author: nnnngngghh...
allen: uh... what do we do? *looks at others*
lavi with an evil smirk: why dont WE do the update!!
author: NNNNEGEHGHH...
lavi: ill take that as a yes.
allen: yeah... i dont think so. So why dont we just... i dunno... call today off?
Kanda: WHAT?! I got up at four this morning getting prepared for this update and its not going to happen just because the author is INCAPACITATED!?
allen:you got up at four this morning?
lavi: you actually care?
lenalee appears: whats going on guys? why hasnt the update started yet?
Allen: something is wrong with author-chan.
lenalee: huh?
Author: bllleeeeeegggghhh......
lavi: is she sick?
Allen: maybe she's dying? or is it an akuma!?
Kanda: you thing everything is an akuma *rolls eyes*
Allen: HEY! just because i thought that garbage can might have been an akuma doesnt mean im crazy.
kanda: ... i didnt say anything like that.
Allen: ... oh.
lavi: ne ne... why dont we go find luna? shes good at translating. remember sven?
Sven appears in a puff of smoke: ALLO!!!
Lavi: *smacks with hammer*
Sven: *turns into a watermellon*
kanda: i swear that guy is MADE of crazy.
Lavi: anyway, do you guys know where she is?
group: *shakes heads no*
lenalee: but i do know where alteara-chan is.
Lavi: PERFECT! where is she?
*** moments later ***
Alteara: whats going on guys?
Kanda: dont ask me, im not involved.
Allen: ask lavi.
Lavi: i need you to help me find luna!
Alteara: oh? well i saw her a little bit ago, i think she's still in the... why do you have rope?
kanda: oi... usagi... what are you doing...
Lavi: well, luna always comes when alteara chan is in trouble... so this is the best way to call her here!
Alteara sobbing: but i just saw her in the cafeteria!
Lavi: too excited to hear you~
Kanda: you baka...
Lavi: help me or i put up posters of that picture i have of you at the chrismas party...
Kanda: im sorry alteara *pulls out duct tape*
Lenalee and Allen covering eyes: sorry, he got pictures of us too...
Lavi: muahaha.. i knew that party was excellent!
Luna pounds lavi on the head: idiot! dont mess with alteara like that.
alteara: LUNA!! *cries with happiness*
Kanda: phew.
Allen: ne, luna chan, can you help us figure out whats wrong with the author?
Author: *gurgle*
luna: ... mhmm... yeah... uhuh... oh?... yes... i understand.
Others: ...
Luna: she says shes suffering from 'summer syndrome'.
Alteara: oh no! poor girl...
Allen: summer syndrome?
Luna: thats when the author is out of school, and because her one solid meal a day has been taken away, she hardly eats anything.
Alteara: how long has it been?
Luna: ... hmm... right now... is her first solid meal in two days. *nods*
Kanda: what a whimp. Ive gone WEEKS without eating before.
Lenalee: well not everyone is a crazy samurai like you. *glares*
Allen: thats AWFUL!! i would be dead by then!
Group: *deadpan*
Alteara: so what should we do?
Luna: well, shes eating now... but it will probably be a while until shes better. So maybe we should just do our own update?
Allen: i-is that okay? i mean... w-we dont really know what were doing... Usually the author just tells us what to do...
Kanda: quit being such a baby moyashi, It wont kill you to think on your own for a change.
Allen: *glare*
Lavi recovers from concussion: i've got a good idea! why dont we do an omake! it can be about me and how super cool i am!
kanda: *rolls eyes* yeah your really super cool.
Lenalee: well, why dont we do one over a girls day out?
Alteara: lazer tag?!
Luna: no alteara... no lazer tag...
Alteara: lazer tag...
Allen: what about one on a normal day in the order?
Komoui: thats waaaay too boring.
group: ...
lenalee: nii-san? when did you get here.
Komoui: *looks around* uh... where is here exactly?
group: *sigh*
Luna: ? ... whats that author? ... oh... you dont say... *evil grin*
allen: ... i dont like that face...
Luna: komoui... can i talk to you for a second? The author wants to have a word.
komoui: im not getting written off right...?
Komoui: okay then! *skips off with the girl*
Kanda: we are in soo much trouble...
Group: nods.
Alteara: Let the omake begin!!
Allen: ah! the author asked me to point out that though she has neglected to place disclamers before, she insists that she does not own d-gray man, and pays all respects to the origional author whos name she cannot spell correctly.
Lenalee: if she did, the series would be much stranger and make much less sense!
Group: *sad nods*
Lavi: lets gooo!!!
Omake time~
"so what does he want this time?" kanda snapped as lenalee dragged him along with lavi, allen, luna, and alteara to komoui's office.
"he said he wanted to show us something... you in particular." lenalee responded, pointing at Kanda. "he said something about... helping your inner child..."
Kanda turned on his heel and imediatly started walking away. Lenalee grabbed his arm.
"no way!" she snapped. "if we all have to go, that includes you." Kanda grumbled as she pulled him along. At the wide oak doors, the group stopped for a moment. "alright" lenalee sighed "all of your say goodbye now while you still can."
The group took a moment to exchange goodbyes and hugs.
"everyone ready? good." she opened the door. Her brother, Komoui, sat quietly at his desk, covered in paper and smiling quietly.
"nii-san?" Lenalee poked her head in and looked around suspiciously, then sighed, noticing the coast was clear and moved in, the others crowding behind her. "you called?"
"ah, lenalee!" Komoui grinned brightly. "please, all of you, come in and have a seat!" he motioned to the little couch in front of him. They all looked at each other, and decided to give the girls the couch. Lavi sat on one arm rest while allen and kanda stood behind it on opposite sides. The room was silent as komoui continued to stare at them, a strange grin on his face.
"soo..." allen fidgeted nervously. Luna shifted boredly and crossed her legs, putting her chin on one fist. "can we get this over with?"
Komoui shifted slightly and the group heard a strange buzzing sound.
"oh no..." lenalee stared "CODE BLUE, hes holding something under the desk!" The group immediatly scattered, (accept luna who stayed where she was) as Komoui whipped some strange gun out from under his desk and took aim. Allen made it to the door first, but when he pulled, nothing happened.
"the doors locked!!" he cried, turning back to the group. Komoui took aim at luna and fired. The bright yellow beam shot forward and bounced off the air around her.
Luna sighed. "like i would let you shoot me that easily."
The others stared for a moment, then komoui shrugged and took aim at the others by the door. They stood, staring as if caught in headlights.
"lenalee, could you do your nii-san a favor and just move over here?" Komoui said through the scope on the barrel. "that way i wont hit you."
The others all looked at the girl, who blinked. She shrugged and moved away from the group.
"traitor!" kanda hissed. Lenalee laughed nervously 'better them than me' she thought.
Komoui grinned widly and aimed at the group again. "here we go!" he cheered, before firing. The group split up wildly, and the yellow beam smacked into the door. It rebounded and hit allen in the chest.
"allen-kun!" alteara cried as the boy dissapeared in a puff of smoke. All that was left was a pile of clothing.
"he DIED!?" lavi screamed, his one eye bugging from its socket. Komoui laughed and whirled around. "you had better be more worried about yourself!!" he fired again. Alteara cried out as the beam hit the bookshelf and rebounded, bouncing off the walls.
"dont get hit!" kanda cried, jumping as it flew under him.
"easy for you to say!" Lavi cried, ducking.
"well you could always come over here with me." luna dronned, sighing. Alteara was instantly next to her. Luna grinned at the girl, trying to look innocent.
"you traitors!" kanda snapped. "your just as bad as that-ah!" he cried out as komoui sent another beam bouncing around the room and caught him in the side. There was another puff of smoke, and all that was left was kanda's clothing.
Komoui grinned wildly, and stared at the room. All that was left were the two girls on the couch. Lavi was no where to be seen.
"this is boring." luna sighed. She stood and moved to leave, Alteara staying close. Lavi jumped up from his hiding spot under the desk and grabbed komoui's arms, trying to wressle the gun from him. Several wild shots fired off. One flew to the left and rebounded, aimed straight for Alteara. The girl ducked, suprising luna as the beam hit her in the arm.
"LUNA!" alteara cried as her friend dissapeared and a puff, her clothing stuck on the floor.
"NII-SAN!" lenalee cried as another beam hit the madman in the side. He dissapeared as well. The room was quiet accept for lavi's panting.
"l-l-luna..." alteara cried softly as she fell to her knees. She pulled the clothing pile into her arms slowly. She stopped and blinked.
The clothing pile squiggled with a small annoyed sound, then a little red head popped up, blinking with large green eyes.
"LUNA!" Alteara screamed, crushing the small child to her chest. "your so SMALL and UNBELEIVABLY CUTE!!"
"oh, no way." lavi giggled. "yuu-chan? Allen-kun? are you guys small too?"
As if on cue, two small heads popped out of the other clothing piles. One had short silver hair and big silver-blue eyes, and blinked around in confusion. The other had long dark hair and big violet eyes, glaring at the red head.
"nii-san..." lenalee stared at the small boy moving around in her brothers clothing. He blinked his deep blue eyes up at his sister.
"MY DARLING LENALEE!" he cried "you've grown so tall!!! were you always so much taller than your dear brother?!"
"he's fine." lenalee sighed.
"he wont be when i get through with him..." Kanda snapped, before he clamped a hand over his mouth. His voice had come out high and squeaky.
A high pitched giggle came from mini-allen, who stopped quickly, eyes wide at his own voice.
"ha ha~" luna laughed, climbing into alteara's lap. "your voices!" She cocked her head when the two small guys looked away, faces red. "what?"
Alteara pulled luna's jacket off the floor and wrapped it around the girl. "your clothing was all too big... so... it all fell off..."
Luna turned bright red as she stared in astonishment. Suddenly, her face scrunched and she whimpered.
"luna?" alteara looked down concerned. "oh no... its okay, its okay!" The girl stood and rocked the little red head up and down, swinging from side to side, but it was too late and the small girl started to wail loudly.
"whats wrong?!" lavi rushed over, looking at luna in the girls arms. "is she hurt?"
"i dont know, she just-" both stopped and turned when they heard another soft sniff. Allen was looking at them with big watery eyes.
"i-i d-d-dont know w-why." he sniffed. "i cant.... i cant... " he burst into tears. Lavi rushed to the boy and wrapped him in his jacket before picking him up and rocking him just like Alteara had done with luna. "whats wrong allen?" he asked softly, trying to stop the boys tears. Another soft sniff alerted the two to kanda, but unlike the other small wailing children, he was looking away, crying silently.
"oh, yuu..." lavi said softly before moving to the boy. Using his one free hand, he managed to wrap the boy in his jacket as well and pick him up. The small samurai quietly gripped onto the red-heads shirt, buring his face in his shoulder.
"nii-san, dont cry!" lenalee called rocking her brother as well. He was sniffing softly, but seemed more calm than the others. he was holding his hands over his ears as if to block out the sound.
"what are we going to do!?" Alteara cried. The children had quieted to sniffles, but were not about to let go of their caretakers. Lavi had sat on the couch, because holding two sobbing children was a bit more difficult than one.
"i dont know." he sighed. "i would say make komoui reverse the ray, but i cant tell if they are all okay, or if theyre all children..."
Lenalee sighed. "i knew today was going to be trouble..."
"okay, lets just think here for a second..." lavi sighed, closing his eyes.
"im s-sorry lavi..." allen sniffed quietly, looking up at the red-head. Lavi blinked and looked down at the two in his lap.
"you guys... okay?"
Allen nodded, but kanda stayed still, tightening his grip on the red-heads shirt. Lavi smiled softly. 'Always knew Kanda was a clingy kid.' he thought.
Lavi unfolded his arm around Allen, who slid off his lap and onto the floor. Kanda made a sound like a whine, gripping lavi tighter. "its okay." the red-head cooed. "you can get down when you want to." and sat back, wrapping his now free arm around the little samurai's back.
"ahem." The group turned to see little komoui, held in his sisters arms adjusting his now way to large glasses. "as you can see... we've all been turned into children."
He flinched out from lenalee's shoulder. "this was not my intention... and it seems like there are some... complications..."
"you can say that again..." Luna sniffed from altearas grip. "i didnt even realize i was crying until a little bit ago. It was like i just... blanked out."
"it was a relapse." Komoui said. "seems like we can be rational for the most part, but will occasionally become childish. Kanda still seems to be stuck in one." The little samurai burried his head into lavis shoulder, noticing how everyone seemed to be looking at him. Lavi giggled, and ruffled his hair.
"oh this is going to be fun..."
"what can we do?" lenalee looked down at the mini supervisor.
"i'll have to reverse the gun." komoui sighed. Lenalee let him stand on his desk as he reached for the weapon. He tried to lift it, but only managed to flop it around a bit.
"like this nii-san?" lenalee picked up the gun with ease and moved it for her brother.
"ah, thank you." the little one panted. He flipped open a pannel and looked at the wires.
"hmm..." he sighed. "this is going to take a while..."
"why's that?" Allen pipped.
"cuz i cant figure out whats what." komoui sighed. "seems im having a minor relapse..."
"are you okay?" lenalee asked, leaning in to look at her brother carefully. He nodded.
"it seems i just cant recall what is what, and how the machine is put together. Ill have to talk to Reevers..."
The group sighed. Lavi looked down at the small bundle in his arms.
"oi..." he whispered with a big grin. "yuu-chan fell asleep!" The group moved closer to take a look. He was right. The little samurai was softly holding lavi's shirt, his eyes closed and mouth slightly open. He looked almost innocent, if it hadnt been for the fact that the others knew how pissed he would be upon waking.
"what are we going to do?" alteara repeated. "these guys cant stay by themselves."
"oh yeah." luna sighed "cuz im not here to give my opinion or anything..."
"sorry luna." alteara sighed. "its just that... with the relapses and all..."
"yeah." luna sighed. "i was just thinking we should live in a tree house... so i dont blame you."
The adults stared at her silently.
"anyway" lenalee sighed. "i guess were on baby duty." Luna giggled, causing lenalee to sigh and smack her forehead. "alteara, you take luna, ill take my brother. Lavi..."
Lavi sighed, holding on to the back of allens jacket to keep the boy from running after tim into the mess of paper while trying to balance the still sleeping Kanda on his lap.
"we'll find someone to help you..."
"thanks." the bookman laughed nervously.
"who should we ask?" alteara pipped up, still unconsiously rocking luna, who looked a little seasick.
"how about bookman?" Komoui said.
"no way!" lavi cried. "That old guy is about as caring as a log! I wouldnt stick poor allen-kun with him if he were my worst enemy!"
"why allen?" lenalee asked. "why not kanda."
"well im going to take care of his little guy." lavi cooed. "this is the chance of a lifetime!"
The others sighed.
"crowley?" lenalee suggested.
"too scary."
"no allen, that would be a HUGE mistake."
"maybe we could call for cross?"
"okay, maybe not."
"well who else is there?"
"oh!" Luna pointed a small finger into the air.
"ive got the perfect idea..."
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Art by rnercury
Current Quest: Vagran Sea
Status: 4.1 / 14.5 Bil
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