Author: guess what everybody...?
Kanda: Oh my god your alive. o_o
Allen: seriously author-chan... we thought you were dead... and we kinda...
Author: hey... is that... a TOMB STONE?!
Group: aha... sweatdrop
Lenalee: you were gone for so long!
Author: you BURIED me!?
Lavi: now author-chan... sweety...
Kanda: oops? *snickers*
Lavi: shut up Yuu!
Author: hold on me! *brandishes shovel* I'm coming!
Lenalee: isnt that grave empty?
Allen: actually...
Author: *digs* <c***k!> *opens* ... what the... CHOUJI!?
Lenalee: omg put it back!!
Allen: someone shut it quick!
Author: im too scared!!
Alteara: *walks in* hey guy-WHAT THE SWEET MOTHER IS THAT!?
Chouji: oh hey-
Lavi: *slams coffin shut* Bury it now! i dont care if im still on it, ill save youuuu!
Group: *buries*
Author: laviiii!!! *cries*
Lavi: yeah?
Author: ... how did you get out?
Lavi: um... you only buried me up to my waist... so... i just kinda...
Kanda: what the frig, get back in there then. If im going to bury you im doing it properly!! *points at hole*
Alteara *brandishes spray bottle* NO! bad kanda! *sprays*
Kanda *hiss!*
Lenalee: sometimes i swear im the only sane one here...
Allen: then do i need to point out your doujinshis?
Lenalee: we can have SHARE TIME!! *squee!*
Allen: plan backfired! everyone run!
Group: *scatters*
Author: well, since im running, why not do a disclaimer.
Kanda: yeah.. cuz that has any relation. *rolls eyes*
Author: shut up and run faster.
kanda: and how did you get on my shoulders by the way?
Author: through the power of grey skull!
Lavi: hear hear!!
Kanda: idiots...
Author: who should do the honors?
Alteara: oh oh, let me~
Author: of course!
Alteara: Author-chan does not own d-gray man. If she did... well... chouji would have been eaten by tiki... slowly... Why must i read your nasty lines?!
Author: just cuz. *shrugs*
Alteara: *nervous laugh*
Author: on with the show, which i think everyone will enjoy!!
Omake time!
Sven part deux XD
"geeze... why is it always so boring when no one is here?" Lavi moaned, laying over the edge of the wooden cafeteria table.
"be thankful" luna smiled over her cup of steaming hot chocolate. "A dull moment means nothing is going wrong."
"but it also means nothing is HAPPENING." lavi rolled over so he was on his back, staring at the now upside-down redhead. "where is everyone anyway?"
"they went on a misson." Luna shrugged. Kanda and Allen make a pretty feirce team, lenalee keeps them in line, and Alteara... why did she go again?"
"Pfft..." lavi started to snort "she probably was tailing her beloved Yuu-chan again..."
"Now thats not nice." luna said chidingly, placing her cup on lavi's face. The boy jerked from the heat, sending the cup spinning through the air and onto the floor with a small 'crack'.
Both of them went ridged, staring at the cup, before they whipped around to see Jerry pointing at them with a ladle.
"That was one of my best cup's sweeties!" He cried, swaying his hips in agony.
"Ah... sorry Jerry-san." Lavi righted himself before bowing slightly, along with luna.
"It was my fault." the girl said. "i'll be sure to replace it."
"Hmm... that gives me a good idea." Jerry placed his ladle on the side of his face with a soft 'thunk'. "i've been meaning to get some new silverware and such... Will you little'uns do me a big favor?"
Luna opened her mouth to repond, when lavi jumped forward.
"Will do! I've been itching to get out of here!" He hopped around, dragging luna up from her seat.
"What do you need Jerry-san?" the girl asked politly.
"my cousin runs a platter buisness... so i get all of my wonderful plates and utensils from him. Would you mind running down to his store here," He wrote an adress on a little piece of paper, sticking out his tounge to the side, "and picking up the 'regular shipment' for me?"
"Sure thing!" Lavi chirped, grabbing luna's hand and rushing out of the cafeteria.
"Be careful!" Jerry shouted back at them. "He has weird employees!"
"He said 'weird employees..."
"Row Row Row your boat..."
"What could he have meant?"
"Gently down the stream..."
"Are you even listening to me?"
"Merrily merrily merrily merrily..."
*anger tic*
"Live is but a dre-AUGH~"
"yeah, and you can just dream yourself all the way out of this canal." luna laughed as she stood up and picked up the guiding stick lavi had dropped when she had so innocently shoved him out of the 'gondola' as they were now affectionitly named.
"im sure it was nothing." Lavi spluttered. Luna shifted lightly, keeping her balance as a dripping lavi climbed back into the boat as if he wasn't sopping wet.
"That just... makes me uneasy... i mean... the last time..."
"I though we promised never to think of that again?"
Luna shuddered.
"Right, you're right. It's nothing."
"I have... a REALLY bad feeling about this."
The pair stood in awe on the side of the street, staring at a very large... apple shaped building.
"Okay, see you later." luna waved at lavi as she turned to leave, only to be grabbed by the cuff of her shirt.
"Oi oi there missy." lavi laughed. "Im sure it's nothing. If its Jerry's cousin... i would just be glad its not shaped like a-"
"Let's not go there." luna glared at the bookman, who snapped his mouth shut.
The pair took a step, only to have their paths crossed by something that looked like a dying mailbox.
No wait... it was a mailbox, futilly pulling its stumpy self with flaps of its metal mouth, slowly dragging itself across the ground with horrible screeches of metal and concreat.
After around 10 minutes, it had passed the pair and turned a corner.
"i didnt see it if you didnt."
"See what?"
"Thats what i thought."
And the two entered the building.
Only to be assaulted by flamingos.
"What the heck!?" lavi cried as he flailed his hands about in a desperate attempt to keep the birds off of him.
"Luna run! They've got my hair!"
"I'll hold them off!"
"You can't beat me Mr. Flamingo!"
The red head stopped in his flailing to look at his counterpart.
"They're fake." she deadpanned. Lavi blinked for a moment, only to realize that the flamingos were in fact plastic, covered in feathers, and for some odd reason, held from the ceiling with strings, so that they were right at shoulder level, blocking off all sight of anything else.
"...Right..." lavi laughed, before he grabbed luna's hand and crouched onto the floor. Luna followed. Now that they were safely below the sea of pink, they stared. It was a restarant.
In 1/8th scale.
"What is this, Mouse-ville?" luna gawked at the tiny little pieces of furniture and models.
"Hey hey, luna-chan... look at this!"
lavi gaped in awe as he held up something small, dark, and oddly enough, screaming profanities.
("If you dont %&*@)(# put me down right #)$*($* now, I swear to god ill-" wink
"mummdof eofsfi endosdnf-"
"is it talking?" Lavi stared, holding it up.
"Hey... doesn't that look like..."
("So that even your %&$*@ MOTHER will feel it!-" wink
"Oh my gosh... it looks like Yuu-chan~!" Lavi squeeled, dropping the little figure into the palm of his hand. The figure immediatly pulled something from it's waist and stabbed Lavi in the hand.
"OUCH!" he cried, dropping the mini-kanda, who landed smoothly on his feet. "Yuu-chan, that was mean!"
"Lavi... look!" Luna cried, pointing to a booth in the restaurant where three other figures sat, waving and gesturing and shouting as loudly as their little lungs would carry.
"Is that the others?" Lavi leaned down again, to try and see them better. Luna leaned in as well.
Suddenly, the small figures became frantic, and even kanda was pointing up at something. Both red-heads froze when they heard something ominous behind them.
"You be vanting ze velcome ya?"
Luna whipped around just in time to be smacked in the head. Her final thoughts before blacking out were...
"Did he just hit me with a flamingo...?"
Everything felt kinda foggy, and lavi adjusted his postition slightly, buring his burning face into the cool table beneith him. He heard harsh voices around him, and hoped that they wouldn't notice his conciousness, so he could rest a bit more. Man, his head was pounding.
"Idiots... i TOLD them to get away!"
"It's more like you told them where they could go shove a flamingo."
"But they didn't listen to me anyway, now did they, beansprout?!"
"Well maybe if you had been more focused on warning them instead of threatening, then they could have escaped!"
"Shush! I think Lavi's waking up."
Well, that decided it. The red head groggily lifted his face from the table, finally regestering it's white color. He looked around, blinking heavily at those around him. Luna was to his left in the booth, squished in between him and the wall, face down on the table. To his right, on the end, was Allen. Across from Allen was lenalee, blocking in Alteara across from him, and Kanda on the inside, across from luna. He was getting a mixed range of faces, from fury to concern, and strangly enough, all of them held sympathy.
Which was really freaking him out from Kanda.
"Okay... what happened?" Lavi rasped, pushing his palm against his forehead. "And why does it feel like i got run over by a semi... twice?"
"Those plastic flamingo's really pack a punch..." allen laughed nervously.
"Flamingos...?" Lavi's eyes narrowed, before widening and jerking up toward the ceiling. Up above him was a massive expance of pink. He sat up in the bench, looking around, only to realize that everything was MASSIVE!
"Oh my god..." he stared.
"Now look... its not as bad as it seems.." lenalee said softly.
"AWESOME!" Lavi shrieked, hopping back down into his seat and bouncing lightly, humming a tune.
The other's deadpanned.
"Is luna alright?" Alteara asked, timidly looking at her friend who was still face down on the table.
"Let me check." Lavi grinned. He leaned in close to luna's face, and whispered something in her ear.
The reply was a muffled "Mmph."
"Well, she's definitly alive." lavi grinned, before he leaned down and whispered something else.
Suddenly the girl started snorting into the table before she sat up and smacked lavi in the shoulder with a slighly peeved, and slightly puffed face.
"That's not funny." she chided.
Lavi just grinned. "So where are we, and whats the situation." Lavi demanded, looking, strangly enough of all people, at Kanda.
The samurai crossed his arms, closing his eyes.
"You got ambushed by that crazy waiter freak, beat to unconsiousness by a pink flamingo, shrunk to tiny, and trapped in a booth."
Lavi stared for a minute.
"say 'shrunk to tiny again.'!" he cheered. A vein popped on Kanda's head.
"How about i teach you how to beg for your life rabbit!" Kanda seethed, pulling mugen from its sheath at the small table.
"Careful!" Lenalee snapped. "It's cramped quarters here!"
"Do we at least get food?" Allen whined.
"You be vanting of ze order ya?"
"That would be great, ill have a-eeeeeeeeeee!" Allen shrieked, trying to bury himself behind lavi. The others at the table all stared, wide eyed at the man standing at the edge of their table. Blue overall's... curly hair... weird accent...
They jumped and turned to see luna, face down on the table again.
"She's going to give herself a concussion..." Allen stared.
"You be vanting ze con-cuisse?"
"NO!" luna screamed, jumping up and waving her hands. "Nononnononon!"
"I be of ze getting it for you, ya?" Sven grinned happily, before wandering off in a "z" pattern.
"OH my god, oh my god, ohhhhhh my god!" luna began freaking out, twisting and turning in her seat, looking for a way out.
"What? what? what is it!?" Alteara cried, trying to find the source of distress for her friend.
"No! i have to get out of here!" Luna whimpered, pushing against lavi.
"Now calm down a sec." lavi snapped, holding the girl by the arms. "What is wrong? We need to know these things! I dont want to be eaten by a shark!!"
The group stared, then shrugged. When sven was involved, it was perfectly logical.
Luna gasped for a few more moments, working through her panic attack, before she sat still.
"Con-con... that word..."
"Concussion?" lenalee quirked her head.
"DONT SAY IT!" luna snapped, waving her hands around.
"Idiot, just tell us what's going to happen." kanda snapped.
Luna glared, then turned back to the table. "That order... is for... is for... IS FOR... "
The group leaned in. "Is for...?"
"is for... " luna whispered.
"Iz for ze con-cuisse ya!?" Sven cheered, hanging down from the ceiling lamp and lowering a covered platter in front of allen. Then he slithered up the light rope like a snake, until he vanished from sight.
"Oh dear.." lenalee said, looking up where the man had left from.
Allen was staring at the platter in front of him as if it were going to kill him. He smooshed himself back against the seat, and lavi was leaning away, blocking luna. Even the others were farther back, and kanda had one arm out, the other on mugen, ready to draw.
"what is it ninjin. Spit it out." he snapped, eyes never leaving the platter.
"it's... it's..." Luna gulped.
"bell peppers..."
"You are an idiot." kanda snapped, resheathing mugen. The others seemed to enjoy a breath of releif while allen stared at the platter hungerly. His hand reached out. Luna shoved her hands on her ears.
"No, wait, dont-"
A loud screaching filled the area.
"WHAT THE #$** IS THAT?!" kanda snapped, shoving his hands on his ears. The rest of the group followed suit.
"HEY, THE PLATE!" lavi motioned with his head. On it was a single pepper, looking kind of like a bell pepper, only it was purple. And loud. Very very loud.
The screaching suddenly died down. Lenalee sighed, dropping her hands. "Oh thank goodness."
"Not yet." luna snapped, keeping her hands up as another sound began. It was a school bell, screaching and ringing continuously loud. Lenalee groaned, covering her ears again.
"WHAT DO WE DO?!" Alteara cried to luna.
Lavi leaned in. "YOUR RIGHT, YUU-CHAN DOES HAVE GIRL HAIR!" he laughed.
Luna turned to Alteara.
Kanda smacked himself in the face, while lavi laughed. He leaned over, getting luna's attention, then motioning to the pepper. She nodded, then, unbracing one ear, quickly grabbed the pepper and pulled the stem out. Immediatly it was silent, and the pepper deflated.
"OH MY GOD THAT WAS LOUD!" lenalee screamed.
"I KNOW!" Allen screamed back, wincing.
"You guys are ridiculous." kanda snapped, grabbing the pepper from luna and throwing it as far away as possible.
"Oh good. You already knew about that." Luna grinned.
"Knew about wha-"
He was cut off by a massive blast, as the pepper carcus exploded in a firey ball. The others all stared, jaws slacked, while luna sat folding her napkin into a duck.
"so how did you guys get here anyway?" Luna sighed. Lenalee shook herself out of her stunned state before answering.
"Nii-san sent us on a mission to find innocence in this town. We thought this building looked suspicious, so we came in, got ambushed, and have been here ever since."
"how long was that?" Luna stared.
"About five minutes before you came in." Allen shrugged.
"What?!" lavi gaped, "But you guys have been gone for like... ever!"
"We left this morning Baka-usagi!" kanda snapped.
Lavi blinked. "oh yeah..."
"By the way..." luna pointed lazily with a fork at Alteara. "What was with that mailbox?"
The other's froze as Lenalee and Kanda leaned away from the darkened aura surrounding the girl. She smiled innocently.
"I gave it what it deserved." She grinned. Lavi could swear that his water froze over.
"Right." luna sighed. "And what have i told you about attacking mailboxes?"
"But it was EVIL!" Alteara snaped.
"Remind me never to dress as a mailbox for halloween..." Lavi stared.
The group jumped at a sudden loud hiss, as fog began erupting from beneath their seats. The lights darkened, and strobes began playing, as a song started blasting.
"Do you guys hear that?" Allen looked around the massive expanse of ceiling.
"Is that... Star Wars Theme music?" Alteara cocked her head, peeking under the table. She suddenly screamed, climbing up onto her chair. The table suddenly flipped over, revealing a man in a dark mask, strapped to a hospita like underside, slowly lifting up so the man was standing. The straps unhitched and he stepped forward, his breath coming through his black mask with loud puffs.
"I vaz ze knowing you vould be of ze showing up vader!"
The group turned to see sven, decked out in a lime green cape and holding a polkadotted lightsaber. The man dubbed 'Vader' took an ominous step forward, brandishing a dark red lightsaber.
"I am your father." The man growled in a low voice.
"Bringing of ze it!" Sven yelled, before rushing at the man head on. Sparks flew as the sabers clashed in mid air, sending colored light dancing around the two stony eyed adversaries.
"You will fall, to the dark side." Vader said calmly, bringing his saber around with a *vree*. It smashed into svens, sending the man back a few inches.
"BEING OF ZE NEVER!" Sven yelled, pushing back. Darth vader gasped as he stepped back, overwhelmed.
"The force... is strong with this one..." he cried, before sven whipped his saber back and plunged it through the dark man's chest, causing him to explode in a puff of glitter and flowers.
Sven was left panting, and pulled his saber back in. The lights came back up and he waved away at the fog as he turned to the table of shocked teens.
"You be needing of ze anyzing?" he smiled.
They shook their heads.
"Okey of ze dokey zen!"
He walked forward, turned himself around, strapped himself into the bed, and smiled and waved as it leaned back and flipped over, revealing the table in all of its original glory. Lavi stared and polked at his glass of water, still just as full as it was. Lenalee slowly leaned under the table.
"The lord of the server's still there?" Luna mumbled.
"..." lenalee sat back up, and shook her head 'no'.
"That's what i thought." Luna shrugged.
Kanda stared for a moment.
"What the heck is "Star wars"?"
"What's the count now?" Lenalee asked from her face down position on the table.
"Five hours since we've gotten here." Lavi answered, wincing as luna pulled the last of the cactus needles from his shoulder.
"you know allen" Luna said 'matter-of-factly' as she inspected the needle before throwing it from the booth. "That hair color really suits you."
Allen glared from under his now hot-pink bangs, before he grinned. "Well its not like your hair color is any less...'tastefull'." he growled.
"hey." luna shrugged. "i've always wanted green hair, and now i can decorate for christmas. By the way, how you holdin' up there Lenalee?"
Lenalee grimaced, holding a thumb above her head in the "thumbs up" position.
"As good as can be expected from someone with their face glued to a table." she sighed.
"D*** those exploding glue peeps." kanda glared at the table... or as best as he could with his face glued to the side of the booth.
"mmph mmph mm." Alteara glared, pointing to her mouth. The other side of the table giggled.
"I am SO glad luna warned us to duck." lavi giggled. "even if i WAS ducking into a tie died cactus."
Alteara made some muffled noises again.
"She said "shut up or ill throw you back into the cactus. It's not my fault i like to eat peeps."" luna grinned, pulling another needle from Allen's side.
"Why were there cacti under the table anyway?" lenalee sighed. "i didnt feel any with my feet...."
"Maybe they grow at random intervals." lavi shrugged.
"Alright." luna sighed, throwing up her hands. "Since we're about 5 hours into this mess, i suggest we find a way out."
The others glared.
"What?" she blinked.
"Couldn't you have suggested that... i dunno... WHEN YOU GOT HERE?!" allen cried, shaking the green haired girl.
"Well none of you asked!" she pouted.
"Im beginning to think that she belongs in this whacked up restaurant." kanda growled.
"You adapt." luna sighed. " Once ive been back here one or two times, i've learned that its just best to accept things and move on."
Lavi was about to retort, when he paused, staring at his water glass. It rippled, then stilled.
"Um... guys..."
"How can you just accept these things!? You got knocked out by a FLAMINGO!"
"MMPh pphhimm mmrrrph!"
"Guys i think..."
"Hey i found a penny!"
The group stopped their arguing and turned to lavi. He pointed to his water glass. It rippled again more sharply, this time with a distinct rummbling in the background.
"What is it?" lenalee called, unable to see.
"Luna...?" lavi turned to the girl, who stared a bit longer, before leaning back and closing her eyes.
"Just accept it and move on." she chanted.
"Accept wha-" The group turned to kanda, who was staring up and pale.
"MMphmph?" alteara cocked her head at the boy, before following his gaze. She froze.
"Um...?" allen twisted around, but was stopped by luna.
"Don't move." she said softly. "Just stay quiet, and sit REEEEEALLY still."
Allen's eyes widened, but he complied, sinking into his seat along with lavi. Luna sat still, glaring at the other two who were still frozen.
"What's going on?" lenalee cried, only to have Alteara's hand clamp over her mouth.
"Kanda." allen said softly. "What is it?"
Kanda stared, his eyes following the creature.
"It's... it's...
A cliffhanger."
Lavi stared for a moment.
"A WHAT?!" he blinked, before turning around to see. There, behind the tiny fake model of a resturant that was currently digesting our brave heros, was an ominous dark cloud.
"That just looks like a could to me." lavi shrugged. Luna reached over, pulling him down and out of sight.
"That is a cliffhanger! If we touch that... then we will NEVER know what happens!"
"what happens in what?" lenalee blinked,(or rather batted her eyes into the table).
"To us! To this!" luna gestured around the table. "We'll end up somewhere random, and wont know what happened!!"
"So?" allen shrugged, hot pink hair rippleing. "Whats so bad about that?"
Luna glared at the boy.
"Its around the equivalent of getting extremely drunk. You could wake up with piercings or tatoos, or MARRIED!" As luna continued to list off the things that could happen when one interacted with a cliffhanger cloud, the group watched in growing horror.
"Its getting closer!" Kanda grunted, trying to pry his face from the booth.
"MMPH!?" Alteara cried.
"I dunno!" luna cried back, ending her list at "naked". "ah... what disolved the glue... what disolved the glue..." She bounced in her seat, waving her hands in thought.
"Run!" lavi shoved Allen out of the booth, rolling away with the pink haired boy as they escaped.
"Ah!" luna popped her fist into her other hand. "Saliva!" She grinned. "Alteara, you need to lick his face!"
"Aha... you've got to be kidding Luna-chan." lavi laughed from his crouched position, about to spring away. The others, plus the cloud, were all frozen, staring at the green haired girl. Alteara was staring with big watery eyes, and kanda just looked like his brain had died.
"but... but..!!" Alteara whimpered.
"see!" luna pointed at the girl. "your spit melted the glue. Now just lick kanda. If you haven't noticed... theres this big cloud... and... yeah." Luna pointed behind her at the cloud that suddenly realized it had been staring. It coughed, then resumed its ominous approach with a *grrr*.
Alteara turned to stare at Kanda as luna pulled a samurinja right out of the booth, rolling up next to lavi.
"They're just going to get eaten aren't they." Lavi deadpanned.
"Maybe." luna shrugged.
"Ah.. kanda..." alteara stared at the boy who's face was pretty much tomatoe red by now. Or was it apple red? or maybe...
"Just do it." kanda rolled his eyes, using as an excuse to close them. "I dont want to be eaten by that cloud any more than you do."
Alteara stared for a moment. "But... but."
"No time!"
the two jumped to see lavi crouched on top of the table.
"Sorry to interupt, but you need to get moving." lavi laughed, before he leaned down and licked the side of kanda's face that was stuck to the table. He then grabbed the stunned (and in Kanda's case, completely gone) pair, and rolled away from the table.
They sat watching the cloud approach, seemingly unable to alter its route.
"Um... guys?" a voice squeaked.
Lavi blinked. "Did you hear something?" he looked around.
"..." kanda stared.
"..." Alteara stared.
"i dont think so." luna shrugged.
"yeah i dont-OHMYGOD WE LEFT LENALEE!" Allen pointed at the table, where the long haired girl was still face down, and just about to be eaten by a cloud.
"You all suck!" she yelled. Allen was about to rush foreward, when lavi stopped him.
"remember allen.." lavi sighed. "we all swore that if we had to leave someone behind... it would be lenalee..."
Allen looked sadly at the ground. "but why did it have to be my girl friend..." he sighed.
And just as lenalee was sucked into the cliffhanger cloud, she yelled her last words.
"Bring me home a pepsi will you?!"
and the group deadpanned.
Once the cloud had passed, the group (for some reason) returned to the table. Ah, actually, there was a reason.
"WHY ARE THERE ALLIGATORS!?" Lavi screamed, curled up on the top of the booth chair with a tired looking luna and a depressed allen.
Alteara and kanda were still staring blankly as they sat on top of the table.
"Well you DID do a mexican hat dance." Luna chided the boy.
"Because you said it was the only way to get out of the corn maze!!" Lavi yelled back before he sighed.
"you licked my face..." kanda turned to stare at lavi.
"woah... took you a while Yuu-chan!" Lavi grinned.
"Bad move." luna sighed, right as a fist collided with Lavi's face, sending him flying into the alligator pit.
Kanda was still seething on the table by the time lavi managed to climb back up onto the chair, huffing and puffing, and trying to keep the remains of his tattered shirt on.
"You licked his FACE?!" alteara snapped, once again sending the boy into the alligators.
"You know... he's going to die at that rate." luna sighed at the other two.
"serves him right!" kanda snapped. Alteara looked a little uncertain. This time, when lavi climbed back onto the chair, wincing and pullling baby alligators from his bottom, Alteara held Kanda back.
"Lets not kill him." she said, giving the puppy eyes to the samurai, causing him to blush and look away with a *che*.
"so..." allen sighed. "what is that?" He pointed to the left.
The whole group turned, to see an overly large, and extravagant sailing ship, with a picture of Lenalee on the sail.
"That." luna pointed at the boat, "would be our ride out of here."
"are you SERIOUS?" kanda snapped, staring at the ship. " that thing lookes like a lenalee alter."
The group stared as komoui waved from the bow of the ship.
"oh dear..." luna sighed. "I hope he doesnt leave us here once he realizes his darling sister is missing."
The other 4 looked at each other before...
"Quick Yuu! tie your hair into pigtails!!"
"Don't touch me BAKA USAGI!"
"Kandaaaa~ i dont want to stay here forever!!"
Luna watched as the ship finally landed near the floating booth.
"Since when was the ground water?" she raised an eyebrow at the floor. "Missed that one..."
"LEEE-NA-LEEE~" Komoui danced around the deck in swirls, hearts in his eyes.
Lavi immediatly pushed kanda foreward, who's hair was now done up in a rather accurate imitation of Lenalee's pigtails.
"Nii-san." He ground out in a rather un-lenalee like voice.
"LENALEE!! heart " Komoui jumped foreward and hugged kanda around the middle, as the others snuck onto the ship.
"Get off." kanda snapped, pushing the scientist away and walking onto the ship himself.
"Ahh..~" komoui sighed. "my sister is so shy~" before he followed her on.
"Thank god thats over." Luna sighed, flopping down onto a caffeteria bench once the group was safe and sound back in the order.
"Aw, you have to admit... it was kinda fun." Alteara laughed, taking a seat next to a still peeved Kanda.
"Tell that to my bite wounds." lavi whimpered, nursing his alligator bites.
"Hey dolls!" Jerry wandered over, ladle still in hand. "Did you get my order?"
"AH!" Luna looked slightly disdraught. "sorry Jerry-san... we got so caught up in everything else... you see there was this crazy waiter and..."
"oh, its alright." Jerry shrugged. "my cousin is in town today anyway, so he's dropping it off here just for me!"
He turned as the caffeteria door opened, and a man in blue overalls, with suspiciously familiar bright blonde curly hair waltzed in with a stack of boxes.
"And here he is now!" Jerry cooed. "Sven baby, come say hi!"
The blonde turned to the kids.
"'ALLO!! You be vanting ze candy, ya?"
3 weeks later.
A rather deshevled Lenalee walks into the cafeteria, much to the suprise to her five friends.
Or maybe they were just suprised that her hair was missing, she had multiple piercings, and was wearing the costume from Michael Jackson's "Thriller".
"Um... lenalee... hey..." Allen waved meakly.
"Shut it." she snapped, pushing him off of the bench he was sitting on.
Then she stared at the others.
"Did you bring me my pepsi?"
Author: Worst ending in history. gonk
Lavi: mmm... author chan it wasnt that bad...
Kanda: you're right. It was worse.
Allen: bakanda, if you dont have anything nice to say, then just shut up!!
Kanda: Idiot moyashi, that isnt how the quote goes!
Lenalee: MY HAIR!?
Author: ahaha... To bad we'll never know what happened to it. Cliffhanger clouds are tricky like that. *nods*
Komoui: so wait... that wasnt my darling lenalee on the ship!?
Kanda: *smacks komoui* are you F****** blind!? Do i LOOK like a girl to you!?
Lavi: come on Yuu-chan... with your hair up and everything...
kanda: *unsheathes mugen* You. Dead. Now.
Lavi: EEP! *runs*
Author: right... Well, after this, is another story installment. I wouldnt be suprised if i at least started on it tonight. im bored... and its only the first day of break!!
Allen: you need a hobby author chan...
Author: and why, exactly, do you think im called author chan?
Allen: ah. right.
lenalee: my HAIR!?
Author: until next time everyone!!
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Art by rnercury
Current Quest: Vagran Sea
Status: 4.1 / 14.5 Bil
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