Allen: um... author chan... isnt lavi the one who usuallly starts this kind of thing?
Author: well he's not here. And what do you mean by this kind of thing!
Allen: um... *coughsubjectchangecough* where is lavi?
Author: he was pissed that i wouldnt take him to Kings Island with Alteara, so he went to sulk in her journal for a bit. He'll be back soon though. *mutter* kinda miss him *mumble*
Lenalee: aw how cute!
author: do you really want to go back in the closet that badly!?
Kanda: geeze, what died in your breakfast?
Author: *twitch*
Komoui: ah, poor girl...
Lenalee: what is it nii-san? Can you tell us?
Komoui: well, we all know author chan has been having trouble sleeping...
Kanda: yeah, she ends up being crazier and more retarded than normal, so what?
Komoui: well, apparently she was supposed to be worn out after all the fun of yesterday *coughiwantedtogotoocough* and expected to sleep well... but... didnt.
Allen: so she had a rough nights sleep?
Komoui: not exactly...
author: sleep? sleep!? HA! if only! i sat awake till four in the morning!! and then i took a sleep pill and a couple of advil cuz my head was POUNDING and STILL ended up staying awake. so guess what. its around 7 in the morning, im eating a REALLY FREAKING GOOD SANDWICH and i havent slept a wink. ...
my eyes feel funny...
Group: ...
Kanda: ... holy crap...
Lenalee: poor thing! you should take a nap or something!
Komoui: then she wont sleep tonight and her schedule will be screwed...
Lenalee: how sad...
*moment of silence.*
Allen: so... what kind of sandwich is it?
Group: *faceplant*
Author: the good kind.
Lenalee: *sigh* We really need to find lavi...
Kanda: stupid author says she doesnt own d. gray man and gives props to the rightful owner(s). If she did, it would be alot more retarded.
Author: you already USED that one!!!
kanda: alright, then.... This stuff would have actually happened.
Author: your not allowed to do the disclamer anymore. *glare*
Omake *wiggle*
"so... whats the plan for today?" lenalee said quietly at the breakfast table. She sat, poking at her eggs with a glum expression.
"whats wrong nee-san?" Kanda asked, blinking innocently up at the girl. The group sighed. Since they got up this morning, Allen and Kanda had been stuck in a relapse, and now the adults were starting to wonder if they would ever return to normal. It was kind of akward with both of them acting like small children without even a clue as to who they were before.
"this is getting serious." lavi sighed. "if they stay stuck like this, it might effect them when the ray returns to normal. I mean, they dont even remember their own pasts now!"
Kanda and Allen sank into their seats. Kanda reached up and started to fiddle nervously with his hair while allen pulled his left arm to his chest and held it tightly. Lavi sighed.
"dont worry guys, your not in trouble, you didnt do anything wrong."
Both boys looked up with small smiles, but returned to looking sadly at their laps.
"oh lavi." Miranda sighed, walking around the table to scoop both of them into her arms. The group had gotten quite a shock when both boys had referred to Miranda as "mom" or in kanda's case, "kaa-san" this morning. How this came about, no one was sure, but what they did know was that both boys felt safest when with the woman.
"They cant help whats happening to them. Maybe we should play a game or something to help them remember."
"what should we play?" Alteara piped up.
Lavi put a hand to his chin, mocking a sherlock pose.
"hide and seek?"
"way to dangerous"
"red rover?"
"not enough people..."
"jump from the top of the order?"
"you have got to be kidding me."
"gee lenalee..." lavi pouted. "why dont you ruin ALL of our fun while your at it." Lenalee bopped him on the head before sighing.
"i just dont want anyone ending up in the hospital ward again..."
"speaking of which." Miranda smiled softly. "why dont we go visit luna? Im sure she could use some company. And allen you need a check up to make sure your all better!" smiled at the silver haired boy, bopping him on the forehead with her own. Then she turned to kanda (who was pouting) and did the same, earning her smiles and giggles from both boys.
"geeze Miranda..." lavi sighed. "are you sure you've never had children before?"
Miranda turned bright pink and gave him something that looked like a half hearted glare.
"yes im sure!" she sputtered.
The group laughed as they moved from the cafeteria.
"you're all set Allen sweety!" a nurse cooed at the silver haired child who was sitting on the edge of a bed and swinging his feet to and fro.
"thanks!" allen chirped with a smile before hopping of the bed and padding over to the other side of the room where the group sat around a quiet bed.
Allen reached over and tugged on Miranda's skirt. The woman, who had grown acustomed to the motion, reached down and picked up the child. Allen looked over to kanda, who was being held by "uncle lavi" , then into the bed.
"why is Luna sleeping so much?" he said softly. Miranda smiled sadly and rocked the child.
"She's not feeling well." she cooed. "So she needs lots of rest."
"oh." allen said, blinking. He watched quietly for as long as he could stand.
Which happened to be all of five minuets.
He started squirming in Miranda's grasp around the same time as Kanda started pinching Lavi.
"OW! yuu!" lavi snapped, putting the squirming child to the floor and nursing his arm. "that wasnt very nice!"
Kanda shot his tounge out at Lavi, then darted toward the end of the bed. Allen was already standing there.
"bored?" he asked. Allen nodded.
"what should we do?"
Kanda thought for a moment. As the obvious mastermind, he would have to find some way to bring entertainment to this boring day. Miranda, who had been watching the whole thing, smiled brightly, then leaned over and whispered to lavi. The red head perked immediatly with a big smile.
"thats brilliant!" he grinned. Lenalee looked on curiously before lavi leaned over and told her the same thing that Miranda was whispering to Alteara. The blonde grinned.
"that sounds like a great idea." she smiled.
"alright boys!" Miranda laughed at the two small children who were wracking their brains for an idea. "why dont we go see Jerry-san?" Both of them looked up at her her suspision. "He's going to play a game with us!"
Suspision forgotten, both boys cheered, running to their 'mother' and asking to be held. She picked them both up with smiles and toted them out of the room.
"alright." lenalee said softly. "were going to need some pieces of paper and pencils, and then we need to get "that". " Lavi nodded along with her before he began to leave the room. Both stopped and turned to see Alteara, still sitting next to the bed.
"you comming?" lavi asked softly. Alteara shook her head.
"miranda was right." she said. "Luna could use some company." The other two nodded, then waved as they left to begin their brilliant plan.
"AH! What do we have here?! Two cute children!!" Jerry cooed over the boys as Miranda set them on tall stools to give them easy access to the counters in the kitchen.
"Aunty Jerry!!" Allen cried, smiling wide.
"baka." kanda snapped. "its Uncle Jerry."
"now, now boys." Miranda chided softly. "Uncle Jerry, what do you have in store for our boys today?"
"well..." Jerry grinned mishceviously "were going to make... cookies!!"
"yay!" Allen cried, hopping in his seat. Kanda was grinning, but not as vocal.
"ne.. uncle jerry... are they supposed to bubble like that?" Kanda blinked as he pointed to the cookie batter they were laying out on sheets.
Miranda was giggling uncontrollablly. Though Kanda was, for the most part, clean, he still had bits of dough stuck in his hair, and flour smudged on his cheeks. Allen, on the other hand, was covered in flour, making look almost ghostly, and he had cookiedough caked onto his hands and hair. Both boys had on mini white aprons (Miranda almost died when she saw that they were frilly), and had ended up standing on the stools for better access. The table, needless to say, was demolished.
"no... kanda-kun... cookies aren't really supposed to bubble like that... but i guess in this case, yours are special." Jerry laughed lightlly at the boys. Both he and Miranda had known that "making cookies with the boys" was just for a time distraction, and when they left from the boredem of waiting for the cookies to bake, he would switch them out with an already prepared batter that was hiding in a bowl in the corner.
"Is it cuz of the flour, cuz i really didnt mean it... " Allen looked sadly at the bubbling batter. Jerry laughed, remembering how Allen had 'accidentally' dumped the whole bag of flour (bag and all) into the batter.
"its either that or the penut oil." Jerry laughed. Kanda sighed.
"it wasnt my fault!"
Kanda too had made a 'booboo' by dumping 3 cups of penut oil into the batter, thinking it was... well... why anyone would put 3 cups of ANYTHING into a batch of cookies was Jerrys guess, so he wasnt really sure what kanda was thinking. Maybe he was just naturally bad at cooking...?
Both boys sighed.
"think they'll taste okay?" Allen grinned, a twitching hand reaching for the nearest blob of goo.
"not just yet!" Jerry cried, tapping the hand away. Allen pouted.
"alright. Now we need to give them time to cook!" Jerry grinned. Suddenly, both boys were excited again.
"when will they be done!" Kanda cried. Jerry blinked for a second.
"about 2 hours."
"whaaaaat?!" both boys whined.
"now now..." Miranda grinned, scooping both boys from the stool. "while we're waiting, why dont we get you boys cleaned up, and then we can play a game!"
Miranda smiled and thanked Jerry, who waved as the 'family' went back to their room.
"There now." Miranda smiled as she rubbed the last of the cookie batter from Allen's cheek with her wash rag. "much better right?"
Both boys nodded enthusiastically. "now here." Miranda handed them a new outfit each. "go ahead and change in the bathroom." She turned them around and patted their backs, ushering them to the small room.
"i have to change with him!?" they both cried simultaniously.
"oh my..." Miranda laughed. "you're both boys! im sure you'll be fine." And with that she pushed them into the room and shut the door.
"geeze..." kanda moaned, pulling off his tiny shirt. Allen, after a moments hesitation, did the same.
"what do you think we'll play?" Allen asked excitedly as he pulled on a new clean outfit.
"dunno, but i hope its not-"
Both boys froze, turning to the closed bathroom door.
"mom?" Allen called, rushing to the door.
"KAA-SAN?" Kanda yelled, reaching up to try and open the door. They heard an abrupt shuffleing from behind the door, and both boys flew into panic mode, climbing over each other to reach the doorknob. When they finally got the door open they tumbled into the room, summersaulting onto the floor.
"k-kaa-san?" kanda looked around.
"wasa matta' boyas?"
"EEEEE!!" Allen squeeled at the sudden presence of a strange man in the room. He jumped behind Kanda, who raised an eyebrow at the strange looking intruder.
"what are you doing uncle lavi?" Kanda snapped standing up and brushing his clothes back into order. "wheres kaa-san?"
The man gave a questioning look at the child. He wore an overly large trench style coat, covered in strange furs and metal, which looked very heavy and uncomfortable. On his head was a black eyepatch, covering his right eye, with flaming red hair jutting out from under a large (and ugly) hat.
"dont be knowin who this ere 'lavi' be, but as fer yer ma..." He grinned maliciously before motioning over to the door. "i tooker for a little 'walk'. If you boyas be wantin to geter back, ya gotta find me!" The man pulled something from his pocket and threw it at the floor, where it erupted into a giant puff of white smoke. Both boys coughed, rubbing their watering eyes until the smoke cleared.
"what are we going to do!" Allen cried, shaking kanda. "that mean guy took mom!!"
"baka." kanda snapped. "it was so obviously uncle lavi! This must be the game kaa-san told us about!"
"oh." Allen blinked. Then he reached down and touched the fine white powder covering the floor. "flour?"
"never mind that, look at this!" kanda beckoned the boy over. He was holding a piece of paper, covered in flour.
"its a note." he said, dusting off the letters.
"what does it say?"
Kanda squinted at the letters before reading it outloud.
"Yer ma is ours now forever more,
unless you seek the order's core"
"... eh?" Allen blinked, scratching his head.
"its a riddle." kanda glared at the paper, trying to figure it out.
"so... what's the order's core?"
"i dont think its a what... so much as it is a where." Kanda said. "that guy must have taken kaa-san into the core of the order."
Allen nodded. "so.. i guess we should try to find it."
Kanda nodded, and both boys set out on their journey.
Lenalee squeeled quietly as she peeked from her hiding spot in the hallway. Kanda was walking down the hall, and latched to his hand was Allen, trailing slightly behind. They looked like cute brothers being all loving. She sighed.
"if only i had my camera!!" she whined, wiggling with excitment. "then i could show everyone how cute they are!! Oh why didnt i bring it??" She watched some more as the two boys looked around curiously.
"thats it." she snapped. "ill go get it from my room. Im sure leaving them for a few seconds wont hurt anyone..."
and with that, she vanished down the hall.
"So... where exactly are we going?" Allen peeped out from behind Kanda.
"To the central hallway." kanda said matter-o-factly. "thats probably where the 'central core' would be."
"oh yeah..." allen blinked. "good point."
After a few moments of walking, the boys spotted the main hallway.
"look!" allen cried, rushing forward. He reached the railing and peeped through it, staring down into the dark abyss. "woah..."
Kanda nodded in agreement as he peered down as well. "thats probably where we need to go..." he sighed.
"no way, nu-uh!" Allen looked shocked, backing away from the other. "there is NO way im jumping down there! Ill die!"
"dont be stupid." kanda snapped. "look." He pointed out to the center of the hole where a platform was resting. "we just have to get onto that and we can go down."
Allen cocked his head for a moment, contemplating any negative side effects before nodding. "but how do we get on that?"
Kanda looked around a little before he spotted a walkway. "over there!" Both boys dashed to the spot.
It was a thin metal walkway, silver in color and lacking handrails of anysort. It looked wide enought for one person at a time to go over. Kanda started to walk out when Allen grabbed onto his back.
"wait!" Allen cried. "dont go without me!"
"im not going without you stupid!" kanda growled. "now get OFF!" he shoved the white haired boy.
Allens foot landed on the edge of the platform and slid backward. Slowly, he watched as Kanda dissapeared from view, then suddenly, the platform seemed much farther away. Kanda was leaning over the edge, shouting something that Allen couldnt comprehend. He turned and stared into the abyss he was rapidly approaching.
'im gonna... IM GONNA...'
He spotted a neon green light, deep in the darkness, and his body curled in an attempt to prepare for impact.
Kanda had stared curiously as Allen's body began to dissapear from view over the edge of the platform. After a moment, he had comprehended that Allen had actually fallen and not dissapeared. He leaned over the edge, heart pounding as he watched the small boy tumble into the darkness.
"IDIOT!" kanda shouted before Allen dissapeared from view once more. Kanda stared. There was only one way to save him. So he jumped.
Allen's scrunched eyes blinked open when he didnt feel the bone crushing, mind splatting, head-on collision with the ground he had been expecting. Instead he found his torso wrapped gently in light green slightly transparent tendrils. Curiously, his eyes followed them from his body and up into the massive form of a giant creature.
"are you alright little one?" the creature asked in a girls voice, soft and slow. The sound made allen feel very comfortable, and like he wanted to take a nice long nap... until he remembered that he had been adressed and nodded in response.
"i am glad." the creature smiled as it looked (or at least Allen thought, but he couldnt really see its eyes) right at him. Suddenly it looked away, more tendrils reaching up into the air to catch another tumbling form that Allen recognized as Kanda.
"my, my." the creature said playfully. "it's raining children today... Are you alright brave warrior?" Kanda looked up and paled slightly, but nodded. The creature set both of them on a hovering platform, not too far from its body. It moved down to see them face to face.
"do you children know who i am?"
Both shook their heads no.
"My name is Hevlaska, and i am the guardian of this order and all it contains. What, may i ask, brings you to this place?"
Allen shrank back slightly, but Kanda moved forward.
"Kaa-san was taken, and to get her back Uncle lavi said to find the Orders Core." He said boldly, staring Hevlaska down. She looked down at the two boys thoughtfully.
"it takes alot of bravery for two such as yourselves to venture down into these debths, so i will tell you where your mother is. But first... you must answer my riddle."
"eh?" lenalee blinked, looking around the hallway, camera in hand. She had been certian that the two had gone this way, but since the platform was still there, they couldnt have gone too far. She shrugged for a moment until a finder came running up.
"LENALEE-SAN!" the finder gasped for breath, leaning on his knees. "another finder reported seeing two small children falling down the central corridor!!"
"WHAT!?" lenalee screached. Shoving the finder away, she rushed over to the railing. Mid vault, she stopped for a second. If the two had fallen down, they would be with Hevlaska, and she would never let anything bad happen to them.
Breathing a sigh of releif, she stood on the air, and slowly decended down into Hevlaska's lair.
"are you ready?" the giant creature asked the two boys. Both nodded.
"Alright, here is the riddle.
What is as the beginning of eternity,
and the end of all time,
the beginning of every life,
and at the end of this rhyme? "
Both boys stared.
"the beginning of eternity...." allen put a hand to his chin. "um.. nothing?"
"that would fit for the end of all time too, but that leaves us with the beginning of every life and the end of the rhyme. Whats at the end of the rhyme?" Kanda sighed.
"a question mark?" allen blinked.
Both boys wracked their brains in complete concentration. Hevlaska smiled at the two.
"would you like a hint?" she cooed.
Allen nodded forcefully, while kanda just stared expectantly. The green giant leaned down to come face to face with Allen, staring at him intensly. Kanda watched silently as tendrils appeared from behind, and suddenly grabbed the boy.
"boo!" Hevlaska giggled.
"EEEE!" Allen shrieked, wiggleing about until he was set down. "what was that for! I asked for a hint, not a heart attack!" he breathed heavily, a hand trapped over his chest. While Hevlaska appologized, kanda stared intently. What did scaring Allen have to do with the riddle? She had scared allen... and he had screamed...
"Thats it!!"
Allen turned to blink at Kanda curiously. "what's it?"
"i solved the riddle!"
"really?" Allen smiled brightly. "what is it! Tell me! Tell me!!"
Kanda grabbed Allens arm and draged the boy close to him, whispering in his ear for a bit.
"... OHHH..." he grinned. "well thats a cheap trick!"
Kanda grinned back.
"so you have an answer?" Hevlaska smiled at them. Kanda nodded.
"the letter E!"
"correct!" Hevlaska smiled brightly. "now for your next riddle...
If your mother is what you seek,
then you must hurry and pick up your pace,
Go forth boldly and dont be meek
to find the one who guards with his face."
Kanda blinked up at the guardian as Allen silently repeated the rhyme to himself.
"is there something i can help you with young one?" Hevlaska smiled.
"i... i feel like ive seen you before." He said, squinting his eyes at the giant. "but... i cant..." He jumped when a soft tendril lifted him from the ground and cradled him soflty. Allen too was in the air, staring up at Hevlaska with innocent eyes.
"ah..." she said softly. "to see you two so happy makes me cry tears of joy. If only it could stay like this..."
"what...?" Kanda stared intently, but Allen gently touched the tendril that held him.
"dont be sad..." he said softly, nuzzleing the warmth. "ill be happy so dont be sad okay?" Hevlaska smiled down at the two before gently giving both of them a kiss on the head. They glowed a bright green for a second, then they were gone. The green glow in the darkness slowly faded.
"if only..."
Kanda blinked for a moment, looking around confused.
"we... we're back here?!"
Allen jumped from his protective position to find himself and Kanda back in Miranda's room.
"Hevlaska must have sent us back here, since we couldnt really go up the same way we got down..." Allen said, looking around the room. "so where to now?"
Kanda put a hand to his chin in thought. "well, we have to find the one who 'guards with his face', but who guards something with their face. Wouldnt using your hands, or a weapon be easier?"
"maybe..." Allen turned to the other boy. "maybe he HAS to guard with his face because he doesnt have limbs, or a weapon!"
Kanda smiled in comprehension.
"the gatekeeper!!"
"HEY!" kanda snapped up at the huge stone face. "where's Kaa-san?!"
The gatekeeper looked down, looming upon the two boys. Allen flinched back, but kanda just glared.
"first," the loud wall boomed. "my name is NOT hey! its Alestina Drow Joanason P. Robathan Gia Amedeus the fifth! Secondly, what makes you think ill tell you anything! you could be Akuma!"
Kanda deadpanned as Allen shifted into view.
"um... mr Alicetean... "
"ALESTINA!" it cried. "but you can call me Al."
Kanda rolled his eyes violently as Allen tried to contain his laughter.
"Well Al-san... were looking for our mother."
The gatekeeper raised a giant eyebrow in suspision. "what was your mother doing here?"
"shes an exorsist." kanda snapped. "and so are we so just tell us."
"we are?" Allen whispered.
"just go with it." kanda replied.
Al still looked skeptical. "what if you're akuma though."
Kanda growled, but Allen stepped forward.
"we think maybe the ones who took our mom were akuma, and we need to know where she went to catch them!"
Kanda blinked in confusion, but Al jumped into action.
"AKUMA!? you must hurry and catch them!! Ah... what did they say... what was it..." The gatekeepers head flew in all directions as it struggled to remember. Allen coughed, covering up his giggles, while kanda just glared impatiently.
"ah, thats right!
your closer than ever
to reaching your prize,
next find a person
with clear sky blue eyes!"
Kanda twitched.
"you must be retarded!" he shouted. "how can your eyes be clear AND sky blue at the same time!?"
"come on kanda." Allen sighed, pulling the irritated samurai along back into the building. "it must be another trick."
"che. Stupid Moyashi." kanda growled as he was dragged along. "that gatekeeper is just messed up."
Allen stopped and blinked at Kanda.
"what did you call me?"
"... moyashi?" kanda blinked back.
"what is that?"
Kanda thought for a minute. "beansprout."
Allen deadpanned. "and why am i being called a beansprout?"
Kanda shrugged. "it felt like the right thing to do?"
"i think you're the retarded one." Allen snapped back, stomping off in irritation. "its ALLEN, AL-LEN, come on, say it with me now... "
The gatekeeper smiled as the two returned indoors, still yelling about Allen's name.
Author: ...
Allen: and why are you stopping? the story isnt over yet.
Author: ...
Lenalee: how very sad...
Allen: *nods*
Lavi: hey guys! you really should see Alteara's story, its so funny! Bookman is all... hey... whats up with Author-chan?
Author: *gloom*
Kanda: the idiot couldn't finish the story in just one more update, so we need another one.
Lavi: ... really...
Author: just kill me and get it over with!!! *lays on floor*
Lenalee: we wont kill you author-chan, i mean im hardly in this anymore, so its fine with me.
Kanda: and what about me?!
Lenalee: tough luck?
Kanda: youre lucky your a girl.
Allen: dont feel bad author-chan *pats back* I dont mind.
Author: ah.. Allen kun... *sparkly eyes*
Lavi: - - alright thats quite enought of that. *shoves Allen off a cliff* Oh look, hes incapacitated. Anyway author-chan, Alte-chan came up with the cutest name for you!!
Author: ...?
Lavi: ninjin! *hugs*
Kanda: *coughing fit*
Author: ... and what does ninjin mean?
Kanda: *coughs harder*
Lavi: dunno, but it sounds cute!
Kanda: *turning red*
Lenalee: i think you should keep it! *giggling*
Author: ... okay...?
Kanda: *falls over*
Author: ... im not gonna ask...
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Art by rnercury
Current Quest: Vagran Sea
Status: 4.1 / 14.5 Bil
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