Kash had spent several hours on the Highroad, passig through familiar and not-so-familiar towns. Few people had even noticed him as he passed north. Another thing he mad enote of was the masses of Wolf Demons, Elves, and Orcs flooding form the north and heading South. Strangely, there wasn't a human in sight of these hoards of deportees.
Deciding to take a little short-cut through the foothills leading into the Dragon Talon Mountains, Kash was now alone. Darkness had fallen upon the land about an hour and a half ago, and already, Kash was growing paranoid. Both Tsurugi's were drawn, and he was ready to shfit into his true form at a moment's notice...
That's when the beating of wings and the scream of a manw as heard. Kash entered a full sprint towards the scream, which turned out to come form just ahead of him. A caravan lay before Kash.
The Wagons were torn up, several on fire. Two men lay dea din the back, another six to the side, with two other forms..Draconights. On the other side, facing south, were several more bodies of men and Draconights. As Kahs rounded the line of wagons, he witnessed several of the Draconights taking flight with two women in their arms. A third Draconight turned to face Kash, his snout allowing a puff of smoke to escape his nostrils, which he cleaned right afterwords with a forked tongue...
"What have you done here?!" Kash slid his right foot back, preparing to attack the creature..
"Ssliv Ssagdith Cusssathora!!" The creature grabbed the shaft of a spear stuck into the ground and expanded it's wings. With a jump and beat of wings, it took flight. Kash growled deeply and lept into the air after it, striking at it with a Tsurugi.
The winged humanoid rolled to the left, thrusting the spear out at Kash's side, landing a direct hit. A scream came form Kash as he fell to his knees, the creature landing behind him with a mocking laughter.
"Kash Ictu ssaty kussavori!!" As his name was said, Kash stood, seeing his cloak abandoned to the ground. Now he couldn't let this...Thing...Get away alive.
Kash suddenly jumped forward, thrusting a Tsurugi into the armpit of the Draconight, a weakspot in his armor. The blow was enough for the Draconight to screech out into the night and fall to his knees. Kash turned, and struck again, this time slicing the head of the beast off.
Quickly, he made for his cloak and placed it around his shoulders. Ears perking, he heard the familiar sound of wing beats...Seven of them. He couldn't ake on seven of them alone. Falling to the ground, he planned to fake his death, removing his hand form his side to allow it to bleed openly...
When the Draconights landed, they landed next to him. One dealt a swift kick into Kash's side, knocking the air out of him. Keeping his eyes closed, and refraining from coughing, Kash did his best not to give them a hint of his life.
"Gssyph Tulupt!"
"Ssypass queisto! Kyssta gussorp! Ssysstor!!"
"SSYPHIL CINTOSS!!" The smell of smoke reached the nostrols of the wolf demon. One of the Draconights had apparantly struck the other with a fireball.
"AAAAAAAAAAAH SSYPO!!" The beat of wings could be heard once more, as three of them headed North, the other four heading West. After several moments of silence, Kash rose, taking in several breaths and working on wrapping up his wound. It was quite deep...
As he stood, he looke dWest. That wa sthe way the two Draconights carried the human women. Standing as straight as he could, Kash began to walk West.
"Curse these beasts...I hope they all rot in their hell..."
Kashimaru_Tetsou · Mon Jul 31, 2006 @ 11:17pm · 0 Comments |