holy (#*%&@ )#@*$ q#w)$* on a $)*#$ sandwich with a side of )$#%(*
hey there. sweatdrop
lol, so this is the somthing update of the... something day. yeah. since summer is boring, the only thing i really have to do to spend my time with is writing, thinking, or pretty much just putting myself into bordem induced comas. and seeing as yesterday was coma day, that means its time for an update!!
Kanda: thank god... im already tired of being small.
lavi: aww.. but your so cute yuu!
allen: can we just get on with it?
group: author-chan would still like to point out that she doesnt own d Gray man. If she did, there would be alot more puns.
"eh... EH.... EHHHHHHH!?!?!"
"N-n-now... miranda-san..." lenalee laughed nervously at the elderly woman who looked ready to run at the sight of the small children.
"B-b-b-b-b-but... l-l-l-lenalee-san..." she stared in awe. "what happened!? was it my fault?! IM SO SORRY!!!"
"calm down and let us in miranda, then we'll explain." Lavi sighed. He was looking behind them down the hallway, keeping a close eye on little kanda while little allen was in his arms. He knew asking Miranda to watch a small child was probably not the best idea, but the woman was compitant in her own... special... way. Even so, he had not expected her to be so frightened at just seeing the children. He sighed. He was probably just worn out. Half way to Miranda's room, Kanda had snapped out of his relapse and quickly informed Lavi that if he wanted to keep both of his hands, he was to be put down immediatly. At the same moment, Allen fell back into a relapse and became frightened by Kanda's threats, and so when the little samurai had been set on the floor to quietly die of embarassment a few feet behind the group, Allen had insisted to be lifted into the safty of the only open pair of arms, lavi's.
"yes, please, come in!" the girl moved to the side, letting the group enter, and sent a strange look at kanda as he quitly moved in after everyone, staring hard at the floor.
She shut the door and followed them into her room. Lavi sat on the bed along with Alteara and Lenalee, each holding a child in their arms. Kanda sat on a chair by her desk. Miranda just stood and stared.
"so... what... exactly..."
"Nii-san was playing with his experimental things again..." lenalee sighed. Miranda stared, then smiled.
"oh!" she laughed. "i see, so these ARE our friends!"
Alteara stared. "you thought they wer'nt?"
Miranda giggled, "one can never be sure of anything as an exorsict."
"true, true..." Luna nodded.
"so what can i help with?" miranda seemed much more calm now. "would you like me to alter some clothing or..."
"that would be wonderfully helpfull" lavi sighed. "but mostly, as you've probably noticed, there are three of us... and four of them... and..." he motioned down to Allen in his lap. The little boy was gripping onto Lavi's shirt, a small thumb tucked into his mouth and peeking out at Miranda shyly. "it seems that sometimes they become rather... childish... without realizing it... "
Miranda smiled softly, then walked over to lavi and knelt in front of him. Allen hid his face in Lavi's shirt.
"allen-kun~" miranda called playfully and softly. "can i hold you?"
The boy didnt respond, but nodded his head into lavi's shirt. Miranda giggled, and grabbed the boy under the arms, lifting him off Lavi's lap and onto her chest, hugging him tightly. She put one arm under him for support, freeing her other arm to playfully pat his hair. Allen looked up at her with big silver eyes filled with curiosity.
"hello!" Miranda cooed. Allen blushed and burried his face into her shoulder, peeking out a little. "my he's shy." she giggled again. Lavi could only stare. He never would have thought that miranda, the queen of clutz, the sultan of scared, would make the perfect mother. He grinned.
"so that takes care of that then." he sighed, glad to be free of a child for a moment. That was until he felt a small tug on his pant leg and looked down to see kanda, still blushing with a pout and looking away. Lavi grinned again.
"just cant get enough can you yuu?" he grinned.
"shut up." the samurai grumbled, but allowed lavi to pick him up anyway. He sighed softly, curling into the red-heads shoulder.
"so miranda" lenalee pipped in, adjusting her brother on her lap. "it would be a big help if you could keep an eye on allen-kun while nii-san tries to fix the ray gun."
Miranda nodded, if somewhat hesitantly. "ill try my best..." she said softly "but caring for a child..."
"its okay miranda-san" luna pipped up. "even though we sometimes act strange, mostly we know whats going on like normal. Allen will be able to tell you what he needs when he's able, so that will help alot."
"she's right miranda-san." Miranda was shocked to see Allen looking up at her, slightly embarassed. "ill do my best to not be a burden. Um.. if you could.. " he squiggled a little and miranda got the hint, setting the boy on the floor. He reached up and grasped the hem of her skirt in a small fist, before gasping and letting go with a blush.
"i-i-im sorry!" he cried. Miranda grinned and pat his head.
"its alright." she cooed. "i know you cant help it." Allen stared up with big silver eyes, and miranda couldnt tell if he was relapsing or just staring. She smiled back and he smiled too.
"miranda-san you're a natural!" Alteara cried. "did you ever have children?"
"oh goodness no!" Miranda cried, "but occasionally i would keep an eye on my neighbors children. They never really liked my much though..."
The room was quiet for a moment, until a loud rumble was heard.
"MONSTER!" komoui shrieked, hiding in his sisters shirt. Alteara felt luna tense on her lap and quickly pulled the girl into a hug.
"what was that?" Lavi asked, looking around.
"why not ask that stupid bean-sprout" mini kanda sneered at the blushing boy on the floor.
"sorry." he laughed. "i guess im hungry..."
Miranda laughed, then picked the boy up. "shall we go pay a visit to jerry-san then?"
"yeah!" the boy cheered.
"im hungry too!" luna cried, pulling on Alteara's hair.
"ow!" Alteara cried, her eyes tearing from the force.
"ah! sorry!" luna quickly let go, her hand snapping back to her body like a rubber band. "i didnt mean..."
"its okay." alteara said quickly. "i know you couldnt help it." Alteara smiled, but luna still looked concerned.
"why dont we all go for dinner." Lavi said. "it will be easier to care for you guys in a group!" lavi bounced kanda on his knee. The boy erupted into giggles, causing all of the others to look at him, confused. He gasped, then hid in Lavi's shirt.
"alright alright." lenalee laughed, standing with her brother. "lets just go."
"what have we here?!" jerry cried as he stared at the small silver haired boy peeping into his window. The woman behind him was holding him so that he could face forward, seeing as he was too short to make it to the window on his own.
"jerry-san!" the boy chirped "its me!"
"ah!" the effeminate man stared in shock for a moment before leaning into the boys face. "ALLEN-KUN?!"
The silver haired boy nodded for all he was worth.
"ah... komoui san must have gotten crazy with his toys again..." as he spoke, jerry swung around a ladle for emphasis. Something caught his eye and he leaned out the window to see the three other children all waiting in line.
"so CUTE!!" he cried "allen sweety, you just name whatever you want and uncle jerry will make it for you!"
Allen seemed to become shy suddenly, leaning back into miranda and looking up at her for help.
"whats the matter dear?" jerry asked, cocking his head.
"ah, he can be rather... shy..." miranda smiled. "allen-kun" she leaned her head next to the boy. "tell jerry san what you would like to eat."
Alen looked up with big innocent eyes. "um.. maybe... some bread?" his voice was small, and Jerry looked at him, confused. "is that all dear? you dont want anything else?" Allen shook his head forcefully, and Jerry and Miranda just exchanged shrugs. She took Allen to go sit as Lenalee and komoui moved up in line. At the table, Miranda sat next to Allen, who was looking slightly uncomfortable.
"whats wrong Allen-kun?" Miranda smiled and leaned over the boy, petting him softly. He jumped and seemed to stare at her in amazement. "aren't you hungry? Usually you have such a ... healthy... appetite."
Allen shook his head forcefully. "no thanks.." he said softly.
"NII-SAN! Stop squirming around so much!!" The pair were interupted by the shouts of Lenalee who was trying to hold onto her brother who was squirming around violently.
"but leeenaleeeee" he whined. "i dont wanna be carried! Put me down! DOWN!"
The girl sighed, exasperated, and put her brother on the floor. He preceded to run toward the door, only to be stopped by a very angry (and very cute) mini kanda, scowling and blocking his only escape.
"no way Komoui." the boy snapped. "who knows WHAT trouble you'll cause like this..." Lenalee caught up and scooped up her brother again.
"Nii-san that was VERY bad!" she scolded, smacking the boy lightly on his bum. Komoui looked at his sister like she had just announced his death, his eyes welling with tears.
"no.. wait.. nii-san i didnt-" but she was cut off by his wails. The room fell silent, as the finders and members of the science department watched lenalee try to comfort her brother. Suprisingly, Komoui started to wriggle out of her grasp, and when she put him on the floor, he ran through the tables, stopping at his goal and latching onto the leg he had been looking for. A very suprised Reevers looked down at his small chief, sobbing up at him with big blue eyes.
"im so sorry Reevers!" lenalee cried when she caught up, but to her suprise, the man reached down and lifted komoui into his lap, bouncing him about abit.
"now cheif." he said in a slightly playful voice. "are you causing trouble for your sister again!?"
Komoui sniffed lightly, but his crying had deffinitly stopped.
"you know she only wants you to stay safe right?" he looked at the little boy in his grasp. "this place is dangerous for little kids. Even if they are the head supervisor."
Komoui fisted his eyes before looking up at his sister.
"sorry nee-san..." he said softly, unable to look the girl in the face. Reevers handed the boy over to his sister who hugged him gently. "its okay nii-san." she cooed. "and its not nee-san, its imouto! Im your little sister!"
"not anymore." Reevers sighed. "care to explain?"
Lenalee nodded and guided him over to the table where the group of children were sitting. Luna was trying to get a large fork into her little hand and having trouble holding it steady. Alteara laughed and grabbed it over her hand, helping her guide it into her mouth. Kanda was eating quietly, but it was obvious he was having a relapse because he was eating in lavi's lap. Miranda and Allen seemed to be having the best luck as Miranda pulled the bread into small pieces and popped them into Allens waiting mouth. The boy seemed much happier now. Lenalee sat, setting her brother next to her and helped him start to eat on his own. While they worked, lenalee explained the problem to Reevers.
"I see." the science member said "well that makes a little more sense. But its really not good that the head of the main branch is incapacitated. He probably did this just to get out of work..." He sighed, running a hand through his hair.
"m-miranda.." The woman was suprised at the little voice, but looked down to see Allen tugging at her sleeve. "um..." his stomach growled again.
"your still hungry?" she asked. He shook his head roughly, but his stomach growled once more.
"allen." miranda looked at the boy softly. "its okay to be hungry. Just say so and ill get you whatever you want." The boy looked down at his lap.
"i have nothing to give you..." he said softly, flinching away from the woman. Miranda stared at him confused. "well thats fine." she said. "i dont want anything back. Why would i...?" she stopped for a minuet and looked at the boy. Not asking for food because he didnt have any payment...? She gasped at her revelation, then looked at the boy with new determination.
"you know what?" she said to the boy. He looked at her sadly. "there is something i want from you."
"but i dont..."
"i want you to smile." She smiled softly at his confused expression.
"in return for food, i get a smile. So when your hungry, and you want more, just smile okay?"
The boy looked at her with big silver eyes.
"are you still hungry?"
He blinked, then smiled and nodded. "y-yeah..."
"alright!" miranda grinned back. "so now that you've payed, what do you want? You can pick ANYTHING!" to emphasize her point, she waved her arms in a big circle.
"anything?" the boy stared in awe.
"yup!" miranda grinned.
"so um.. what about... pancakes?" Allen looked skeptical but Miranda just smiled.
"ill go get them!" she cheered, before flashing a smile and wandering off. Allen stared after her in amazement, before looking around the table. All of the others were eating happily, some asking for seconds, and talking livley. Was it okay to be happy here? He caught the gaze of the red-head with an eye patch, who had watched the whole exchange. He smiled and nodded at the little boy, who blushed and tried to hide. Lavi laughed, causing Allen to smile a little. Suddenly the little boy blinked, then laughed at Lavi.
"guess i spaced didn't i?" allen laughed out loud, rubbing a hand on the back of his head. He looked in front of him for food, but when he didnt see any he frowned. Lavi grinned like the cheshire cat.
"hey, lavi,"
"miranda's on it."
And like magic, Miranda appeared with a big stack of pancakes, causing Allens mouth to water like crazy. He grabbed a big fork and tried to stab the stack, but his arm was too weak to break them up. Miranda laughed and took the silverware, cutting of a nice sized chunk and holding it out for allen, who ate it off the fork with a blush.
"miranda-san... you dont have to..."
"but it feels nice." she laughed with a hand over her mouth. "i feel like a mother. I just want to spoil you!" She gripped him in a tight hug. Allen laughed.
"okay, but can you spoil me AFTER i finish the pancakes? im starved!" Miranda laughed and released him, grabbing another fork full of the fluffy substance for the boy.
Lavi grinned, then looked down to check on the progress of his own charge. Kanda was still eating quietly, silently fumbleing with the fork. After the third time he dropped it, he made a little displeased sound and put his hands down, looking sadly at the table. Lavi caught him glancing sadly at the others, who were all helping their charges eat. Kanda felt a tug at his chest. 'no!' he though, 'there is no way that i want... that i need...' he sighed a broken sigh resigning to defeat. If he asked for help, his image would be ruined, but he couldnt do it on his own...
"open up, yuu!"
Kanda snapped out of his revery to see a fork held in front of him holding a small amound of the soba he had been trying to eat. He blinked at it for a moment before opening his mouth. Only when he had swallowed his food did he realize what was happening. 'that stupid red-head' he though, taking another bite of the fork he was holding, 'i never asked for your help.' But as he continued to eat of the fork held by his friend, he couldnt stop himself from smiling.
Once the group had finished eating, the plates were cleared and the floor was open for discussion.
"so will they each be staying in our rooms?" Miranda asked politly, holding Allen in her lap. The boy had gotten tired quickly along with all of the others. Lavi had figured that the fatigue was from the overly exciting day of turning into children, along with the stress of relapses. So Miranda held Allen against her chest and his head rested on her shoulder, big silver eyes blinking owlishly and getting slower and slower each moment as if he was struggleing to stay awake. She rocked him gently, which lavi couldnt tell if he was loving it or trying to fight it. Probably a little of both.
He held Kanda in kind of the same way and the little samurai was latched onto Lavi's shirt, having fallen straight into another relapse after eating. His thumb was inching ever closer to his mouth, but lavi could tell he was trying to fight it in his barley consious state. Luna was already fast asleep on alteara's lap. Komoui seemed to be the only one still awake, as he picked at what was left of his meal with an overly large fork.
"yeah, is that okay?" lenalee said back to the woman.
"yeah." she nodded. "i was just wondering about where this little guy should sleep..."
"i'd be more worried about what he's going to wear." lavi sighed. "they can't keep these fake jacket wraps on forever. Sooner or later one of them is going to lapse and start running around nude and i DO NOT want to be there when they recover."
Alteara burst into a fit of giggles, hugging the girl in front of her.
"what?" lavi asked, looking curious.
"nothing!" alteara quieted really quickly and looked as if she was trying not to laugh.
"ok then..."
"why dont we all go get settled in, and ill see if i cant get the science department to find some smaller clothes." lenalee motioned to her brother who had fallen face first onto the table, fast asleep. The others nodded, carrying their sleeping bundles back to their rooms.
"are you alright?"
Alteara looked at the girl in her arms. Her small frame was tense and her green eyes penetrating.
"fine." she panted. "just... tired."
"tell me next time okay?" Alteara looked at her sadly. "ill take you somewhere quiet so you wont have to fight so hard."
The little girl shook her head into the blonde's shoulder.
"just... tired."
Alteara sighed, closing the door to their room. Luna was fast asleep now, so she placed her gently on her purple and gold bed, closing the mesh curtains, and moved over to her own. She took one last look at the small girls form before laying down to sleep.
"nii-san, what are you doing?" Lenalee turned around from making the small bed for the third time to see her brother standing in the doorway of her room, but not moving.
"this is nee-san's room" he said quietly, looking at the floor. "im not supposed to come in."
"but i invited you!" lenalee sighed, fluffing down a blanket.
"im not supposed to come in." he said again, backing into the hallway.
"who said?" lenalee huffed, standing up and putting her fists to her hips.
"kaa-san (mother)."
Lenalee blinked at the boy before giving him a sad smile. She moved to hug him.
"nee-san... where is kaa-san?" She stopped in her tracks. Komoui looked at her sadly, and she could see the tears in his eyes. "why are we here? What is this place? Where are Kaa-san and Dou-san (father)?!" He cried quietly, fists clenching at his sides. Lenalee stared at him, her own tears gliding silently down her face.
"Nii-san... you know they're not... they can't..." She sobbed.
Komoui blinked suddenly, looking confused, then gasped at his sister, trying to hide her tears behind her hands.
"lenalee!" he cried, rushing to her side. "what... what happened?! Did I, was it something i..."
She sniffed and shook her head. Reaching down, she pulled the small boy into her lap, knealing on the floor.
"nii-san." she sniffed. "i... i dont like you like this..."
He stayed quiet and let her hug him as he gently pat her shoulder.
"change back soon okay?"
"Alright Allen-kun!" Miranda chirped happily when they reached her room. She lit the lamp by her bed, illuminating the room in a warm golden glow. Unlike most of the others rooms, Miranda had decorated her's to look more cozy, so there was a rug and curtains and more furniture than most. She set the sleepy boy down on her bed as she began to rummage through her shirts for something for the boy to wear. He fisted his eyes and blinked around sleepily.
"hmm..." she sighed, pulling a plain white shirt "what about this one?" She held it out for allen, who looked at it as if it were about to bite him. He shook his head violently.
"okay... how about this one?" she held up a black shirt. Allen made a small whimper sound and shook his head again.
"do you want to stay in that jacket?" Miranda sighed. To her suprise, the boy nodded quickly. She cocked her head at him. "why? That cant be..." she watched as his right arm came up to hug his left to his chest tightly. "whats wrong?" she moved over to his side and knelt in front of him. "are you hurt somewhere?"
Allen whimpered a little louder this time, shaking his head and trying to move away from the woman.
"just let me see." she said softly reaching out to reveal his arm.
"NO!" Allen screamed, trying to push the womans prying hands away with his own small hands. "DONT LOOK!"
Miranda stopped and stared at the boy. He was panting horribly and crouched so that his left arm was as far away from her as possible. "allen..." she said softly. "how am i supposed to know your okay if i cant check?"
"dont look..." the boy sniffed pathetically. "i dont want you to be angry. I dont want you to.. g-go away."
"why would i go away?" Miranda asked softly. As she spoke, she sat on the bed and slowly moved closer to the boy, pulling him toward her for a hug. "im not going anywhere and neither are you. Its late at night and we both have a habit of getting lost." she giggled quietly. She moved him next to her and slowly pulled his arm from its makeshift sleeve. Allen became rigid, but stayed silent. Miranda looked the arm up and down.
She had never had the chance to really see Allens arm up close before, so she wasnt really sure what she was looking for, but she felt around, gently bending the limb at the joints and watching Allens face for any signs of discomfort. The boy stared straight into the floor, acting as if she wasnt even present.
"i dont see anything wrong..." miranda said at last, cocking her head at Allen. "could you show me where it hurt?"
Allen turned and looked at her as if her head had just turned into a pumpkin.
"your not... mad?" he said softly. Miranda laughed.
"what would i be mad about? im not happy that you were hurt and didnt say anything, but im not mad."
"ah..." Allens mood seemed to dampen. "but im not hurt." he said sadly. "this is... how it always looks."
Then it dawned on her. He was scared that she would leave when she saw his arm. 'His parents...'
Miranda smiled at the boy, then brought his hand up to her lips, gently kissing the back of it right over the strange cross shape. Allen gasped, his eyes wide. Miranda giggled. "I know." she said. "i know that your arm always looks like this. I think its beautiful. You're very special, Allen Walker."
The little boy cried silently, tears flowing in streams as he tried to clear them away with one hand, leaving the other limp in Miranda's grasp. She pulled him into a hug, whiping away his sorrow.
"lets go to sleep shall we?" she asked lightly. "you can stay with me tonight, and tomorrow we'll see about getting you your own bed."
She pulled back the covers on her bed and laid down, still hugging the little boy tightly. She sighed as she clicked the lamp off.
"good night Allen-Kun" she said softly, pecking a kiss on his cheek.
The darkness of the room was cooling and soft, as if he was being embraced by sleep itself. Allen sighed softly.
"good night Miranda-san" he said just loudly enough for himself to hear. "and thank you."
Kanda was unhappy. He crossed his arms and sighed for the fifth time as he lay in his makeshift bed in the bookman's room. Sure the bed was comfortable, and he was in clothes that somewhat fit him to the point where he wouldnt complain anymore, but that wasnt the issue. The main problem was...
it was dark.
Kanda sighed again. Usually he wouldnt have cared about the dark, but when he was younger, he remembered the light of the moon or the sound of the crickets outside of his home lulling him to sleep at night. But now it this small windowless room, all he had was complete darkness. Even the extremely light breathing of the bookman wasnt enough to comfort him. And what he assumed to be a minor relapse just wouldnt let him fall asleep and kept him on edge in this void of sound. He stared at the ceiling. He couldnt even see it. It was so dark he doubted that he would see his hand if he held it up. Suddenly that thought unnerved him. What if something was in that darkness? Something so quiet and deadly that he wouldnt notice?
Kanda sat up, looking through the black room and seeing nothing. He lay down again only to realize that he was now wide awake. His little body was shivering uncontrollably.
'this night is going to suck.'
woo~ alright. so i realize i have some explaining to do seeing as i havent been doing explanatory author notes recently and yeah. okay. So this is the new omake! i know, i know, the last one turned into a HUGE story and your probably thinking "now author-chan, are you going to go overboard again?" and the answer is... no. not really. At least i hope not. *sigh* I should finish this in TWO more updates. Sure theyre going to be huge, but i like to write and have nothing to do. Bite me.
From now on, ill probably be updating ALOT. so try to keep up dearies! Mostly im just writing this for the heck of it, so dont be suprised if you pop up and there are like 3 new HUGE updates. yah. So anyway,
About this story:
Four of the gang have become children! *gasp!* This is supposed to be kinda funny, but mostly im just going into some of the past reactions of the main characters. So you'll see the little "relapses" where the kids return to the midset of their age. So seeing as im imagining them around 5/6, you would have to realize that at that point, Allen was abandoned on the streets, Kanda wasnt a jerk just yet, Luna, well, you'll see, and komoui was at home with his parents and baby sister. So when the relapses get pretty bad, they change to this mindset, hence, allen is scared, Kanda's needy, Komoui's rather confused, and luna, well, you'll see wink
I added Miranda to this story because i can just see Miranda as being the best mother out of the group! Plus i have some cute moments saved up between her and kid allen! heart Of course its just a mother/child thing, nothing more. *nods* Ah.. be prepared for angst. This IS their childhoods were talking about, and as im sure you all know, most main characters in stories have traumatic pasts. Its just a rule of thumb. It creates plot. So yeah. Next time... A giant monster!! and maybe a game or two? whee
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Art by rnercury
Current Quest: Vagran Sea
Status: 4.1 / 14.5 Bil
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