I fear a lot of things in life, one would be being left alone in this world, another being hurt emotionaly, and drowning. But out of all of these fears, the most scariest one of them all would be getting married.

Today, my mom and I went shopping for the materials for my sister, brother and mine costume. While driving to the store my mom told me that my dad told her that...
"To the woman; not all the love or not all the money"
My parents anniversary is this month and, she knows that he doesn't remember at all. I had happened to tell her while light's where still red that that was some thing I fear the most, that I will end up like my parents. I told her that both men and woman have different views in what a marrige is; some not all. But still, the vast majority hardly care. Sure they will sweet talk you and they will love you for 2 to 3 years and then, things start to get ugly. My parents argue up to the point where fist are about to fly around and I don't want that, I don't want my children to grow up with the same image that I had to grow up with. I fear this the most because I; myself am not to positive, sure I imagine myself(very blury O.< wink in that white bride's dress but, the rest from their on out our a blur. I honestly don't know, the saying that my dad has was the saying that my stepgrandpa had, so here is the question: will I end up on the same path as my mother? Will I find some one that I will for ever fight with? What would happen if my children saw their father swing a fist at me? Will my kids fear what I fear the most? Will I end up in a nightmare where I will never get out?

I don't know why I wrote this, maybe it just hit me real hard what my mom said to me in the car xp