lavi: ahh... author-chan... d-do you really think that now is the time for an update?
Author: of course! come rain or shine or whatever, im gonna do it! its been a while...
Allen: um, well.. rain and shine are all good, but a thunderstorm is comming and there is a possibility of tornado's in your area.... *fiddles with hands*
Author: its just a little storm! (coughfamouslastwordscough)
lavi: aha... well... if the update suddenly ends, then we know what happened.
kanda: *snickering*
Author: *glares*
Kanda: *cough* uh... the stupid author doesnt own D. Gray Man.
Lavi: if she did, the updates would be ALOT faster. But still make no sense.
Allen: a warning to all of Author-chans fans, She was feeling rather... graphic... when she wrote this section. So... in lamans terms... its bloody. Whats up with that! Why are you so violent!?
Author: im truly sorry, but i wanted to test out how scary and graphic i could make my writing for the main story~! i must know if i can scare my readers! (or at least make them feel a little queasy)
Lavi: but really... with all of the gore?
Author: HUSH! if you dont like it, pretend its something else, like FLOWERS! I did say that this was the chapter that wasnt so much 'funny' as it was 'omg how could she do that to small children.' well now its also 'omg thats gross and scary.' IM VERY SORRY! *bows*
Kanda:*monotone* The stupid author also asks that those weak of heart read this section with the light on. And not by any open doors that lead to dark places. Fool.
Author: *slaps kanda* WHOS A FOOL!?
Lenalee: can we just get on with it!?
Lenalee: *runs off crying*
Allen: *sigh* author-chan... do you really have to be so mean?
Author: im getting in the mood for the update. *nods*
Kanda: if we ever get to it. *glares*
Author: we will! we will!
Lavi: and, uh... when will that be?
Author: um.. how about-
OMAKE *THUNDER* ... *peeps around shyly*
"one hour left..." Miranda sighed as she looked to the sun high in the sky. She was sitting peacefully under a tree, monitering over the stretch of field and the children it contained. She smiled at them. Currently, all three of them were laying splayed out in a circle and sleeping peacefully, taking a break after their intense playing. Miranda was suprised when Kanda had joined in without complaint, playing along with all of the childrens games like tag and duck, duck, goose. But she supposed that he was relapsing, and that maybe, secretly, he was enjoying a second childhood.
Looking out at the field, she couldnt help but smile and wish this happiness would last forever.
The hour passed quickly, and soon Miranda was looking around for any sign of the others. A faint call from behind made her turn around to see Lavi, flying in on the handle of his hammer. He landed with a thud, and shrank his hammer back to its miniature size.
"Any luck?" Miranda asked softly, clutching her hands together in front of her chest as if praying. Lavi shook his head sadly.
"i didnt see any sign of him." he sighed. "but maybe lenalee or Alteara had better luck."
"no such thing." Alteara sighed as she shoved her way out of the dense treeline. Her hair was filled with twigs and there were cuts and dirt spots all over her body.
"you didnt see him either?" Miranda said softly. Her voice was thick with worry.
"no, but i did-"
Lenalee's loud call distracted the three and sent them turning to see Lenalee, flying in on her dark boots.
"please tell me one of you found something!" she cried, landing next to lavi and closing the circle.
Lavi shook his head.
"does that mean you didnt find anything?" Alteara asked, worry laced into her voice.
"no, did you?"
Alteara pulled her hand from behind her, holding a small white beret that komoui had insisted on wearing. It was ripped almost to shreds, covered in dirt, and something that looks suspiciously like blood.
"oh no..." lenalee gasped, covering her hands with her mouth. Tears brimmed at her eyes and she slowly reached out, hands shaking, to take the hat. She held it close to her chest and closed her eyes. "Nii-san..."
Lavi pat the girl on the shoulder. "Alte-chan." he looked to the blonde. "where did you find this?"
She pointed toward the order. "it was beside a hole in the wall. I think he may have gone back in."
"oh, thank god..." lenalee sighed sadly, sniffing. "maybe he's okay, or someone has spotted him..."
"im still concerned though." Alteara said softly. "there were signs of something else out there, with big claws and teeth..."
The others stared at her with wide eyes. "like a monster?" lavi blinked. "why would there be one up here? We're on a CLIFF for goodness sake!"
"maybe... the science department..." Miranda whispered from behind her hands. The others looked around seriously.
"it could still be out here!" lenalee gasped quietly "we need to get the kids inside quickly, but without letting them know whats going on! they might get scared..."
The others nodded.
"come on guys!" Miranda called out into the field. The three kids sat up, luna and kanda jumping to attention while Allen seemed to struggle to wake. "time to go!" Miranda smiled and waved. Luna and kanda jumped up while Allen stumbled to his feet, and all three slowly began to traverse the field.
"keep your eyes on the trees." lavi said, turning to look behind them. Lenalee turned to the sky while alteara turned toward the order.
"w... whats that?!" Alteara cried, pointing toward the building. The group turned to see something like a vine crawling up the side of the building.
"what is that?" lavi squinted toward the tower. "its not an animal but..."
All four whipped around to see Luna standing over the silverhaired boy. She kneeled and acted as if she was going to touch him, but kept her hands away. Kanda looked unusually pale as he stared at the downed boy. Allen was curled into the grass on his side, clutching at his chest. Lenalee was the first one to get there.
"What happened?!" she snapped as she pulled the small boy into her lap. He was panting for air and burning up.
"is he okay?!" Alteara rushed over, peeking over the girls shoulder. The other two arrived soon after.
"L-look!" kanda kneeled on his hands and knees, pointing at Allens leg. "there, below his knee..." Lenalee blinked at the boy before reaching down and pulling up Allens pant leg. The shorts had just barley been obscuring a two pronged bite mark. His calf was swollen and red and looked very painfull.
"is that a snake bite!?" Miranda cried, looking around in the grass. Lavi reached over and lifted Kanda and Luna into his arms, pulling them off the grass.
"Did you guys see anything?" he asked them. Both shook their heads.
"oh... oh no..." Miranda paled, bringing her hand up to her mouth. "earlier this morning... OH NO!" she buried her face in her hands.
"Its alright Miranda, but you should tell us once we get Allen into the infirmary."
The woman nodded, still in tears. Alteara took luna from Lavi and the group rushed inside.
"I havent seen anything like it..." The head nurse shook her head sadly, wringing her hands together. "a venom that acts so quickly and suddenly, not only can i not think of a practical use, but we dont have an anti-venom to fight it off..."
Miranda started to sob louder into the hankercheif she was holding, and was quieted by a gentle pat by lenalee. Over on the other end of the room, Allen lay in a bed much larger than his small body. He had several wires emurging from his arms and chest, and had an oxygen mask strapped to his face. His eyes were scrunched with pain, and he twitched and whined in discomfort.
"will he be okay?" Alteara looked into the bed, holding luna up so that she could see him as well.
"yeah." lavi said softly, as if trying to convince himself. "Allen-kun has been through worse. There's no way he's going to die just from some stupid animal bite!" He grinned up at the other girl. Luna stared at kanda, who was gripping onto Lavi's shirt and staring at Allen as if he was already dead.
"Miranda-san!" Alteara jumped when luna called across the room to the woman. Miranda sniffed for a moment, blinking at the girl before moving over with a half hearted smile.
"Yes?" she sniffed.
"What were you saying about this morning?" Lavi blinked at the girl. What did that have to do with anything?
Miranda's smile faded. "ah.. in the hall this morning... Allen-kun..." She stopped for a moment to wipe at her eyes. "he stopped to look at something on the floor, and.. i only looked away for a moment!... A finder stopped to speak to me... and Allen cried out... i ran over immediatly!.. but he wouldnt tell me what happened... and.. and... THIS IS ALL MY FAULT!" she sobbed again, but this time a little softer, trying not to disturb Allen. "if i had only checked... but... but... he insisted he was okay... but i still... i still..."
"where was it?"
"eh?" Miranda blinked at the small girl.
"where did it happen!" luna snapped.
"luna!" Alteara frowned at the girl. "stop being rude."
"i-its alright." Miranda smiled. "she's just concerned..."
"so am i." Lenalee moved over to the group.
"what did nurse say?" Lavi said softly.
The girl sighed. "we need to find the animal that bit him to get the anti-venom..." she ran a hand through her hair. "geeze... first nii-san goes missing, then a strange animal is on the loose, and then this... What else could go wrong?"
"dont say that!" Alteara cried. "You'll jynx us!"
Lenalee raised a brow at the girl, then shrugged. "Miranda-san, could you show us where Allen got hurt?" Miranda nodded. The group was about to leave when lavi stopped Miranda.
"could you take Yuu-chan with you?" he said softly. Kanda was looking at the floor, pretending to be deaf.
"l-lavi-san..." She smiled sadly. "i dont think i should..."
"why not?" Lavi smiled. "its not your fault Allen got hurt. You couldnt have watched him every moment. Im sure he doesnt blame you either!"
Miranda stared in awe, then smiled again, crying softly. "alright Lavi-kun" she nodded and took Kanda from his arms. The little samurai almost seemed releaved to be leaving.
"ill see you later Yuu-chan!" lavi smiled and waved, but Kanda just hid his face in Miranda's shirt.
The group walked down the halls, twisting and turning through the corridors until Miranda stopped in front of a door. It was large and wooden and looked rather solid. There were bars of wood and chains covering the door and its handle in a gesture to keep people out, or maybe whatever was inside in.
"what is this?" Lenalee looked at the door in awe, gently touching the chains.
"look here!" luna hopped to the ground and pointed. The bottom corner of the door was ripped away, as if something had burst through. It was large enough for a small animal to fit through. "It might be in that room!"
"just give me a second." Lenalee stepped a few feet back. "ill break down that door in no time!"
The group blinked.
"was that... komoui?" Miranda swiveled around to survey the hallway, but there was no sign of the mini-scientist. Kanda squirmed in her grip and she set him to the floor, where he toddled over to the break in the door and knelt down, peering through the hole.
"yup." he sighed. "he's in there."
"WHAT!?" lenalee shrieked, falling to the floor and trying to peer through the whole.
"nii-san! Are you in there?!"
"... maybe..?"
Lenalee's hand shot through the opening and flung itself about in the air. "WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU...!"
Alteara sighed. "serves him right for dissapearing."
Lenalee continued to thrash about until kanda held up a hand, telling her to stop.
"listen." he said quietly. The two sat in silence, listening to the hollow sounds of the room before until they heard a soft sniffleing and little hiccups.
"oh nii-san..." lenalee sighed, pulling her hand from the room. "dont cry. I promise im not that angry... i was just really worried about you! Why did you run off!"
The soft voice sniffed through the dark doorway. "you were so sad to see me like this... and i couldnt... i couldnt stand making you cry like that..."
Lenalee sighed again, looking sadly into the hole. "im sorry nii-san. Please, come back out so that i dont have to worry anymore."
"ah...well... i would like to come out but..."
"im stuck."
The group face planted into the floor.
"thats it." lenalee snapped, "im breaking down this friggen door..."
"NO WAIT!" komoui shouted. Lenalee stopped again.
"what is it?!"
Komoui gulped before he spoke in a shaky voice. "this room... the floor above it is caving in... so if you kick down that door..."
Lenalee cursed violently, running a hand through her hair.
"what can we do?" Miranda asked softly. "i could stop the time of the ceiling, but then you wouldnt be able to break down the door..."
"dont look at me." Alteara said shrugging. "since luna is mini, i cant risk using my innocence."
"i guess that leaves me then." Kanda sighed. The group looked at him in confusion. "Hello, small person able to fit through the hole?"
"well kanda is back to normal." luna sighed. "but does that mean you wont relapse once you get in there? Im not bailing you and that idiot scientist out of trouble."
"speak for yourself." kanda snapped before moving to his hands and knees and crawling through the jagged hole. He winced as the wood caught on his clothing and scratched his skin. Once he was in, all he could do was blink at the extreme darkness of the room. The floor was cold cobblestone, and covered in a thick layer of dust. All around the room was rubble and pieces of splintered wood. Kanda looked to the ceiling and through the mass of spiderwebs and dust he could see the floor above sinking into the room. It was angled so that one of the major floor beams rested agains the back of the door, with the rest of the ceiling sagging onto that beam, causing the room to be about half of its normal height on only one side. He shuddered at how close they had come to breaking the ceilings delicate balance.
"over here!" komoui whispered. Kanda turned to see the scientist sitting against a wall on the other side of the room. Kanda winced as he spotted a hole in the wall next to him, blaring sunlight onto one small space. He spotted some shining green grass waving through the hole. 'we're on the ground floor...?'
He shuffled a bit, standing while trying not to move too much. He took a few shaky steps before a loud crumbling sound caused him to jump back. The floor where he was walking had sunk slightly, and some of the stones fell to the room below. Kanda blinked and looked around. There were several holes in the floor, creating a dangerous maze.
"holy crap." kanda snapped quietly. "do you guys ever check these rooms or what!?"
"sorry." komoui laughed lightly. "but if you could hurry..."
"yeah yeah." kanda snapped. He leaped across a rather large hole, glad that some of his training was still intact. Finally he was at komoui's side. He winced when he saw a large stone covering the mans leg up to the knee.
"you really are stuck huh?" kanda said softly. Now that he was close to the scientist, he could see him wincing in pain, and how pale he looked. "This isnt going to feel good." kanda put his small hands against the rock that was almost the size of himself. With all his might, he shoved at it until it fell away. Komoui cried out, and doubled over, grasping at his leg tightly.
"dont mess with it!" kanda snapped, pushing the boy's hands away. He pulled of his small jacket and began to tear it into strips. Komoui's leg was bleeding horribly, and obviously broken, and judging by the semi large pool of blood, it wasnt a recent injury.
"how long have you been here." kanda snapped. Komoui struggled out a raspy laugh.
"since yesterday."
"fool." kanda snapped, pulling the wrapping a little tighter than neccisary, causing komoui to hiss. "sorry."
"lets just get out of here before the monster comes back..."
Kanda stopped in his working to blink at the dark haired boy. "" Komoui nodded. "im not sure what it is... but it came in last night and ate something... i thought for sure i was going to die..." Komoui looked over into a corner of the room. Kanda stood quietly and gazed into the darkness. Something was in the corner, laying at an unnatural angle. Kanda could smell death and decay and hear the buzzing of flies. He shrank back, stepping away from the corner, wanting nothing more than to stop the shaking of his small body and escape from the dark room. He shook his head, trying to regain control.
"kanda?" Komoui blinked. He had never seen the samurai look so scared before. If Kanda relapsed...
Crumbling stone caught the attention of the two boys as they both snapped their heads toward the hole in the wall. Slowly, through the sunlight, a dark tendril slithered into the room, wrapping onto the wall. Another, and then another appeared, untill it looked like snakes were filling the edges of the hole. In the center, a large gray muzzle appeared, drool falling from yellowed fangs and hitting the floor with a sickening splat. It sniffed at the air before moving in further. Kanda shrank onto the floor, shoving himself and Komoui behind the large rock, gripping a hand over his mouth to stop the cries of pain. He couldnt stop shaking. He wished that whatever was comming would just dissapear. He felt like his heart would just stop beating if that thing looked directly at him, and he would be powerless to stop it.
The animal moved in further, its golden yellow eyes glaring crazily into the darkness. Two massive front paws, with nails like daggers, stomped into the room. Its grey fur was messy and matted, and the air around it smelled of decay. It sniffed once more, its large black nose searching out through the darkness, before it began to back up, and dissapeared from the room, tendrils and all, just as suddenly as it appeared.
Kanda stared, eyes wide, before releasing a breath he didnt even know he was holding. He turned to komoui who smiled at him greatfully. Kanda was about to speak when komoui's face turned to horror. Slowly, Kanda turned around. The beast had returned, but now, in its massive jaws, it carried the mutilated form of a deer. Blood dripped from its jaws, splating onto the floor. It moved in completely and Kanda could see its form. It looked like a large wolf, but its tail was made of horribly spiked vines, that looked rather poisonous.
'poison... it couldnt be!' Kanda stared in disbeleif. 'Theres no way the moyashi ran into this thing and only received a small cut! Or even stayed alive for that matter!'
The beast dropped the deer to the floor and sniffed at its body before it bore its fangs towart its delicate neck. Kanda winced and turned away. It was horrible enough to hear the crunching and squishing, but he might get sick if he watched. He turned to komoui who had curled into a ball and was hiding his face in his hands. Kanda gently ruffled the boys hair and when Komoui's tear stained face looked up, Kanda sent him a grim smile.
"what's taking so long..." Miranda said quitly, twisting her hands nervously. She looked down at luna, who was sitting by the hole in the wall. The girl had suddenly gone quiet a moment ago, and was intensly staring at the wood of the door.
"im worried." lenalee said. Alteara and Miranda nodded in agreement. "they havent made a sound for a while now..."
She knelt by the entrance, glancing luna a strange look before cupping a hand to her mouth.
"nii-san! Kanda-Kun! are you guys alright!?"
The boys stared at the door in horror as lenalee's voice echoed through the room.
'if that thing understands words...' Kanda inched backward, trying to hide more fully behind the rock. He moved to sit in front of Komoui, blocking the mini-scientist from view. The beast reared its head at the door, its jaws tinted red, and glared at the sound. After a few moments, its glowing eyes shifted to survey the room. Slowly, it turned its massive head.
Straight toward the boys.
"maybe something is wrong..." Alteara said nervously. She paced by the door, then stopped, squinting her eyes. "... do you smell that?"
Miranda sniffed the air, then scrunched her nose before putting a hand to her face. "what is that?! its horrible!"
Alteara looked startled. "it smells like blood!" She turned to lenalee who's eyes were wide, then turned toward the door.
"hey..." Miranda stared at the door as well.
"where's luna...?"
Kanda was certian that the beast could hear his heart thumping in his chest. That or he could hear him shaking against the ground. Either way he cursed his body for trying to reveal his hiding place. He had curled as small as he could get himself, hiding behind the rock. He could feel komoui beside him, shaking violently with his eyes scrunched closed. Kanda wished he could do the same, but no matter how much he tried, he couldnt get his eyes to close even the tiniest bit. The room was silent, and he was amazed at how such a large creature could make no noise.
He thought his heart was going to stop when he heard the clicking of nails against the floor. The creature was moving, and by the sound of its steps...
it was comming closer.
The moster sniffed the air, leaving its gory feast behind at the prospect of new prey. Slowly, it approached the rock, moving as silently as a breeze. Its tendrils slithered across the floor. Kanda almost cried out when one brushed his foot. Komoui whimpered and shifted when one touched his arm. Kanda couldnt think. Not a single thing would come to his mind. He knew he should run for it, distract the beast while komoui escaped, which was only logical, but he didnt trust his ability to stand at all. Even if he did make it to his feet, he was shaking so horribly that he would only make it a few steps, if that, before the beast killed him. That was it. He was going to die.
The creatures muzzle appeared beside the rock, teeth bared. It let out a horrible growl, its warm breath smelling of death and gore. It moved slowly until its eye appeared, taking in the image of the two horrified boys with malicious glee. It almost seemed to smile.
Suddenly it reared back, letting out a horrible roar that was filled with pain. Kanda snapped out of his terror to turn and stare in confusion. There, on the wolf's side, was something that looked like a large kitchen knife. The wound was deep, and the wolf glared into the darkness, growling horribly. A small figure jumped out of the shadows and bashed into the wolf's side, dislodging the knife and taking it with it. It landed on the rock, raising the knife to its lips and lapping at the crimson blood. The wolf stumbled, then turned with a ferocious roar at the small girl. Kanda stared up in shock.
The girl turned, and kanda was taken aback by the coldness of her glare. Her green eyes seemed to scream hatred and bloodlust.
The wolf saw its chance and charged.
"Get him out of here." Luna snapped. Even her voice sounded different, more hateful. She threw the knife, landing it square into the wolf's chest and stopping it in its tracks. "GO!"
Kanda jumped and turned to komoui. The boy was staring into space, traumatized by fear.
"komoui... KOMOUI!" kanda snapped, shaking the boy. When he got no response he sighed. Grabbing one of his arms, Kanda dragged the science head to his feet and slowly began to drag him toward the gap in the wall.
"whats going on?!" lenalee cried when she heard a horrible howl. "is the monster in there!?"
Alteara leaned toward the floor and looked through the hole. She gasped. "ITS THERE! AND ITS ATTACKING THE KIDS!"
"what do we do!?" Miranda cried. Alteara blinked into the hole. "... kanda and komoui are escaping... it looks like luna is keeping it busy... thats... THATS THE HOLE I SAW OUTSIDE!" she shrieked, looking to the others. Lenalee jumped to action.
"Miranda, you stay here and keep watch, Alteara, run and get lavi QUICKLY! ill go to the hole and see if i can get the kids out of there!" All three nodded before rushing to their jobs. Miranda stood, once again watching over the children, but this time unable to see them.
"please god.." she fell to the floor, clutching her hands at her chest. "please... let them be okay!"
Lenalee rushed to the stone exit of the building, staring at the back of the gate guardian.
"LET ME OUT!" she shrieked. "its an emergency!!"
The guardian gave her a suspicious look. "i must make conformation with the science department." it's loud voice boomed. Lenalee growled and ran a hand through her hair.
"Theres no TIME!" she shouted. "let me out or so help me you will go on a PERMENENT vacation!!"
The guardian glared. "Now i cant let you out at all! Your not ms. Lee! You must be an imposter!"
Lenalee was livid.
Kanda flinched as more of the room collapsed in the fight. The large beast growled deeply, sending vibrations through the room. Dust fell from the ceiling as some of the floor boards shifted.
He looked down at komoui. The boy was completely unconsious now. He turned to check his distance from the hole in the wall. He wasnt very far away, but dragging a body that was larger than him (because komoui is older than him) while shaking like leaf was easier said than done.
Luna pounced onto the beast, ripping her makeshift weapon from yet another stab wound, this time on the monsters shoulder. Large teeth ripped at her as the wolf tried to catch its tormentor, but the girl was quicker, costing the beast its left eye. It howled in agony and thrashed about, tossing the girl from his back and into a distant wall, where she fell to the floor, motionless. More of the ceiling crumbled as the monster colided with the floor, landing on its earlier feast and sending a spray of blood toward the two boys trying to escape. Kanda froze when he felt the heated liquid touch his skin. He stared as it streaked down his arms and soaked into his clothing, and sank to his knees in horror. The beast regainned its footing, fur dyed red, and turned to glare at the two boys who were closest. Kanda stared, wide-eyed, at the beast as it moved closer. One eye was drenched in blood, dripping down its horrible face as it bared its fangs and moved closer.
Kanda couldnt move. His mind had completely shut down, and unconsious tears spilled from his eyes. He gripped onto komoui's arms, as the room began to swim and fill with spots. The wolf moved right into the boys face, and kanda's breath became harsh and ragid. Dagger teeth reached closer, almost tickeling the boys flesh.
The beast flew out of Kandas narrow line of sight when something smashed into its side. Kanda collapsed to the floor, and just as he was blacking out, Luna appeared, pulling her body up after slaming into the wolf. Her clothing was ripped, and covered in blood, but she glared at the animal with pure killing intent. The beast pulled itself from the floor, draging the limb that luna had just smashed and trying to tear the knife from its shoulder blade.
"DIE." luna growled, advancing on the monster with a frightening glare. The beast seemed to size up its prey, face dripping blood and breath harsh. Deciding such a small meal wasnt worth it, it moved for the entrance.
A rock flew and pelted it in its wounded eye, causing it to yelp, then turn with a harsh roar.
"idiot." Luna spat, throwing another rock in the air and catching it with one hand. "i didnt say leave..." she grinned horribly, crushing the rock.
"i told you to die."
She vanished, only to appear at the beasts side and rip her knife from its flesh. The beast yelped and turned, swinging a giant paw at the girl, jagged nails extended. Luna held the knife up, using the wolf's own force to jam the weapon deep into the soft of the animals pad. It let out a tremendous howl, retracting its paw as if it were on fire.
"do you understand?" luna grinned, toying with the knife in her hand. "there is no surviving this..."
The beast recoiled. This human was not normal. This threat was too much. It turned and ran, bolting for the gap in the wall. Luna leaped, smashing into the beast once again, sending it sprawling into the wall.
The board on the door slipped and the ceiling began to fall. Luna cursed as she watched the monster stand and start to escape. When she tried to follow, her body wouldnt move.
"ah... what is this!?" she growled, glaring at her own legs. They wernt hurt, they wernt broken, so why?!
She gasped as she felt a pulse through her body. It turned on her own, pointing itself at the two unconsious boys, laying on the floor as rubble fell around them.
The red head jumped from his chair beside Allen and turned to see Alteara running into the room, with the head nurse just behind her, scolding her for yelling.
"ITS BAD, WE NEED YOU!" Alteara rushed in and grabbed the red head by the shoulders.
"easy there Alte-chan, whats wrong?"
"the kids are trapped in a room with that beast!" she yelled, "we cant get them out, we need you to come quick!!"
"lead the way!"
By the time lenalee had managed to get outside, she figured it must have been too late.
"please hold on!" she cried as she spotted the hole in the wall. Just before she reached it, she heard a tremendous howl. She recoiled when the beast burst through the wall, sending rubble in all directions. She was about to chase it when luna burst forth as well, hot on the animals trail. Both were covered in blood, but by the frightened posture of the monster, Lenalee figured most of it was its own.
"luna!" lenalee called. The red head didnt respond. "LUNA!"
Luna rushed forth after the beast, brandishing her knife, covered in blood. She slammed into its chest again, twisting to aviod its frantic jaws. Lenalee growled. Obviously luna didnt need any help, but what she was really worried about was her brother and kanda. There was no sign of the two. She jumped to the entrance in the wall and pulled back just as a large stone fell in her path. Dust was falling from the ceiling and creating a vision barrier as the girl tried to navigate through the collapsing room.
"KANDA!" she yelled, looking around frantically "NII-SAN!"
The girl gasped as she turned toward the sound, searching desperatly for her friend and brother. She winced when a large piece of wood slamed into her back, sending her to her knees.
"w-where are you!" she coughed. Her eyes were watering from the dust, but she struggled to her feet. Over by the wall, not too far from the now larger hole, was a large board propped up aganst the wall. Lenalee rushed over, dodging falling stones. She peered around the log. There was her brother, looking up at her with tears streaming down his face. His leg was bleeding horribly and he looked ready to black out. On his lap was kanda, who was laying with his eyes open, but unseeing. A picture of death.
Lenalee couldnt find the words she needed to comfort her brother and friend, so instead, she reached behind the board and picked them up, holding them close to her. Komoui buried his face into her chest, but kanda remained unmoving. A large snapping sound alerted the girl to the ceilings imminant collapse, and she ran to the exit, making it out just before the room fell in.
Alteara and Lavi rushed down the hall, spotting Miranda kneeling on the floor in front of the door. It was splintered and bending, with dust and stones falling from the hole.
"what happened?!" Alteara cried. Miranda looked up, her face soaked with tears.
"t-t-the room collapsed!!" She sobbed, burying her face in her hands.
"we've got to go!" Alteara grabbed lavi's hand again, as well as Miranda's and began to drag them away from the door.
"lenalee was out there!" Alteara snapped. "which means everyone is probably outside!"
Miranda gained a hopefull smile for a moment, before she returned to determination.
"right, lets hurry!"
"Nii-san..." lenalee held both boys close to her chest, trying to comfort them. "its alright... you're okay now..."
Komoui continued to sob into his sisters shirt, his little body shaking horribly.
Said girl turned to see Alteara, Miranda, and Lavi running toward her.
"Are they okay!?" Miranda cried. The two groups met and the three stared in awe at the condition of the two small boys. Both were covered in blood, and komoui's leg was bent at a strange angle. Kanda's face was blank as he stared at nothing.
"yuu-chan..." lavi held out his hands to the small boy and took him from lenalee, but kanda didnt flinch. Even when lavi held him close and rocked him gently, he continued to stare at nothing.
"this is bad..." Alteara sighed. "he's going to need some time to recover, and Komoui will need to have that leg fixed..."
Komoui continued to hide in his sisters shirt, refusing to look at the others.
"w-where's luna?" Everyone turned to Miranda who was looking around curiously until they all turned to lenalee.
"she ran after the monster.." lenalee sighed. "that thing was big, and looked so dangerous, but it acted like it was scared of her, and was covered in wounds and blood..."
Komoui squeeked and lavi could feel kanda fisting into his shirt. He shook his head at lenalee who looked sadly down at her brother, appologizing.
"this is bad." Alteara said, fidgeting nervously.
"what is?" lenalee asked.
"if we dont stop her.." alteara looked to the trees, hearing another roar in the distance. "she's going to keep hunting that thing until its dead or there's nothing left..."
"but.." miranda piped up "we need alive it for the anti-venom!"
"cant we just tell her to stop?" lavi cried. "she knows we need it alive!"
The group turned to Alteara, but blinked when the girl wasnt there.
"come on!" Lenalee shouted, motioning to the forest. "There's got to be a way to get her to stop!"
Luna stood in front of the beast, grinning happily as it writhed on the ground.
"you thought you could get away?" she laughed, sounding almost innocent. "i told you earlier... there is no surviving."
The monster hissed out a whine as it struggled to regain its footing. Blood pooled from its many stab wounds and its broken limbs cracked painfully. Collapsing onto the ground again, its form began to shift and strain. Luna raised a blood soaked brow as the creature shrank. From its full blown wolf form with whip like vines on its tail, the creature changed to a small puppy, smaller than luna herself, with one white daisy jutting off a long stem on its head. It would have been cute, if it wernt for the blood.
Luna knelt down before the pup, staring at its new form in curiosity.
"so your really just a... just a... pathetic puppy!" she cried, sending an bare foot slamming into the pup's side. It whimpered loudly as it sprawled out across the lawn. Luna glanced around for a bit, realizing she was in the grassy plain she had been on earlier. She sighed. It wouldnt be very nice to kill this pup and ruin the nice lawn. Maybe she could take it into the forest...
As she pondered the pups death, she slowly walked toward it, twirling the knife in her hands. Quick? slow? violent? She sighed. So many choices...
The pup whimpered, curling its body into itself and shaking horribly.
"do you see?" luna laughed. "you see how it feels to be prey now?" she grabbed the dog by the back of its neck, lifting it into the air. It tried to curl itself, whimpering in defeat and mercy.
"your a fool..." she laughed, twirling the knife in her free hand. "what should i start with? A paw? your tail? that stupid little daisy on your head? what do you feel like losing first..?"
The pup cried and squirmed, trying desperatly to escape.
"why should i let you live?!" luna snapped, shaking the dog. "everything dies eventually! whats one less year or two!?" She threw the dog onto the ground, growling as it whimpered and cried pathetically.
"your such a fool!" she yelled. She advanced on it again, this time with the full intent of ending its life. She grinned as the knife gleamed in the sun and watched the pup try to drag itself across the grass.
Blood fell to the grass as the knife sank into flesh. Luna stared, her hands shaking on the handle of the knife. Another hand reached down and pulled the knife from its lodging.
"a...a...a..." luna's eyes widened as the girl before her reached down and pulled the pup into her arms.
The blonde turned with a harsh glare, blood seeping from the wound on her shoulder as she cradled the pup. Luna stared in disbeleif.
"I...i... i didnt..."
She was cut of by a swift slap to the face. Alteara glared at her, tears in her eyes.
"i though you had more control than this." she snapped. Luna held her cheek, staring up at the blonde. Slowly, she dropped her hand to her side and looked at herself. Her clothes were covered in blood and torn. She looked to the knife laying uselessly in the grass, shining innocenlty. She sank to her knees, staring at her hands that were dyed red. She looked up at Alteara, who was looking down sadly, waiting for luna to make the first move. The little red head looked back at the grass, then vanished.
"ALTEARA!" the blonde sighed and looked up at the group running toward her. Lavi and lenalee both held a child protectivly while Miranda ran out in front.
"where's luna?" lavi asked, looking around once they had met up. "and what is that?" he pointed to the pup in her arms.
"its the beast." Alteara sighed. "i guess this is its actual form..." she trailed off, looking down at the sad animal in her arms. It was whimpering softly, and in desperate need of medical attention. "we had better take it inside..."
"and luna?" Miranda said softly.
"she... needs some time on her own." Alteara looked sadly back at the tower. "when she's ready, she'll pop up somewhere."
"what was with her?" lenalee asked as the group started to walk toward the tower.
"its... a long story." Alteara said softly. "lets get these guys cleaned up first."
Lavi: so author-chan... have you gotten all of the gore out of your system?
Author: *nods* i think thats about it for the children abuse. But the next chapter wont be all sunshine and buttercups either. But hopefully there will be more fun. ^ ^ i feel bad for abusing a dog...
Kanda: and how about me huh? i'm freaking traumatized.
Allen: im not going to die am i?
Komoui: you broke my leg!?
Author: aha... sweatdrop sorry guys. but i promise things get better soon! but... i may have to extend the number of posts again.... i might need two more...
Kanda: you've been saying that for like the last THREE updates!!
Author *bows* im very sorry...
Lavi: well author-chan... whats in the agenda for the next update?
author: well.... i plan to start it right now.
group *faceplant*
lavi: s-so quickly...
Allen: no patience...
Author: IM BORED OKAY! plus im home by myself and i dont get the chance to type in a chair very often. Usually im in bed struggleing for a comfortable position...
Kanda: anyway...?
Author: ah yes... a preview for the next update. well... i plan to explore the origin of 'the monster', as well as why luna is mercilessly trying to kill things... ah... an update on allens condition... and 'the plan' to return to normal. Expect some Revers in the next one people! And some anitics from the lee siblings as well as more cute moments between the kids and their caretakers!! Alright, i need to stop typing... i thing this post is reaching its character limit.
Lavi: do they even have character limits?
Author: i would be the one to find out...
Ja' ne everyone!!
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Art by rnercury
Current Quest: Vagran Sea
Status: 4.1 / 14.5 Bil
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