So i got my haircut, and i think that took away most of my energy, cuz i got home and was too tired to play the piano properly. all of my friends know that THAT means problems. XD but im good now, accept that i ate too much and am feeling a little sick. yeah.
tomorrow mom leaves for penn! 2 week trip this time. luckily dads staying at home.
OVA (workin' myself)* see footnote XD
(luna-5, Alteara-5, Lavi 6, Allen 5, Lenalee 4, Kanda 5 )
"Sweet its my turn again!" lavi pumped a fist into the air as all of the others groaned.
"this had better be good." kanda snapped. "one more stupid statement and i might just-"
"hush!" luna snapped back, glaring at the samurai. Kanda growled but stayed quiet.
"alright..." lavi crossed his arms and made faces, deep in thought. Lenalee giggled while the others sighed.
"ive never... had a sibling." the others stared in silence. Luna, Alteara, Lenalee, and Kanda all put down fingers.
"really?" alteara asked, "your an only child?"
"yup!" lavi folded his hands behind his head in a relaxed mannor. "just little old me here. What about you?"
"ive got a little sister." alteara piped back, smiling brightly. "i love her so much, even though she can be a handfull..."
"handfull" luna laughed. "try a downright ball of never-ending crazy fuzz."
the two girls giggled while allen turned to lenalee.
"what the heck is crazy fuzz..?"
"well i have a brother." luna sighed. "and he wasnt much fun growing up. he was always too busy. my whole family was too busy. but he was there when i... really needed him. " luna stared into space, her face becoming slightly sad as alteara smiled gently.
"well you all know i have komoui." lenalee said, breaking the akward silence. "hes my older brother. what about you kanda?"
"yeah." allen said. "i never would have thought that you had a sibling."
"i... have two." kanda snapped quietly, obviously feeling akward. "both younger. a brother and a ... sister..."
"really?" lavi asked, genuinly interested. "what were their names?"
"the boy was... hito." kanda shifted slightly. "the girl, my sisters name.. was hana."
"what pretty names..." lenalee said dreamily. "So allen your an only child?"
Allen moved uncomfortably, taking kanda's place in the spotlight.
"i... dont really.. know for sure..." he said, smiling sadly at the ground. "i was... left.. at a young age. i dont... remember..."
"oh allen..." lenalee said softly, pulling the boy into a hug. the two other girls came up and tried to comfort him as well, cooing softly and petting his hair. Kanda and lavi stared in shock as allen dissapeared behind the comforting reaches of the three girls. Lavi turned to kanda with his mouth hanging over.
"i suddenly feel like i cant remember anything accept that im a poor orphan!" lavi whined.
"oh hush lavi." lenalee snapped. "we all know you've been with bookman for ages, and hes not that bad."
kanda sneered at lavi, who had fallen to the floor lifelessly. "nice try."
Once allen had assured the girls for the 500th time that he was, in fact, okay, and no he did not need a hug or anykind of generous action, then the game resumed.
(luna-4, Alteara-4, Lavi 6, Allen 5, Lenalee 3, Kanda 4 )
"alright." allen said, still blushing from all of the attention. "my turn then." he thought for a moment, then grinned.
"ive never been to america."
"thats not cool." luna snapped, as she and alteara put down a finger. Kanda did as well.
"you've been to america?!" lenalee cried "nii-san would NEVER let me go! what part did you go to?"
"New York." kanda sighed. "and im really not suprised he didnt let you go." he thought back to all of the things he had seen and shuddered. Luna and Alteara burst into giggles.
(luna-3, Alteara-3, Lavi 6, Allen 5, Lenalee 4, Kanda 3 )
"right." lenalee looked fired up and ready to go. "ill get you all on this one!" she set herself into a position that looked like she was ready to start a fight.
"ive never..."
the others moved in closer.
The rest of the group fell to the floor accept allen who laughed nervously and put down a finger.
"what kind of question is that?!" kanda snapped "your just as bad as that baka usagi!"
"but i got Allen!" she whined, "although he is my partner... "
"yeah allen whats with that?" lavi lauged. " youve died a couple times if im right..."
"a ha ha..." allen laughed nervously again. "i guess im just... unlucky..."
"ZOMBIE!!" Luna screamed, pointing at allen with a mock look of terror. Alteara panicked for a moment, untill she saw luna trying not to laugh, then both broke out into fits of giggles.
"braaaiiiinnnnnssss....." luna slurred, glomping onto alteara and pretending to eat her head. Alteara screamed in fake terror and both girls dissolved into hysterics.
Lenalee quietly leaned over to Allen. "you asked what the heck a crazy fuzz was..."
(luna-3, Alteara-3, Lavi 6, Allen 4, Lenalee 4, Kanda 3 )
"yay its my turn!" Alteara laughed. She was in a much happier mood because of luna's antics. "ive never lost my golem!"
"aw, give me a break!" luna cried, slapping a hand to her forehead. "its not my fault that synecdoche keeps wandering off!"
"synecdoche?" allen asked while cocking his head.
"yeah!" alteara answered. "its a match to my golem, anecdoche!" alteara produced a small silver golem from her coat pocket. it was a silver ball with a gold cross and gold tipped wings. On the end of its silver string tail was a golden fluff ball.
"Ah!" allen cried. "so thats your golem!" the girl nodded.
Lavi, Kanda, luna, and lenalee all put down fingers.
(luna 2, Alteara 3, Lavi 5, Allen 4, Lenalee 3, Kanda 2 )
Kanda was quiet for a second, looking around the room for inspiration. He paused when his eyes landed on Alteara.
"ive... never been to a movie."
the group stared at him in silence. "Really!?" the group gasped.
"ah thats so aweful!" luna cried. "you dont know what your missing!"
"well, we'll just have to go when we get that day off then." alteara smiled up at kanda, who's face was slightly pink.
"geeze..." lavi sighed. "looks like im the only one who cant get any sympathy..."
all of the others accept allen put down thier fingers.
"allen you've never been to a movie either?!" lenalee gasped.
"well... " allen looked at the floor with an unreadable expression. "mana and I... we didnt have much money... so we never really had the chance for such... luxuries..."
"what about with cross then?" Lavi piped in.
Allen seemed to catch on fire. He gripped his hand into a fist. "Like that baka would take me anywhere, let alone spend money on me."
the group sighed.
(luna 1, Alteara 2, Lavi 4, Allen 4, Lenalee 2, Kanda 2 )
"my turn!!" luna cried loudly. "i have to think of a really good one..." she glanced around mischeviously.
"ive never been to poland."
She received several harsh faces.
"you KNOW that was a mission." kanda snapped, putting down a finger. Lenalee, Allen, and Alteara followed suit.
(luna 1, Alteara 1, Lavi 4, Allen 3, Lenalee 1, Kanda 1 )
"great job." lavi laughed. "mind if i finish this?"
"go right ahead." luna bowed away.
"alright!" lavi grinned. "ive never read a fairy tale."
"NO WAY." Lenalee snapped. "there's no way you could have never read a fairy tale!"
Lavi shrugged. "the old man never let me. Fairy tales are some of the few books that bookmen are not permitted to read. We're supposed to know the truth, not the myth."
"so you dont know any of the fairy tale stories?" Alteara cried.
"of course i know them." lavi laughed. "ive just never actually read them."
"cheap shot..." allen snapped. Allen, Lenalee, Kanda, Alteara, and Luna all put down a finger. Now only Allen and Lavi were left.
(Lavi 4, Allen 2)
"alright my turn..." allen sighed. It was pretty obvious who was going to win. "ive never been on an airplane."
"oh, got me there..." lavi laughed, putting down a finger. "The old man dragged me onto one once so that i could see how it worked...."
(lavi 3, Allen 2)
"ive never fallen asleep while eating." lavi laughed.
"that was ONE TIME!" allen snapped, brandishing his one finger at lavi.
(lavi 3, Allen 1)
"ive never fallen asleep in the library." Allen laughed.
Lavi scratched the back of his head. "well... you would too with that old geaser bashing your head into so many books..."
(Lavi 2, Allen 1)
"alright allen, this is it." lavi grinned. "ive never met general Yeegar"
Allen sighed and shrugged his hands. "im out."
"YAY I WIN!!" lavi jumped up and down, grabbing luna's hands and dancing around with her.
"so..." Kanda snapped, growing quickly impatient.
"so...?" lavi cocked his head in confusion, coming to a stop.
"whats the order..." Alteara could almost hear kanda grinding his teeth.
Lavi and Luna looked at each other for a moment, then moved off to the side, seeming to discuss something with great consideration. Kanda rolled his eyes, tapping his foot impatiently. Allen and Lenalee looked at each other nervously. Lavi and Luna returned to the group, grinning widly.
"okay" luna laughed. "here's how its goin' down."
"we're going first." lavi grinned, pointing to himself. "then Allen and Lenalee, then Kanda and Alteara."
The group stared, confused.
"why is that?" allen asked.
"well." luna explained "lavi has the best chance of getting the question right. Then, if we do answer it right, we can pass on the info to you guys, or at least help you get the answer. Komoui is most likly to go easy on his sister, so thats why Lenalee goes next with Allen. Then when we know what the question might be about, we can give Alteara and Kanda a good foothold for their question."
The rest of the group stared.
"you just came up with that?" lenalee asked, totally suprised. "thats brilliant!"
"only if that stupid rabbin knows the answer to the question." kanda snapped.
"dont worry." lavi grinned. "even if i dont get it, we'll still sneak out." He smiled at luna, who returned the grin. "like komoui can keep us locked here..."
The others deadpanned.
"Alright..." luna piped. "i guess we should... get this over with..." Lavi nodded and the pair moved toward the door.
The large door to komoui's office was oak, with regal carvings and was much larger than neccisary. Luna gulped, looking up toward the top of the massive barrier. She had never felt so small compared to these doors. A small cheer of encouragement came from alteara, and luna felt better. She looked to Lavi, who grinned back and wrapped his hand around hers. They pushed the door open, and entered the office.
Okay. so since im kinda trying to keep this organized, my next update should have all three questions in it. though it may take a while... seeing as i havent thought of the third question yet... sweatdrop Sorry the game took so long. It wasnt my intention, but i got distracted, and once that happened... well, you know how it is... anyway, see you next time!
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Art by rnercury
Current Quest: Vagran Sea
Status: 4.1 / 14.5 Bil
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