I know it's been forever since I added on to this story. Sometimes it takes a while to get the gears turning, you know? Anyway, let's move on with the story.
ninja "Beware The Shadows" ninja
Ace turned his attention to the cell. Amaru did not immediatly recognize who had come to save her. She was surprised and happy when she found out it was Ace. "What happened? How did you wind up in this cell?" Ace questioned. "Well," Amaru said, as she began to blush. "I had just gotten out of the shower when this black monster appeared and grabbed me! I was lucky that I was holding my pajamas or it would have been worse!" This made Ace blush as well. "Well let's get you out of here!" Ace said, grabbing her hand and taking her back to the ship. They managed to escape the Demonyx ship, but they were hit with an EMP (electro magnetic pulse) blast that sent them spiralling into the blackness of space.
When the effects of the EMP finally wore off, the ship was entering the atmosphere of an unknown planet and was on the verge of crashing. Ace and Ed were barely able to keep the ship from landing into the water. It was nighttime, and they had stopped near an unfinished bridge. Ed then made the ship take off so he could land it in the woods. Then the camoflage was activated. Ace thought it might be good to take a look at their surroundings, so he left the ship with Ed and asked Al to keep Amaru safe.
Some time later in the woods, Ace and Ed spotted two boys. They were running up the tree and were marking the height that they reached. Ace watched very carefully as the boy in the blue shirt with the dark hair ran up the tree. Somewhere in the deepest part of Ace's mind, a new ability was unlocked.
(I should have mentioned this earlier, but Ace has an incredible sense of perception due to the radiation of the dimensional portal. this means that by watching someone perform an ability, like Ed's alchemy for instance, Ace can memorize how to do it and perform the ability in the same way. It's like the sharingan, but he cannot percieve what his opponents will do and he can't percieve their abilities if their is hostility towards him. And he also remembers how to perform the abilities later on.)
After some time, both the blonde-haired kid in orange clothes and the dark-haired kid in blue clothes made it to the tops of the trees. they then made their way down and headed off somewhere. "Do you think we should follow them?" Ace asked Ed. "I don't think we should go snooping when we don't even know where we are. Let's go back and look around in the morning." Ed replied. So they went back. By then, Amaru had found some clothes and shoes, which was better than her pajamas. the clothes look nice on her, Ace thought. He didn't know he was blushing again. "what's wrong, Ace? did I put something on wrong?" Amaru asked. Ace reassured her that there was nothing wrong with what she was wearing, and then said he was going to get some rest. he went to his room and laid on the bed. Ace passed out in minutes.
Ace had a dream. In the dream he was having a picnic with Amaru. They were enjoying themselves. Then Ace confessed his love for her. She was happy because she loved him too. They were about to kiss, when Ace woke up. He felt quite dissatisfied over how his dream ended when it was getting good. But then he noticed a presence next to him. Someone was in the bed with him, their arm draped over Ace. Ace carefully moved so as to see who it was. it was Amaru, and she was still asleep. She was also fully clothed, like Ace was, which calmed his mind. He didn't want to do something stupid. Just then Amaru awoke, and she seemed a bit startled. She explained that she couldn't find another bed, so she just got into the bed with Ace. She was blushing as bad as Ace was.
Ace and Ed went exploring the woods after they had some breakfast. They walked to a town. The town looked run down. there were many people with miserable faces and some had signs saying "will work for food". Ace happened to step into a barren shop that had few items. Feeling rather sad for the people, Ace bought some cloth. To his surprise, the cloth was of very good quality, and he had difficulties trying to tear or cut it. Ace fashioned the fabric into a cape. As Ace walked out of the shop, he happened to catch sight of a pink-haired girl. This person looks trusting, Ace thought, and approached her. He tapped the girl on the shoulder. "Excuse me..." Ace wasn't able to ask his question, for the girl immediatly turned around and tried to punch Ace in the face. Ace was able to react quickly, and put his arm in front of his face. Ace staggered a bit from the force of the punch, but then tried to ask his question again after stating that he wasn't trying to be hostile. She apologized and told him that he was in the land of the water (Ace's question was where was he). Ace then introduced himself and Ed to the girl. The girl introduced herself as Sakura.
After some time, an old man came up beside Sakura and said they had to be on their way. Ace then offered to do something for Sakura as a thanks for the info. But first, Ace asked for directions to where she was staying. The old man gave the directions, and Ace and Ed made their way back to the ship. They gathered up some of their food, and headed towards the house in which Sakura was staying With Al and Amaru following. The old man was surprised to see them, and was even more surprised at the food that they brought. Amaru went with Sakura to help prepare the food. Ace, Ed and Al sat down. Then Ace noticed that the blonde-haired kid and the dark-haired kid were there too, along with a very little boy with a hat.
Read the next installment of the story to find out more!
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