No Good.
Well, things in my life seem to have come to a rather slow grind. Days seem to take forever to pass and it doesn't seem like I really have anyone I can talk to except for a few people here and there that send me a PM every now and again. What makes this sense of a stagnant time flow even worse is that I'm even considering watching TV again. For those of you who might be reading this, yes, I've given up TV. I found that there really wasn't anything there for me and resorted to other means of entertainment. Unfortunately, I'm at the bottom of the barrel here. With few people to talk to and a drain on every other means of entertainment that I've resorted to (as well as there being at least a few more months before I start college) there doesn't seem like much else to do but sit bored or sleep. If I don't find something else (or someone else to hopefully talk to at the very least) I fear that I'll end up just sleeping my days away.
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