Kash's eyes slowly opened as he sat up, rubbing his head. "Woah...Always hated that..." As he pushe dup from the ground, the sight below him(He had appeared on a hill) came into clear view. The last of the loyal ranks of Izzlun, and it's High Riders, were giving their last fight at Castle Toribia.
Kash's eyes widened as he reached for the hilt of his Tsurugi, but a sudden shcok from the silver sliver reminded him of why he was here...There was to be no helping his former people, his loyal subjects..His friends..Turning away from the scene of mass carnage, Kash began to walk down the opposite side of the hill.
Realizing he had no disguise, and seeing as how he was in the center of one of the largest kingdoms in the world, his first task dealt with making a disguise. He was never good at this. Fortunately, he came across the fallen form of an enemy soldier, his cloak still wrapped around his body.
"May Kaplaa bless you, good sir." With those words, Kash stripped the body of money, the cloak, and of his armor, a simple breastplate. Fortunately, none of these were stained with blood. Once he had his clothing and disguise, Kash set down the first road North...His journey begins here.
Kashimaru_Tetsou · Sun Jul 30, 2006 @ 03:24pm · 0 Comments |