Kanda: *frowns* Author-chan...
Author: -.-
Lavi: whats up with you two?
Allen: Kanda is mad at author-chan for leaving Alteara alone in the towns...
Lavi: you left Alteara-chan?
Author: i kept getting kicked out! and towns is hard work... and i feel like writing in my journal so i can hurry up and start putting new stuff...
Kanda: that is no excuse. Shes probably wondering around.. horrified... getting into ... all sorts of trouble... *pales*
Allen: *sigh*
Lenalee: your not just going to leave her there right author-chan?
Author: i sent her a mail...
Group: *stare*
Author: it will be good practice for her college days.
Kanda: *growls and stomps off*
Author: *sigh* guess ill have to use the Kanda stand in...
Lenalee: oh please, not that creepy guy...
Lavi: He's nothing like yuu-chan at all!!
Author: and what choice do i have?
Group: ...
Lavi: Author-chan you're no fun in this mood.
Author: *sigh* please get in your places...
Lenalee: Author-chan doesn't not own D. Gray man. If she did, the characters would probably go on strike...
Author: TT^TT
Pieces of the Heart Part 5
"Will he be okay Nii-san?" Lenalee said softly, hovering over the British exorcist's hospital bed. Allen was almost buried in machinery, with the iv in his arm and oxygen mask over his face, he looked artificial. He was breathing harshly, chest rising and falling in a jagged motion. He whimpered softly in his feverish sleep, scrunching his face in pain.
Komoui watched sadly as a nurse moved over quietly, administering some kind of syringe to Allens i.v.
"I dont know lenalee..." He said "But i hope so."
"What do you want." Bookman snapped, even before his idiot apprentice had made his presence known. He sat in the order's library, deeply emursed in a book that he had yet to read, and enjoying the fresh feeling of new information.
"Panda-jiji..." Lavi said softly, aproaching the old man. "I had a question."
"And that is...?"
"Its about Allen."
"Ah." the bookman jumped down from the stack of books he was perched upon and walked up to the red haired boy, looking at him, but at the same time, looking through him. "The Walker boy? I've heard of his circumstances. What makes you think i know anything you do not?"
"Cut the tricks jiji." Lavi said seriously. "There must be something you've heard of that can help in this case."
"Idiot!" Bookman snapped, smacking lavi across the head and sending him tumbling into a small stack of books. "Ive told you a thousand times to respect your elders!!"
Lavi hissed, rubbing the sore spot on his cheek where he had collided with the corner of a particularly thick novel. "But is there anything?!"
Bookman stared at the boy, before turning and moving to a stack of books. Once pulling out the one he desired from beneith several thick volumes, he blew the dust from its cover and placed it on the floor in front of the boy, opening it a few pages in.
"It seems that the symptoms are no match to any illness ive heard of. This is definitly the work of an outside force. However, i do not think it is human."
Lavi stared. "So.. maybe a Noah?"
"Fool." bookman said softly "Do you really think a Noah could do all of this from outside of the order? No... i do not think it is as severe as a Noah... But maybe something beneith a Noah..."
"Could it be something completely different?" Lavi asked, glancing over the pages of the medical book Bookman had offered him. "Like an outside source?"
Bookman looked at Lavi with suspision, then snapped the book closed.
"It does not matter to me."
Lavi blinked.
"You heard me." The old man glared through the thick dark rings around his eyes. "The survival of Allen Walker is none of my business. I am simply here to record what happens during this war. As, may i remind you, are you."
Lavi stared at his teacher, his face torn between anger and shame.
"What is your mission?"
"To... record the happenings of this war."
"Exactly." bookman snapped. "And if you keep forgetting your goal, im going to take Lavi...
and erase him."
Kanda stood in the hospital ward. Actually, he was leaning against a wall, but it was close enough to standing for his taste. He was in the perfect spot to keep an eye on the beansprout and everyone around him. Komoui and Lenalee were also there, fussing over the boy in the bed, checking his tempurature and making sure he was comfortable. Kanda sighed.
Kanda turned to see a finder, dressed in white along with his pack. After staring at him for a moment, Kanda registered that this man was not the last finder he went on a mission with, and wondered what he could want.
"What is it?" Kanda snapped, not bothering to inform the finder that he had already forgotten his name.
"Ah... m-may i speak with you for a moment?" the finder beckoned to the hallway.
"Cant we talk here?" Kanda growled, glancing over at Allen's bed.
"ah..." the finder fumbled. "i ... dont want to disturb those in the ward..."
Kanda glared at the man, certain that he was about to snap and chase him off.
"It's alright Kanda-kun." a hand came down on Kanda's shoulder. He glared at it as if he were going to bite it. It was quickly removed, and kanda followed it back to Komoui.
"I'll keep a close eye on Allen-kun, so dont worry."
Kanda gave a quick nod, as well as a rapid glace to the moyashi, before begrudgigly following the finder out of the hospital ward and down the hallway.
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Art by rnercury
Current Quest: Vagran Sea
Status: 4.1 / 14.5 Bil
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