A Religious Serial Killer
Would i love to meet one someday xd There are more then likly some alive now a days... but i want to meet one. Honestly my parents wonder about me. Someone can ptu a loaded gun to my head and imma giggle/laugh. a dog barks at me then i scream in fear. Trust me we know that is a proven fact...dont ask how. Another thing we knwo is that if i'm laying down on a raod and a car is comming i wont move O_o remember tabby? i love playin with death...i mock it very well at that. 3nodding Trisha by the way we should hang out some time before school start, would be nice to get to know one another better before school starts. Which reminds me, people brents party is at 2:20pm we have to be at his place at that tie, and from there we are going to go to the Peter Pipper Pizza by North Loop. If you want instructions on how to egt there call me >.< o rmy brother. lol wooooo hoooo....well i'm off i'm suppose to color my hair black again O_O nooooo!!! not fair, hopefully we dont lol ^-^ atleast not till after the party thing. By the way, its hoested by Vanny and his mom, grandparents. goo Vanny!!(his gf)