The Kingdom of Izzlun, ruled by Kashimaru before his untimely death by the blade of a Tyran Assassin, was in Civil Disorder. Lords had left, and generals were left with no overlord, to do what they please...
Noone knows what happened to the King really...They only thing ever said of it was "Assassinated by the blade of Aliesh Kabul of Tyre". Many Generals sought to avenge their fallen King, to win the people's hearts, but this was quickly abandoned when the assailant made his escape in the neighboring Tristram province.
What really happened was, when Aliesh found Kash, he seemed to already be dead. A simple slice of the throat, just to make sure, and a hastey flight out of the Palace. Kash was, indeed, dead...But only for a moment.
Kashimaru Tetsou was one of the most desired souls by the Grim Reeper, Death. Kash had, on numerous occassions, cheated the Taker of Souls. Death now looked down upon Kash, boney smile hidden beneath shadows cast by his hood...
"Well well...Seems we have you, the infamous Kashimaru, at my disposal! You've failed to uphold your end of our little deal, my mutty friend.."
A soft sigh came from Kash, who stood before the cloaked menace, head drooping and ears sagging.
"You've got me. Nowhere for me to go..But..."
"But..?" Intruige could be heard within the whisper of the Abyssal's words...
"Yeah...But...Send me back, for a year only. Let me journey to the North, and let me please find my home." As Kash looked up at Death, he could see the humor within the..Thing's..Hood, though it was nothing but shadow. One had a feeling for these kind of things..
"What?! Hah! You're kidding! Kashy, old bud...I've wanted you her ein my court for the longest of times. Now, I have you, fair and square, knealing before me, begging to go home and find your pawents!" A sinister laughter came from the figure as it turned, making it's way towards a large oak desk.
"Then think of it as a last request then!"
"Hmm......" The creature sat back, hands revealed as they came together at the fingertips. As his ehad turned to the left, he spoke once more. "I'll give you three months, Kashimaru...That is it..."
Kash could abrely hold in the excitement. His final chance at life, to cheat his oppressing friend, Death!
"But..." With that word, much of the hope in Kash's mind faded. "You shall wear this, and you're never to remove it. If you do so, you'll appear here, ifnront of me, to stay for eternity."
The figure tossed a thin piece of leather towards Kash, which had a silver sliver hanging tightly upon it. The silver gleamed, and seemed to reflect the usual sign of Death, the skull.
"Understood..." Turning away form his old friend, Kash made his way two a small door that appeared behind him.
"One more thing..." Kash turned, watching the creature as it stood. "Stay away from Tristram, Kurast, and any other friends form your life...It is strictly forbidden." And with a final nod, Kash grabbed the knob of the door, pulling it towards him...A bright light..A pull...And then blackness...
Kashimaru_Tetsou · Sun Jul 30, 2006 @ 05:43am · 0 Comments |