Well, as some might have already known, I tried out for the main stage production of the King and I. I went and did the singing part on wednsday, the thing that suck was that I was sick that week and couldn't sing that well but, still gave it a try. I was quite scared and terrified since I heard other people that sang so much more better than me. As I went up to sing I couldn't find the "x" and was shaking, my voice was a bit squeaky when I introduced myself and thought I was making a fool of myself. As I began to sing my choir teacher began to lip sing the words to the song and felt a bit more relifed and sang with more meaning and more emotion and in the end I went out with relife.

As of yesterday, the results where posted up and I went and checked, I had gotten a call back for monday and I'll be one of the many wives of the king blaugh . I'm excited and looking foward to see if I can pass the next part and get in it; I really want this real badly emo LOL! 4laugh