Super Special Christmas Special in July Babeh!
Omake hya!
The black order was abuzz with a cheerful feeling. Garland and mistletoe were spread about, sending joy to all of the members rushing about. Why are they decorating like ants on a caffein buzz you ask?
Because today was the magic day.
"MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE!!" lavi yelled as he rushed into the cafeteria. He glanced around, looking for his prey. The cafeteria had changed alot during the past few days. The tables had all been adjusted into a circle like pattern, with four or five rows, and in the center was the biggest evergreen tree Lavi had ever seen, decorated from tip to tail with silver bobbles and gold trimmings and decorations of every size and color. Around the bottom, presents of every shape and size were spread about. After glancing around a bit, lavi spotted his first target.
An almost blinding patch of white hair stuck out like a sore thumb among the greens and reds of the tables. The large stack of food next to it was the second give away that Allen Walker was enjoying his Christmas eve lunch.
As the apprentice bookman wondered over, he felt the object on his head sway and carefully adjusted it into position.
Today was going to be great.
"Hey, Moyashi-chan! Merry Christmas eve!"
"Mmphmm rrmmphmmm memv!"
Lavi reeled at the spray of food tidbits comming from the British boy. "Geeze, Allen-kun, i asked for the news not the weather..."
Gulping down his last bits of food, Allen turned to the read haired boy. "You asked" he trailed off as his silver eyes slowly traveled up the boys face and landed right above his locks of messy red hair...
"L-lavi... is that..."
"and why..."
"Because its fun!"
"its tradition Moyashi-chan! Gotta do it!"
Allen turned a bright pink, staring at the hat on lavi's head. Not only was it the most horrible thing he had ever seen, looking like a horrible mixbreed between and elf hat and a witches hat, but its green color was almost puke green, and the red was faded to a pink. That wasnt the worst part though. At the very tip of the hat, leaning infront of the bookmans face, was a small sprig of obviously fake mistletoe.
"You've got to be kidding me..." Allen moaned, leaning away from the bookman who was leaning over the table at him.
"Nope!" Lavi cheered with a big smile. "Pucker up Moyashi-chan!" Lavi leaned in, and Allen snapped his eyes shut, bracing for impact.
He blinked when he felt a peck on the cheek.
"Huh." he stared when the red head backed away with a feril grin on his face "I really though you were gonna... i dunno..."
"Molest you?" Lavi laughed, bopping the boy on the head with a hand. "Dont be silly Allen-kun!"
The white haired boy sighed, not sure if he should be more releaved that lavi didnt do anything inappropriate or annoyed that he tried something in the first place.
"So how long have you been wearing that thing?" Allen asked, staring at the boy with annoyance.
"A while." lavi giggled. "Now if you dont mind..." He started to walk away when he stopped and turned.
"Allen-kun, tomorrow is your birthday too, right?"
Allen blinked, then smiled. "yeah."
Lavi nodded with a smiled, then ran off.
Allen sighed a little, turning to stare up at the large christmas tree. Tomorrow was the day...
"Nii-san!" lenalee called, wandering down the hallways. She stopped and huffed. Where was that brother of hers? Usually he came running, even when she didnt call him...
Sighing again, she continued her voyage, enjoying the beautiful christmas scenery adorning the hallways of the order. After a few moments, a door opened in front of her, and Kanda emurged.
"Oh, i kanda-kun!" lenalee called, moving next to the boy. "Could you... um... would you mind helping me with something..."
The samurai turned and looked at her with a raised brow.
"I.. was going to meet Alteara..."
"Oh good!" Lenalee cheered. "I need to see her too. Pleeeease kanda-kun!?"
Kanda sighed before nodding lightly.
"Yay!" lenalee cheered, hopping on the spot. "Let's go! Let's go!!" she yelled, grabbing kanda by the arm and dragging him at high speeds down the hallway. Then she stopped.
"Um... Kanda..."
"in her room..." kanda growled, using his free hand to keep his head from spitting off his shoulders.
"Right!" Leanlee cheered, dashing off again.
After a few moments, they arrived at Luna and Alteara's room.
"Stupid... spinning... hallways..." Kanda moaned, leaning against a wall. After a minute or two of recovery, Kanda stood and raised his hand to knock.
"WAIT!" lenalee cried, jumping on his fist.
Kanda blinked at the girl, now totally being supported in the air by his fist.
"You're alot lighter than i thought..." Kanda blinked. Lenalee laughed nevously.
After a moment of staring...
"So why are you stopping me?"
"Oh right!" lenalee laughed "You cant knock, cuz then luna will know!!" She hissed.
Kanda deadpanned. "Like she didnt hear you yell in the first place?"
The two blinked as the door to the room flew open and a flustered looking Alteara stood there panting, her hair in weird directions and clothes mussed. She was panting and looking at the two and around the area.
"Relax crazy..." Kanda sighed. "No danger..."
"... oh." Alteara grinned, laughing nervously before taking one last frantic glance around. "You can come in then."
"What about... luna..." Lenalee said quietly. "is she here..?"
The two blinked as the girl panted, her eye twitching.
"... "
"so can we come in?"
"yeah sure!" Alteara moved to the side, allowing the two to enter. The room was submerged in chaos. Random items were thrown around the floor, along with masses of paper and tape, a pair of scissors were innocently stabbing the life out of a box of tissues.
"What... happened...?" kanda stared in awe.
"I was wrapping... GIFTS! DONT LOOK, TURN AROUND!!" the girl screamed frantically, pushing against the samurais shoulders in an attempt to turn him around. When both of them were turned, Alteara quickly grabbed a few items from the floor and hid them under the blankets on her bed.
"Can we look now?" Lenalee sighed, twisting her hands. "i need to talk to you..."
"Sure!" Alteara chirped. Both of the guests turnd around to stare at the girl.
"So Alte-chan..." Lenalee said playfully. "i wanted to ask you a question... since you're so close to luna... i wanted to know if what i got her was a good gift?"
Alteara cocked her head innocently at the girl. "Well, what did you get her?"
"um... well i got her a scarf... Its red with this real pretty black design!"
"you had me at scarf!" Alteara giggled. "Luna loves them."
"Oh good!" Lenalee cheered. "Then all i have left is Kanda-kun..."
The samurai, who had been hoping his silence would eventually prove that he was NOT in the room with two christmas crazed females, sighed in defeat.
"Ano..." lenalee twister her hands like a schoolgirl. "Could you tell me... Lavi's favorite color?"
Kanda blinked.
"WHAT!?" Lenalee moaned, staring at kanda as if he had just kicked a puppy. "Why not!?"
"because its TOTALLY obvious!" kanda snapped.
"oh." Lenalee put a hand to her chin in thought, then smiled. "Alright then!" And with a grin and a wave she vanished in a puff of christmassy goodness...
Lavi blinked in suprise when a large pile of christmas sprinkles that swirled infront of him suddenly morphed into Lenalee, but then just shrugged it off as the eggnog he had downed that morning.
"Hey lenalee-chan!" lavi waved, adjusting his hat.
"L...lavi... what is THAT!" lenalee cried, pointing to the hat and its increadibly tacky mistletoe addition.
"just spreading the Christmas spirit!" lavi grinned. "so pucker up!"
Lavi moved toward the stunned girl, only to freeze when the wall beside them exploded. There, in all of his lenalee's innocence preserving goodness, was Komoui.
"HE'S WITHIN FIVE FEET OF MY DARLING LENALEE!!" he shrieked, pointing an accusing finger at the bookman who had frozen in his advance. Behind him, a giant robot rose from the rubble.
"uh-oh." lavi gulped before pecking lenalee on the cheek and dashing away.
Alteara and Kanda wandered peacefully down the hall, both basking in the akward silence.
"So... where are we going?" Kanda said, scratching his nose.
"um..." alteara said softly. "i was following you..."
Kanda blinked.
"Not again..."
Both stopped and stared as the wall in front of them exploded with a cloud of rubble. Lavi emuged from the chaos, grinning widly with his hammer in one hand and the other hand holding onto his hat. He jumped onto the railing of the corridor and launched himself into the center, landing on the floating platform. Right behind him, a massive robot tore down even more of the wall, rushing forward with an automated growl.
"must... delete..." it growled, scaning the area.
"Ne, Yuu-chan!" lavi called, twirling his hammer around at a much smaller size. "Mind doing me a favor?"
"Do it yourself." Kanda snapped, snubbing the bookman.
"Ill help you!" Alteara cried, getting ready to fight.
"Che." kanda snapped. "Fine," he moved infront of the blonde. "ill do it."
"Thanks Yuu-pon!" Lavi laughed.
Kanda faceplanted into the floor, then struggled to his feet.
"DONT. CALL. ME. YUU-PON!" he yelled, rushing at the robot and slicing it into oblivion. It fell to the ground, destroyed beyond repair.
Lavi jumped back over to the railing. He leaned over Alteara where she stood.
"What's up Alte-chan!" he cheered. Alteara smiled back before her eyes traveled up to his head, then to the hat, and the mistletoe now hanging between them.
"uh... well... um... "she studdered, turning bright red, her eyes stuck on the object between them. Lavi glanced up as well.
"oh yeah!" he cheered, before pulling the hat from his head and hiding it behind his back. "yuu-chan!"
Kanda turned from where he had been making sure the robot was completely non fuctional.
"Dont call me- wha?" he stopped when lavi dashed up and planted something firmly on his head. "what the heck is this?" kanda snapped, reaching up to examine the offending article. Lavi rushed away, dissapearing down the hall as kanda's eyes landed on the sprig of mistletoe on the tip of the hat. His eyes widened, then he noticed Alteara, who stood in front of him, her face beet red and eyes the size of dinner plates.
"uh..." kanda looked around frantically, trying to grasp a conversation from the stone walls. "Its... uh... you dont... um..."
"its a tradition right?" Alteara said quietly, as if in awe. Kanda thought his face was going to catch fire.
"uh... yeah..."
They stared at each other.
Before he realized what was happening, Kanda felt himself leaning forward. Alteara kept getting closer, and all he could do was stare into those sparkling blue eyes. A soft pink blush spread across her cheeks. They were inches apart, and her hand came up, gently touching the front of his uniform, fingers curling into the fabric.
"K..kanda..." she whispered, staring into his dark eyes. She felt like she was falling into two dark pools, like she might fall asleep.
Kanda smiled as her eyes hooded and she leaned forward.
Their lips met.
Allen sighed as he moved through the strangly bright and cheery corridors. Tomorrw was the day. It was the day. Christmas day. The day he was found by Mana, and as such, his personally designated "Birthday". It was also the day that Mana returned from the dead.
Allen could hear the group of finders whispering as he past. They were probably wondering about his melencholy mood, but he waved and bid them "merry christmas" before moving on. He wanted some time to himself today, so he was going somewhere special.
After walking a bit longer, he came to a small door in a rather unused hallway. It was wooden, and pointed at the top, unlike most of the archway style doors of the rest of the order. He gently fingered the wrought iron handle, decorated beutifully in swirls and twists, before opening the door. He found himself staring at a flight of stairs, that immediatly twisted upwards and out of site. Pulling his coat tighter, and adjusting the cream scarf protecting his neck, he walked in and shut the door behind him.
Allen had no idea how many stories these stairs rose, but he didnt mind. The result was worth it.
After what seemed like an eternity, he finally reached another door, identical to the first. He reached out and opened it. A burst of cold air assaulted his sences, and a light fog rose with his breath. He stepped out and shut the door behind him, staring in awe.
It was different every time he came here. How he found it, he couldnt remember, but this place was special. It was on the roof of one of the many spires, a flat circular area surrounded by blooming flowers. In the center was a large tree, growing perfectly, as if inviting discoverers to climb it. Usually, the area was dark, since allen mostly came at night, but today it was covered in a think blanket of white snow, and everything glowed a beautiful orange, reflecting the golden rays of the sunset. Allen smiled at how beautiful it was.
"So you found this place too?" a voice called. Allen blinked around for a moment, before looking up into the tree. He could see a foot dangling over the platform like perch. Curious, Allen moved over and climbed up into the treehouse. A dark red braide, shifting colors in the sunlight, swayed over the back of the person. She turned to allen with a smile, bright green eyes shining.
"Luna." Allen smiled. He moved to the girl and sat down next to her. "i thought no one else knew about this place, but now that i think about it, that doesnt really make any sense... i mean, the flowers and this tree are always perfectly gardened..." Allen smiled, placing his hand gently on one of the close by brances.
"It's not me." Luna said with a shrug. "I dont know who does it... but id like to thank them some time..." Allen nodded along with her.
"So..." the white haired boy asked, gazing out into the surrounding valley, "what brings you up here into the cold?"
Luna smiled. "Just thinking. I enjoy a quiet moment from time to time you know... What about you?"
"Same." Allen laughed lightly.
"You know." luna said softly. "Tomorrow is the day i escaped."
"eh?" Allen blinked at her in confusion. "Escaped?"
"the origional order." she said, gazing into the light. "tomorrow is the day that the scientists gave up everything to help me live."
Allen watched as Luna's smile turned sad.
"Most of them died. Only a few made it. They were... my family..."
Allen felt the tears on his face before he realized them. "family..."
Luna nodded. "however, through my travels ive learned something important." She moved one hand that had been sitting in her lap up over her heart, closing her eyes. "My Family will always be here, even when theyre gone. Whenever i need them, all i have to do is close my eyes, and i can see them smiling at me, telling me to do my best, and watching over me. No matter where i am, or who im with, even if it seems like im all alone in the world, I always have them in my heart." She opened her eyes and smiled. "Though i still have to worry about my new family too." she laughed to herself. The bubbling sound brought up many memories that Allen had neglected... sitting in the library with Lavi, Fighting with Bakanda, Eating lunch with Lenalee, playing cards with Alteara and Luna, even talking with Komoui and Reever, or helping Miranda or Krowley... they were all there...
His new family.
"So what about you?" Luna said softly, keeping her eyes on the setting sun. "Anything you need?"
Allen whiped the tears from his eyes with his sleeve and shook his head.
"No." he smiled. "Im fine."
"YUU-CHAN!!!" Lavi cried, rushing down the hallway after the lone samurai. He was red faced and still wearing the hat. "So? Did it work? Did'ja do it?!"
Kanda whipped around and threw the hat harshly at the Bookman.
"YOU!" He yelled "ARE A LUCKY USAGI!"
Lavi blinked, before he burst out laughing at the deep blush still imprinted on Kandas face. He pulled the hat back on his head, laughing all the way, and vanished from the hallway.
At dinner, everyone was releived to see that lavi's hat had been 'misplaced' for the moment, the bookman claiming that even he couldnt keep up with all of the kissing the crowded lunchroom would provide. Allen was gulping down as much food as he could muster, and lenalee was curiously glancing between a furiously blushing Alteara and a pink faced kanda who were sitting right next to each other and seemed to jump every so often when one brushed against the other. Luna was sitting next to lavi, laughing histarically as she recounted her return to her room and finding Alteara who was so stunned and flustered that she was trying to pull a pair of pants over her arms.
Everyone was smiling that night, even Kanda, and were laughing and fighting, and just being a family.
Luna smiled when she heard a knock on the door the next morning. Alteara was busy fixing some of the decorations in their room and arranging the presents they had decided to give, so Luna walked over to the door and answered. Lavi stood, holding a bag over his shoulder, and dressed in a red and white coat, looking like some kind of young Santa Clause. His grin wavered however when he caught site of Luna. Much to Alteara's horror, Luna had decided to have her own christmas fun, and as such, was dressed as "Mrs. Clause", with a red one piece dress that was suprisingly very short, with a fur rimmed bottom and top, and little white pom poms hanging from the front in the center of her chest. She had a white cuff on each wrist, along with long red boots reaching up past her ankles, also holding two little white puffs each. Her hair was tied up in a red bun with a white flower, and she had a pair of small reading glasses delicatly gracing her eyes.
"mah..." lavi stared.
"Are you comming in or not?" Luna laughted teasingly, returning back into the room. Alteara rolled her eyes. The blonde had desided to be a little more 'conservative' this year, and had on a simple kimono designed as a dark blue with a light blue snowflake pattern. The obi around hew waist matched the light blue of the snowflakes. Her hair was pulled up into a twist with little blue gem strings, looking as if snow was in her hair. Lavi whistled as he entered the room.
"Well now im really glad we decided to come to your room for presents!" he grinned as he sat on luna's bed, then opened his arms wide. "Why dont you girls come over here and sit on Santa's lap!"
He fell over when he was beaned in the head with a pillow (in the shape of a chrismas tree ^ ^ ).
"Yeah right." Luna laughed. "Im not falling for that one, pervert."
Alteara laughed, still fiddleing with the decorations. Another knock sounded the arrival of more guests.
"you get it." Luna said, pulling the blonde away from her fiddling. "if you keep messing with these decorations they're going to set fire or something..."
"EH!?" alteara cried before rushing to the door, looking back repeatedly to see if the decorations were still not enflamed. At the second knock on the door, she turned and opened it. Kanda and Allen were standing there, both dressed in nice casual clothing. Kanda had on a black shirt with red swirls on the trim along with black pants, while allen had on his usual white shirt and black pants. Kanda stared at Alteara, his mouth hanging slightly open. Alteara blushed furiously. Allen just looked between them.
"Um... If you gawkers wouldnt mind?" he droned, moving in between them to get into the room and deposit the rather large stack of presents he was holding. Kanda blinked, shaking his head and regaining his composure. Alteara moved aside, quickly finding more decorations to mess with. Kanda walked in and sat on her bed.
"Alteaaaraaa..." Luna called, standing by the piano with her hands on her hips. The blonde girl looked over curiously. "Phoomph!" Luna mimicked something bursting into flames with her hands and Alteara squeeked before pulling her hands away from the decorations like they had bit her. Lavi laughed on the side along with allen, who had sat next to him.
"Okay..." luna grinned. "That just leaves -" she was cut off by a knock at the door.
"lenalee!" she grinned. She walked over and pulled open the door. Lenalee stood, her hair still in two dark pigtails and a large sack sitting on the ground next to her, and...
she was wearing the exact same costume as luna.
The two stared at eachother for a moment, smiles frozen in horror and annoyance.
Luna stood staring at the back of the door she had just slamed on the dark boots user. The room was silent for a moment, then...
'knock, knock'
Luna opened the door again, perfect smile back in place as lenalee smiled in greeting, now dressed in a green chinese dress, decorated with gold and a green and gold dragon looping circles down the front. Her hair was pulled up into a twist, fanning like a crown.
"Much better." luna smiled, moving to allow the girl into the room. The others deadpanned.
"Merry Christmas everyone!" lenalee cheered, noting she was the last one to enter the room.
"ye mereh cehareans..." the group mumbed back in mixed timing.
"What." lenalee snapped, suddenly looking rather scary.
"Merry Christmas!" they all cheered back, glancing at each other to see if everyone was just as freaked out by christmas cheer lenalee.
"Why thank you!" lenalee laughed, moving into the room and depositing her sack with the others. "Im so excited! Thanks for letting us use your room you two!" she nodded over to Luna and Alteara who were standing together by the door and grinning.
"no prob." Luna smiled, motioning for lenalee to sit.
"Presents now!?" Alteara burst out, smiling and boucing on the balls of her feet.
Everyone laughed a little at her eagerness but agreed.
"Alright." luna smiled. "Who wants to go first?"
"Oh, let me!" lenalee cried. She jumped up from her place on the bed and rushed to her sack in the middle. Luna and Alteara both pulled up chairs from the sides and sat, creating a semi circle around the massive pile of gifts. Lenalee took her time looking through her bag and handing out each gift to each person. Once she was done, she sat on the bed and grinned happily.
"Okay... open them!" she cried.
The sound of ripping paper filled the air as everyone uncovered their gifts.
"EEE!" Alteara cried, hugging her gift tightly. It was a small blush phoenix, chibified with a slightly annoyed look on its face, making it look super cute (and like a certain samurai we all know). Everyone else grinned, holding their gifts. Luna had a hairpiece shaped like a lotus that was a slight pink, Allen held up a big sweater that looked super warm (and slightly itchy) that was green with red reindeer on it. Kanda had a book, who's title was suspiciously missing, and lavi had a scarf that was a vibrant red.
"Cool!" lavi grinned, wrapping the scarf around his neck. "How did you guess my favorite color."
"Like your hair isnt a dead giveaway" Luna snorted. They all laughed.
"Okay, my turn." Allen grinned sheepishly before passing out his boxes. Once they were all passed out, he sat back down. "Okay."
The sound of paper once again filled the air. "AHHH!!"
This time the yell came from Luna, who had opened her box to find a massive stack of cream puffs.
"You got me FOOD!!" she cheered, hugging Allen, "How did you know?!"
The rest of the group deadpanned. Alteara smiled, holding her own gift, which was a large sketchpad. How Allen had figured out what she wanted... well.. she suposed luna had a hand in it. Kanda held his new gloves delicatly. They were leather, rather expensive by the look of them, and comfortable. Needless to say, they would be nice for his next cold mission. Or even just to wear around...
Lenalee tightly hugged her new jacket, which was a beautiful emerald color and thick, but light. Lavi laughed at the first part of his gift, which was a pair of white fuzzy fake rabbit ears, obviously a joke on the moyashi's part, but it was what was inside the envelope, delicutly curled into one of the ears, that was the real present. Lavi's grin was huge.
"Okay, now me." Alteara giggled, moving to her stack of presents. She handed them out quickly and returned to her seat, practically boucing the chair in suspese. "Open them!"
Every one took a moment to rip the paper off before they all found their gifts.
"Kyaa!" lenalee cried, holding up the new earings she had received. They too were an emerald green, and glittered beautifully. "theyre so pretty!" she cooed. Alteara smiled. Kanda had turned a dark red, holding up the new jacket in his hands. It was long and black, just the way he liked his clothing, and it was a soft fabric that felt very durable. It would be a nice change to his normal outfit.
"Thank you." he mumbled, setting Alteara's face ablaze.
"You're so cute!" Luna cried, putting on her new red gloves that perfectly matched her 'Mrs. Clause' outfit, complete with two mini puffs of fake white fur on each glove. Allen was intently flipping through the book he had received, while lavi held up the little red fox plush with a smile, before hugging it.
It was all the warning the group had before Kanda began passing out his gifts. The group looked on suspicisouly as he handed out packages to eveyone accept Lavi. The bookman looked at him with a hopefull grin. Once Kanda had finished, he stood in the center and pointed at lavi.
"Same thing as last year." Kanda snapped.
"YAY!" lavi cried, jumping up from the bed and latching himself onto kanda in a big hug.
Lenalee laughed while the rest just looked confused.
"Every year, Kanda lets lavi have one 'threat free' hug!" she smiled.
"Its the best thing i could ask for from my Yuu-chan!" lavi grinned.
"okay, you're done." kanda growled, pushing the boy off him and returning to his seat. Lavi sighed with a shrug and moved back to his place, smiling as everyone else opened their gifts.
"i want a threat free hug..." luna sighed, "that way i could mess with your hair and you wouldnt kill me..."
kanda glared at the girl. "No."
"Kanda... where did you get this?!"
The group turned to see Allen holding a small model of a church. The building was dark in color, with tall steeples and a large stain glass window in the front. Allen was staring at it intently.
"i got it in England." Kanda said shortly. "i was on a mission and... picked it up."
Lavi watched in confusion as Allen slowly traced the angles of the small building.
"Thank you." he said soflty. Kanda grunted.
"KYAAA!" the group snapped to lenalee who was holding up a pair of green orb earings, both decorated with gold characters. "How did you remember?! I pointed these out like, YEARS ago! and i didnt even think you were paying attention?!" She held up the orbs to her ears, quickly putting them in. Kanda just shrugged.
Luna grinned at her gift, loving the soft silk. It was a yukata, straight from japan she quessed, which was a soft green with red and pink flowers all across it. The obi in the center was a deep forest green.
Alteara was the only one left, and she slowly opened her gift. It was small, and wrapped akwardly, but inside was a long thin box. She opened it and stared at the item inside.
"What is it?" Luna asked, leaning over to try to see in the box. Slowly, Alteara lifted up a golden chain. On the end of it was a simple golden cross with a single red stone in the center.
"its so nice..." Alteara said softly, mesmerized by the spinning cross in front of her face. "... thank you kanda."
Suddenly, Alteara seemed to take in a certain detail in the cross that set her face aflame. Luna giggled when she almost turned as red and she stone and quickly put the necklace on her neck.
"What is it?" lavi whispered to luna, leaning over.
"the stone is shaped like a heart!" luna giggled back.
Lavi stared at her with wide eyes for a moment, before whistleing softly and moving back to his seat.
"thats probably the most romantic thing yuu-chan's ever done..."
After a moment of silence, where everyone sat appreciating their gifts, Lavi jumped up from his seat.
"Alright everyone!!" lavi grinned, "are you ready for my super fantabulous gifts?!" Kanda and lenalee groaned, while allen and the others just smiled.
"Its not going to physically harm me this year is it?" lenalee whined at the red head.
"what are you talking about?" Allen questioned.
"last year he got me one of those cans of penuts, you know, where things shoot out from them?"
Allen nodded.
"well, i opened it expecting little ballon snakes to pop out... but instead it exploded."
Allen blinked while luna and alteara struggled to keep in their laughter.
"Don't worry lenalee-chan!" lavi laughed, handing out packages "i promise this year they're good gifts." He nodded resolutly and returned to his seat.
Every one stared at the package in their hands, not moving.
"Well?" Lavi grinned innocently.
"if this explodes, or does anything of the sort, consider yourself a book woman from now on." Kanda glared before starting to open his package. Everyone watched intently for a moment, then, deciding the coast was clear, started to open their own gifts.
Kanda finally reached his gift and stared for a moment. It was a belt. And a nice one at that. It was leather, with black engravings across it, and even had a hold for mugen. He blinked at it, then looked down to his current belt. It was ripping, and falling apart a bit, but he hadnt even noticed...
Lavi smiled as he watched the samurai gently touch his gift before turning his gaze to Allen. The white haired boy was gnawing on the wrapping to his gift. Lavi sighed. 'maybe i used too much tape on that one..."
"Lavi!" luna shouted in complaint. Lavi grinned. Everyone turned to see Luna holding a pair of rather fuzzy black handcuffs. The rest of the group was staring with their mouths open. "and you expect this to come into use when?" she glared.
"keep digging!" lavi laughed, "that one is a joke!"
Luna huffed, giggling at the handcuffs and putting them on the ground before returning to the mass of wrapping paper.
Lavi turned back to Allen... nope, he was still chewing on the paper... Maybe lenalee?
The dark haired girl was holding up her gift for the world to see. It was a pair of small black gloves, elegantly decorated with lace and small gems. "Lavi, theyre beautiful!" lenalee breathed. The bookman laughed.
"lavi..." luna growled. This time she was holding a pair of black rabbit ears.
"Keep going!!" lavi laughed as the others stared at him in disgust.
Allen? Nope, still chewing... and... somehow using his feet...
"Aw, thank you lavi!" Alteara grinned, holding up a scarf that was dark blue in color. It was long and had white flowers patterned down the sides.
"no problem Alte-chan!" lavi grinned.
"Got it!!" Allen shrieked, holding up his gift. It was...
"... a pair of scissors..." Allen cried.
"look on the back." lavi leaned in and whispered. Allen did and grinned, before putting his gift aside coyly.
As lenalee and Alteara inquired as to what was the 'secret' gift between allen and lavi, luna finally found her way through the joke gifts and wrapping paper. She stared at the gift. it was a black gemstone bracelet, delecatly decorated with ivory flowers and tiny gold stars. It was breathtaking. And this bracelet was special...
The group stopped arguing at a small click, and turned to see luna locking the bracelet onto her hand with a small key on a string. She pulled out the key and tossed it to lavi.
"Don't lose it." she grinned.
"i wouldnt dare." lavi smiled back before stringing the key on his neck.
"Gag me with a spoon." kanda inserted.
As luna jumped up to pummel him, Allen looked around with a confused expression.
"luna?" he questioned. The girl stopped streching kandas face to look at the white haired boy.
"yeah?" She stepped off of the samurais lower lumbar.
"where are your gifts?"
Luna blinked for a moment before laughing.
"Oh, i forgot to get them out of hiding! Alteara is always trying to snoop into them and all..."
Alteara huffed. "Im not snooping! im just... curious.."
"Yes, well, there is a difference between you poking at them and ripping them completely open." Luna sighed before diving under Alteara's bed. She emurged with a sack.
"They were THERE!?" Alteara moaned.
"I knew you would never find them there." luna laughed, passing out the gifts.
"i guess you wern't kidding when you said they were right under my nose..."
"okay... open them!" luna grinned.
the group turned to Alteara, who didnt have a present.
Luna cocked her head for a moment,, before looking in the sack, and then around the room, and then back at Alteara.
"now i know i put it around here somewhere..." she grinned, glancing at the girl.
"its okay..." alteara said, squirming in her seat. "i dont need anything..."
"No, no, its here..." Luna's grin grew. "i just have to... remember where i put it..."
Alteara began to glance around, leaning down to look under the piano, and back to look behind her.
"hmmm..." luna crossed her hands in mock thought, laughing lightly. "Its right on the edge of my brain..."
Lavi started to laugh along with Allen. Lenalee frowned. "thats enough luna, She'll explode if she waits any longer."
Alteara blinked in confusion.
"ah, i guess you're right. But shes just so cute when shes all curious and anxious!" Luna laughed before bouncing out of the room.
Alteara blinked again. "um... what?"
"she just went to get your gift Alte-chan." lavi laughed.
"oh... so she remembered where she hid it?"
The group faceplanted.
"ne, lavi." lenalee pointed to his empty hands. "You didnt get a gift either."
"oh!" lavi laughed, reaching behind him and putting on his handy-dandy-mistletoe hat. "Luna gave me mine early!" he grinned. Lenalee, allen, and kanda glared at the hat.
"back!" luna smiled as she carefully moved into the room, holding a very large box by a gold ring. Alteara blinked in amazement. Luna carefully passed all of the gifts and wrapping paper to place the box onto the piano. Everyone froze when they heard a soft scuffling sound.
"Well?!" luna grinned, turning to her friend and motioning to the box. Alteara carefully stood from her seat and moved over to the gift.
When she put her hands on the box, she heard another round of scuffeling. Her eyes widened as she slowly pulled off the cover.
Under the box was a golden cage constructed of swirls and patterns. Inside the cage sat two small birds. One was a vibrant violet with a long tail that curled delicatly. The other was a radient red with the same tail.
"oh... luna..." Alteara stared at her gift, watching the small animals with facination.
"you have to take good care of them." luna mentored. "they are the very last of their kind, and have no place in the wild, so their only hope is to stay safe with people. Theyre very intelligent and loyal, and hopefully will live a long happy life."
Alteara grinned with a nod, carefully opening the ornate door to the cage and slipping a hand inside. The two birds looked on wearily, before the red one hopped onto a finger, carefully examining it with head quirks and little nips. Alteara pulled her hand out, holding the little red bird in the open room. The others grouped around, trying to get a glimps of the small animal.
"What are you going to call it?" Kanda said softly, extending a hand to the cage which was greatfully accepted by the purple bird. The others stared as he carefully lifted it up to his face and the two examined each other quietly. Lenalee giggled.
"i think that one likes kanda."
The others laughed lightly as the violet bird moved to perch on kanda's shoulder.
"Ruin my jacket and die." kanda snapped quietly.
The bird gave a sharp chirp in return, but stayed in its place. Alteara grinned before looking at the red bird.
"i dont know..." she said, quirking her head. "any name suggestions?"
Lenalee held out a hand, which the red bird moved to, and examed the cute creature, petting its head and scratching its feathers.
"Well, since its red... how about ruby?"
"Thats an old lady name!" Luna whined. "what about flame?"
"Too dramatic." Allen sighed. "Its obviously a girl, so it has to be something elegant, but strong."
Everyone stared at Allen.
"What? its true!"
"Right." Alteara smiled. "um... ember?"
"embers are dark and dying." Lavi said from the side, taking the bird from lenalee. "We need something more lively."
"and what do you suggest?" kanda crossed his arms. Lavi stared for a moment, thinking for a spit second that the violet bird was giving him the same glare as Kanda...
He shook his head.
"let me think...."
"well, what about the other one?" Lenalee pointed. "it seems to like kanda..."
"Lets call it yuu-chan!" Lavi burst out with a grin. Kanda glared and was about to unsheath mugen when the little violet bird flew from his shoulder and pirched on Lavi. It turned toward him and starting biting his ear.
"OW OW OW!" lavi whimpered, trying to get away from his own shoulder "okay, OKAY! im sorry!!"
The bird stopped and flew back to kanda, who smirked. "these birds ARE intelligent..."
Lavi sent him a hurt glare before hiding behind luna, who was now holding the little red bird and looking it over.
"well... anyone?"
Suddenly, the little red bird chirped softly. The group turned to it.
"Aw!" Alteara cooed "it sounds so cute!! Like a little bell!"
"Then... Rei."
The group turned to Kanda who suddenly seemed akward in the spotlight. "You should call that one Rei."
"Ray is a guys name Bakanda!" Allen snapped, then sneered "although we all know you have trouble with names..."
Kanda shot back a glare. "Not Ray moyashi, Rei, R-e-i. Its japanese, and means little bell, or beautiful sound."
"Oh!" lenalee smiled. "Thats so cute!"
Alteara nodded before taking the little bird. "You will be Rei." she nodded. The little bird sang happily.
"What about Mr. Personality over here." Lavi pointed to the violet bird while rubbing his ear.
"He's an ice king just like Yuu-chan." lenalee giggled.
"excuse me?" kanda snapped. The bird chirped harshly.
"Lets call him Hou then!" lavi beamed. The bird flew out to Alteara's offered hand and seemed to think it over. It peered around the room before chirping an affirmative.
"What is 'Hou'?" Alteara blinked.
"Ice." lavi grinned back. "it was... some language... Hebrew maybe...?"
"Sounds good!" Luna laughed. "well, Rei and Hou, welcome to your new home!"
Both of the birds chirped happily (the red one a little more enthusiastically) before fluttering off to investigate.
"Alright, alright!" Luna clapped lightly to catch everyones attention. "You still need topen my gifts!"
The group moved back to their places and began ripping through the paper.
"How did you... know?" kanda stared at the small box in his hands. Curious, lenalee leaned over to see. It was a small glass box, which held delicat looking paints and very small paintbrushes.
"I noticed it could use a touch up!" luna grinned. Blinking again, lenalee quirked her head.
"Its the bracelet he wears, right?" Lavi called. Kanda looked up and nodded, holding up his wrist to display the fading beads.
"This was a gift from my sister before... i left. Its hand painted, so its fading."
"Oh!" Lenalee grinned. "i was wondering about that."
A gasp sounded across the room and the group turned to Allen who was holding a very old looking roll of paper in his hand. His face was stuck in shock as he stared wide eyed at luna. The girl grinned.
"What about you lenalee?" She asked, turning to the chinese girl and moving attention away from the shaking white haired boy. Lenalee was holding a little porcelain doll lovingly. It was dressed in a tiny kimono and had long dark hair.
"i love it!" she cried "i used to have one just like this!"
After a moment, the room fell back into silence.
"alright!" luna grinned, standing. "Time for clean up! Merry christmas everyone, enjoy your gifts!" The group slowly began to move, collecting their gifts and disposing of wrapping paper, and slowly they began to leave. Lavi watched Allen curiously as he held the roll of paper from luna as if it were sacred, and seemed skittish and tired. Soon, everyone was en route to their own rooms.
"Yuu-chan!" lavi called, catching up to kanda. Kanda grunted, but didnt yell, hands filled with gifts. Lavi caught up, panting lightly before grinning at the samurai.
"have a nice christmas?"
Kanda nodded, his frown a little lighter than normal.
"hey... what was with that gift you gave to allen?"
"First you gotta tell me what you and Allen exchanged."
Lavi blinked for a moment before grinning. They stopped at Kandas room and entered. As kanda began to put his new belongings away carefully, lavi sat on his bed.
"It was about a discussion we had had earlier." lavi laughed "Allen had said that he had never been to an amusement park before, and i said i hadn't either. I guess we both thought that was the end of it, but we both ended up getting each other day passes to this thing called "fear fest". But, we got 2 tickets each... kinda as a... date.. .kinda... thing..."
"ah." kanda turned with a grin. "i see. I guess the girls dont know?"
"of course not!" lavi laughed. "But, this is for you." lavi pulled an envelope out of his pocket. "we didnt want you and alte-chan to feel left out!" he grinned.
Kanda took the envelope with a suspicious look. "you know something called "fear fest" is not going to seem appealing to Alteara..."
"im hoping her curiosity over-rides her self preservation on this one!" lavi laughed.
Both of them sighed. "Round 15..."
After a quiet moment, Lavi spoke up.
"And Allen's gift?"
Kanda stopped for a moment, then sat down at his desk.
"Its a model of a church i saw in england... but thats not why i got it."
Lavi stared in curiosity.
"i ran into some akuma there, and ended up fighting in a graveyard... It was only 2 level ones, so it was an easy kill, but as i was leaving the graveyard, i saw an... interesting... head stone."
"Mana Walker."
Lavi blinked in shock. Allen had talked about Mana quite a bit, being his beloved adoptive father, but lavi had no idea he was buried in england.
"so that church..."
"its the one his father is resting by." Kanda nodded. Lavi stared for a moment, before bursting into a grin.
"Yuu-chan, you're the nicest guy i know."
Allen gently lay his gifts on his bed, sighing slightly at the loss of weight, before turning around and sinking to the floor, leaning his back agains the bedframe. Slowly and carefully, he unrolled the old paper once more, expecting it to be completely different, or just blank. But it wasnt.
It was an old flyer, probably from 11 or 12 years ago, advertising a circus. On the front was a painted clown, dressing in full clown attire, holding up a much smaller clown who was juggling.
Allen just barely remembered the creation of this poster, having to pose for hours while it was slowly painted by the artist. But he didnt mind.
He was with Mana.
Shaking fingers gently touched the face of the larger clown. Even though the paint was obstructing his face, he could still see it. That loving gaze sent to him by his father.
His father.
At the time, he had remembered wanting one of these posters more than anything, but he never had enough money to get one...
Allen jumped when tears hit the poster. He quickly wiped them away, afraid to damage the delicate paper. He rolled it up, unable to look at it for long, before carefully stashing it away in his desk, and, sniffing, began to put away his other gifts.
"luna!" lavi called as he walked down the halls and back toward the girls room.
Said red head poked her head out of her room, blinking at the bookman before moving out into the hall.
"Hey." she greeted. "what's up?"
"I wanted to ask." lavi's face grew curious again. "what was it you gave Allen?"
Luna's smile grew soft.
"i gave him the one thing he thought he would never have." She sighed.
"A chance to see his father again."
Lavi's eyes grew wide and worry flickered across his face. "How do you mean?"
Luna rolled her eyes. "Nothing crazy you fruit." she gently pushed his shoulder. "It was a poster of him and his father, when they were in the circus."
Lavi blinked. "A.. poster?"
Luna nodded. "I picked it up a long time ago, and just never got rid of it."
"How did you figure it was Allen?"
Luna grinned. "It was a little boy with the most sour look on his face i had ever seen!" she giggled. "But when he was juggling, he stuck his tounge out just barley on the left side. Once i saw Allen do the same thing, and it just clicked."
"Wow!" lavi grinned. "Thats almost bookman worthy!"
"Speaking of bookman worthy..." luna grinned. "What did you do with that hat i gave you?"
"Oh!" lavi grinned in return, pulling the hat from his pocket and putting it on. "Its right here!"
"Good." luna smiled. "because its time for part two of your gift."
"Part tw-mmph!" lavi froze when luna latched around his neck, her lips pushing against his. He felt his face bloom with a hot blush. He stood stock stiff until luna gently moved her lips to encourage him. He melted at the touch and pulled his arm around her back, deepening the kiss.
The two broke apart to see the last flash of Alteara's hair as she vanished back into the room. They stared for a moment as the door slamed shut, then luna started to giggle, then laugh, then both of them were laughing loudly, wiping away tears.
"oh geeze..." lavi laughed. "guess we shouldnt be doing that in the hallways..."
Luna stopped for a moment to lightly punch lavi on the shoulder before sighing.
"Alright, i gotta go do damage control." luna laughed. "Shes probably having a mental break down..."
"oh.. i dont know.." Lavi laughed. Luna caught the sparkle in his eye and raised a brow curiously.
"and what, exactly, are you not telling me?"
"Well... i left this hat with Yuu-chan for a while..." lavi said, innocently twirling the hat on his hand. "and Alte-chan was there too..."
Luna's eyes widened before she turned to stare at the door.
"you dont think... i mean... earlier she was all... NO WAY!" she laughed.
"Im a regular Christmas elf." lavi grinned.
"now you just need to leave the hat with Allen."
"Good idea!"
Luna turned to go into her room. "Anyway, ill see you at dinner tonight. Dont forget the special... occasion."
"i was the one who reminded you!" lavi grinned. He quickly pecked a kiss on luna's cheek before happily skipping away.
Once luna's face stopped looking like a tomato, she decided to go back in the room.
"Oh Alteaaaraaaa.... A little birdy told me something interesting..."
Allen took his time walking to the cafeteria for christmas dinner. Lenalee had told him to dress nicely, so instead of donning his uniform like usual, he was wearing a white dress shirt and black pants, his red ribbon tied into place. The others had all gone ahead, claiming they had to help with the 'set up'. Allen just shrugged and continued walking. When the large wooden doors came into view, Allen spotted lenalee, still wearing her green dragon gown.
"Ah, Allen kun!" lenalee called, waving to the boy. Allen picked up his pace to meet up with the girl.
"ah, lenalee! why arnt you eating yet?" Allen leaned to peer around her. The doors were closed. That was odd.
"i was just waiting for you!" lenalee grinned. She took his hand. "come on!"
Pushing the doors open they stepped inside.
Allen braced himself at a sudden bright light and loud pops.
He blinked up. Everyone was gathered in the cafeteria. A large banner was spread across the walls, the words "Happy Birthday Allen" scrawled across in happy writing. Kanda, Lavi, and all of the others were spread out before him, finders and scientists as well, all of them smiling happily.
"W-what?" Allen looked around in amazement. He jumped when lenalee popped into his line of sight.
"its for you Allen-kun!" She grinned. "Happy Birthday!"
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" the room cheered. Before Allen realized it, he was being pulled into the group, receiving pats on the back and congradulations on his 16th year, and was shown a large table filled with gifts and food. It almost felt like a dream.
He smiled.
"thank you everyone."
"ALRIGHT!!" lavi yelled, launching a fist in the air "LETS PARTY!!"
And late into the night, music could be heard from the dark order, that didnt seem so dark anymore.
Muahah! so now that christmas in july is over, (which is good cuz today is the LAST day of july sweatdrop ) Its time for me to return to my normal super depressing story... *Sigh*
but ill add some good stuff! its just hard to make someone slowly going crazy seem... cheerful...
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Art by rnercury
Current Quest: Vagran Sea
Status: 4.1 / 14.5 Bil
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