everyone discussed where they might go on the much needed 'day off'.
"ohhh~" Allen sighed "i havent been anywhere fun in AGES..."
"me neither... and a day away from that old panda geezer..." lavi stared dreamily into space.
"che." kanda turned away.
"aww common' yuu!!"lavi poked the samuri in the side, causing him to sit up straight. "i know you wanna maybe take alteara somewhere nice... maybe on a picnic or-"
lavi had to duck to miss the edge of kanda's sword. "baka usagi..." kanda growled, his face a light pink.
lavi giggled to allen. "what about you lavi?" allen asked. lavi put a hand to his chin.
"well..." he smiled. "im sure luna will force me to do the problem... so ill probably take her to the movies or something. i know there was this one place..."
allen smiled. "yeah that sounds like fun!"
"who are you hopping for?" lavi asked the silver headed boy. Allens face turned a deep scarlet.
"um...well... i was thinking maybe..."
"what was that Allen?" lavi smiled and laughed. Allen's face reddened even more.
"uh... lenalee..."
"OMG KOMOUI'S GONNA KILL YOU!!" lavi screamed, pointing at Allen. the area around them grew quiet and Allen tried desperatly to dissappear on the spot. Across the room, lenalee was trying to do the same thing. Luna and Alteara were giggleing madly.
Komoui cocked an eyebrow at the room, and then sighed. "alright, alright, your all dismissed. be sure to come and find me as soon as you think you've answered the question correctly." with that, he waved and left the room. At the same time, all of the guys and girls stood and started to merge together. Allen, Lavi and kanda all walked over to an open wall in the room waiting for the girls to catch up in the mass of people.
"so yuu.." lavi asked more seriously "how are you going to ask alteara?" lavi almost looked nervous. Allen looked at kanda as well.
"che." kanda smirked. "im not." he crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. Allen and Lavi stared with their mouths open. "then what are you..."
"like she would ask someone else." kanda grinned smugly "watch."
the two turned in the direction kanda indicated and saw Alteara on her own, looking rather lost. She spotted kanda and was about to wave when someone grabbed her by the arm. It was a finder with short brown hair. The two exchanged a few words, and Alteara blushed. Then the guy directed her away, as she looked at him romantically.
Kanda stared with his mouth open.
"smooth yuu." lavi laughed. "way to sweep her off her feet..." Kanda growled and then stalked off in the direction of the two who had left.
Lavi turned to Allen. "yuu is such a ladies man!" he laughed. "what would he have done if she came over?"
Allen laughed. "he probably would have shot her down or something."
Behind them, the other two girls began to walk over.
Lavi put on his best impersonation of Kanda.
"math questions are so stupid." he growled "the girls should just do it themselves. Im certainly not going to do it."
Luna stopped in her tracks. Lenalee gasped, putting a hand over her mouth and looked at the girl, who seemed to be in shock. She reached to pat the girl on the shoulder, but luna turned away. She took two steps before she threw her folder onto the floor, and then ran from the room. Lenalee was about to shout at the boys when Allen turned and saw her.
'nows my chance!' allen thought. He rushed forward and grabbed lenalee by the arm. "lenalee... can i... talk with you...?"
Lenalee completely forgot what she was thinking while staring into Allens face.
"sure..." she breathed. The two dissapeared down the hall.
Lavi chuckled to himself a little more, before peering over the crowd.
to be continued!!
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Art by rnercury
Current Quest: Vagran Sea
Status: 4.1 / 14.5 Bil