Author: lets just jump right back into it! Pretend that this is connected to the one before it or something! *grumbles* i can't beleive the entry CUT ME OFF!
Servant of Evil Part 2.
Allen whimpered as another branch slashed into her arm.
'Why, why, why, why, WHY!?'
Her mind screamed as she ran. Why was someone doing this?! She was not naive to the horrid ways of the world. Not after witnessing the murder of her beloved Mana.... But she had done her best to ensure that she never hurt anyone! And she had just started opening her heart to Kanda...
More tears fell down her face as she kept running.
Kanda had said he would come for her... but she didn't want to stop running. She wanted to run until everything stopped. Run until she made it to the villiage, only to discover that everything was fine and she had just been dreaming this whole time!
She burst out of the treeline, and stopped.
She was in a field...FILLED with golden flowers.
They were beautiful, and reflected the light of the full moon that was starting to peak over the treeline. It was so peaceful, and Allen wondered how such a place could exist while her world was in total chaos.
She spun around, staring with wide eyes at the figure behind her. How had he caught up so quickly... and kanda... KANDA...!
"Who... who are you!?" She cursed her voice for shaking. If only she could be as strong as Kanda...
The figure advanced, and Allen turned, running into the field. She just had to get across it and into the forest on the other side. Then maybe she could lose him again, and make it to the villiagers!
Her plan was ruined when a strong hand grabbed her arm. She struggled, and turned to see the masked man, holding her tightly.
"Please... please!" she cried, pulling desperatly. "What do you want? Please, tell me what you want!"
"I'm sorry." the man said. "I'm so... I'm so sorry." he said, and Allen was shocked at the pain in the mans voice.
"You didn't..." She gasped... "Kanda... did you... Kanda!"
"No, no!" The man cried, letting go to raise his hands in defense. "I didn't kill him! I... I couldn't do that to you. I know how much you l-love him..."
"Then why!?" Allen snapped back at the man. "Why are you burning my village, and chasing me down!?"
"I... I didn't set fire to your villiage." The man said. "I know how much you love the villagers... and I couldn't do that to you. I actually... I woke most of them up to warn them of the fire..."
Allen blinked at the man before her. She couldn't understand him at all! First he chases them down, then attacks kanda, then chases her down, and now he's standing here telling her he's a good samaratin and saved the villagers from the fire!?
She felt her chest tighten. This was too much for her heart...
"What is it that you want?!" Allen asked, completely at a loss.
"It's not me." the man said sadly. "I just want... I just want to see her smile again!" he advanced toward Allen, who edged backward.
The two were suddenly distracted by a large blast in the distance.
The Green Kingdom was shooting off fireworks.
Allen's eyes widened.
She turned back to the masked man.
Who wasn't masked anymore.
"No..." she shook her head, tears sliding down her cheeks.
"It's been a long time... Allen-chan." Komoui said softly.
"Why... why are you doing this!?" Allen screamed at the man. "I thought... I thought-!"
"I just want to see her smile again! I know... I know how much Kanda loves you Allen... Because I love you just as much! But Lenalee.... Lenalee loves Kanda! She won't smile anymore!" He yelled, gripping his head in his hands.
Allen kept shaking her head, tears coming faster.
"When we were separated... I promised... I promised that i would do ANYTHING in my power to keep her smiling!" He smiled at Allen desperatly. "I... I promised!"
"Oh... Komo-"
Allen was cut off as the spear tore through her chest. She whimpered lightly, a line of blood dripping from her paleing lips and down her neck, soiling the golden ribbon tied delicatly around her throat.
Suddenly she realized that she was down amongst the flowers. They were so... beautiful... It was such a pitty that they would die in the coming winter...
She looked up to the sky, trying to see if the stars were just as beautiful, but having a hard time seeing around the strange object protruding into her view.
Somewhere in her mind, she registered the voice. Who was it again?
That... that's my name..."
"I'm sorry..."
What... what are you... apologizing for..?
"I know that... that I have no right to say this anymore... Not anymore... but... I love you..."
That's so kind...
"... so please.... please forgive me..."
That's silly... Why would you... apologize... for... being in... in...
A last tear fell from clouded silver eyes.
Komoui stared down at the lifeless figure before him. Silver hair splayed about her head in a halo, shining from the light of the moon. The picture was ruined only by the dark grey eyes staring, though no longer seeing, into the black sky. The golden dress, mared by blood, made the smaller princess seem just like the flowers she lay amongst.
He reached down gently, and brushed some of the silver hair away from her face. Then, ever so carefully, he placed a hand over her eyes, and slid it downward, closing away the silver orbs for eternity.
When he pulled his hand away, the sight of her body, of her death, was simply too much.
He dropped to his knees beside her, gently cradleing her cheek in one hand. He ran a thumb over her soft skin, sliding down her jaw, down to her neck. He carefully traced the curve all the way to the dirtied golden ribbon.
With the utmost love, he gently untied it. This would be his reminder. His piece of the princess that he could never have.
He had to wonder, if things had happened differently, would life be better? What if he were king instead of his sister? Would she be the one out here killing Allen?
Komoui whipped his head around. Kanda had awoken much sooner than he had expected.
Jumping to his feet, Komoui took one last mourning look at the form on the ground, mixed in with the flowers.
One day, he would make up for everything.
Or at least he hoped.
And he ran.
Kanda cursed as he struck down another branch in his way. He had awoken in the road, disoriented and wondering what, exactly, had happened. But those thoughts had taken a back seat to his sudden rush to find Allen.
"ALLEN!" he called as he pushed through the foliage. He prayed that the princess would hear his calls and come rushing to him, but he knew that the chances of that were slim. She was rather stubborn, and would probably rush to saftey on her own, if she hadn't gotten there already. Still... If she was around, she would at least call back to him...
Un-nerved, Kanda sped up his pursuit. He didn't even realize that he was running, unncaring of the arm like branches that reached out and ripped at his clothing and skin. And suddenly, just when the forest seemed thickest, he burst out into a clearing.
It was quiet. Horribly quiet. Golden flowers filled the field, glowing in the light of the moon that shone overhead. But what immediatly caught his attention was the flash of silver in the center of the field.
"Allen!" he called, immediatly recognizing his princess. "Allen, are you-" he stalled. There was something wrong.
Why would she lie in the middle of a field, when someone was obviously after her? Where was the attacker?
What was that... protruding from her chest.
"no." he shook his head, deniying the vision before him.
"No, ALLEN!"
Before he even realized he was moving, he was falling to his knees at the princesses side. Up close, he could see the blood marring her golden dress, and the pale glow of her features.
"Allen... Allen, please... don't do this to me!" He cried, putting his hands above the wound, as if to apply pressure, but they never decended to the body. They just hovered above like a protective wall, effectivly blocking the wound from Kanda's view.
"Allen... you can't... you can't leave me like this..." he whispered. Gently, one of his hands moved up to the princess's soft cheek. He held it softly.
Her skin was cold. So cold.
"Allen.." his voice broke, and he realized he was crying.
His eyes roamed over her face. Silver eyes were hidden, gone forever. He could almost feel her smiling at him. Like she would wake up any moment with that foolish grin on her face, and demand food or something stupid like that. Kanda thought he heard himself laugh at this, but it could have been a sob. He really wasn't sure anymore.
His mind kept traveling back to those stories that tiedoll used to tell him when he was little and couldn't sleep, about the princes who would find the sleeping princesses, and awaken them with a kiss.
"Are you my sleeping princess?" he said softly, tears betraying the gentle smile on his face. He leaned down.
This was his last hope.
Gently, he placed his lips over hers. They were cold, and didn't move.
Thick tears fell from ebony lashes, landing on the silver lids of the princess before him, and sliding down her cheeks, as if she, herself, was crying.
Leaning back, Kanda smiled sadly.
"I'm so sorry Allen..." he said softly, as if he would wake her. "I guess I wasn't meant to be your prince."
The wind blew through the field, stirring up golden flower petals. Something moved against Kanda's hand, and he looked down to see that an entire flower, pulled up by the wind, had landed gently on his hand, as if consoling him. With tears renewed, he moved the flower toward his lips, gently kissing the soft petals and whispering back,
"I love you too."
By the time Komoui stumbled back into the castle of the Green Kingdom, several hours had passed. As he climbed the grand staircase, toward his sisters room, he couldn't care about the strange and frightened looks he was getting from the other servants.
was it the right thing?
He was covered in blood, his clothing was ripped, and he probably looked half dead, but he didn't care.
will I be forgiven?
His sister was waiting.
will we?
Moving down the hallway, he breifly registered the red glow on the horizon. The Golden Kingdom was burning to the ground.
Without knocking, komoui walked into his sisters chambers. He reguarded her for a moment. She was staring toward the glowing horizon, a horrible grin on her face. She was smiling.
is this... what I wanted?
He fell to the floor, assuming the usual kneeling position of a servant. He pulled the golden ribbon from his pocket, holding it out before him.
She turned to him. He listened to the rustleing of fabric, and the clinking of the ornamental beads in her hair. Just like the day all of this started...
was it really that long ago?
She stood in front of him, expectantly.
"I have done what you asked." he said, looking up at his sister.
That's right. His sister.
A wicked Grin stretched across her face.
She is all that I have...
"Excellent..." she laughed.
He thought back to when they were first seperated. Didn't he vow he would do whatever it took to be by her side again?
"This will show them for sure!" she spun in a circle. Komoui barely recognized the flash of yellow around her neck. The ribbon didn't look the same as when Allen wore it.
but she is my sister. She is my everything. And I will never let anyone, or anything, take that away from me. Not again.
"You don't take what is mine!" she screeched.
And komoui bowed his head in aggreance,
wishing his tears would stop.
It was dawn. Komoui was still in his sisters room. She was staring out the window again, into the dreary grey morning mist.
But this time, she wasn't smiling.
Her hands moved to the curtain, gripping and releasing like an anxious cat. A loud bang echoed through the castle.
Komoui sighed.
He had known. You can't kill a person without facing reprecussions.
But he would be damned if he let them lay a finger on his Lenalee.
Another crash signaled the opposing armies, led by what he could only guess to be Kanda, and what looked like lord Lavi. They were trying to break down the gates of the castle.
Through the night, the army had been approaching, and now the hour was here. Any time now, they would come flooding in, and...
He looked to his sister.
She was shaking.
She turned toward him, tears in her eyes. He held up the clothing he had gotten from the wardrobe. He hoped his plan worked.
"Change clothes and run away Lenalee..." he said softly. If she was in disguise... maybe....
He could feel her apprehension. Had she realized?
"We'll escape quickly. Please..." he begged. Everything would be okay, if only she survived!
She started at him, lip quivered.
Unable to help himself, he rushed up, embrasing her fully.
"Nii-san... Did i do something wrong?" she cried into his shoulder.
"No Lenalee..." he said.
loving is never wrong.
"You've done nothing wrong."
I'm the one with blood on my hands. Not you.
"Just remember, that I love you."
please... LIVE!
She looked up at him with confused and scared eyes.
Her eyes widened when his fist met her stomach. She let out a gasp, reeling for breath, before her eyes rolled back and she collapsed into her brothers arms.
He had to work quickly.
In a flash, he had taken off all of his clothing. Turning to his sister, he repeated the process. He was lucky that they were twins. Their build was mostly identical. He slipped on her underclothing, then slid the dress over his form. Then he re-dressed her in what she had been wearing. Carefully, he removed all traces of royalty from her body. He took the beads from her hair, and placed them in his own. He took the bracelets and necklaces and drapped them on himself. Next he rushed to the wardrobe, and grabbed a pair of scissors. With tears in his eyes, his cut the perfectly organized edges of her hair, messing it up into a boys style. He carefully whipped the makeup from her face, and then took the time to apply it to his own. By the time he was finished, he looked almost exactly like his sister. No one would be able to tell the difference.
"mmm... Nii-san?" Lenalee sighed as she writhed on the floor. She rubbed here eyes, and looked up, only to gasp.
The pounding downstairs was getting louder.
"Nii-san... what are you... what...?" she looked at him, then at herself, staring with wide eyes at her clothing as well.
"Lenalee..." he said softly. "You need to leave."
"What!?" she stared at him.
The sound of splintering wood echoed through the palace.
"Get out." He said sharply.
"But nii-san-!" she stared, beginning to cry.
Footsteps were pounding through the castle.
"OUT!" he yelled, grabbing her by the shoulders and opening the door, before pushing her into the hallway. She stumbled a bit, and turned back to her brother, only to see a soft smile and a closing door.
Komoui stood in the center of his sister's room. He held his breath and listened when he heard the clang of blades, but the soft words and obvious lack of screaming comforted him to the face that someone had recognized his sister as a servant, and not killed her.
With a sigh, he moved to the window. It was strange hearing the rustleing fabric and ornamental beads, and not seeing his sister in the room. He looked at his reflection in the glass, and steeled his nerves. He WAS royalty.
The doors burst open, and komoui almost started complaining about having to fix them later, but he kept his tounge in check, only glaring at them icily. Stepping foreward, he presented himself. Any struggle would damage his sister's reputation. He would do this with honor. Dignity.
Kanda, who's face was contorted in obvious rage, brought his sword to his neck.
He narrowed his eyes at the prince.
"Un-hand me, uncouth man!" he snapped. Immidiatly, he noticed his mistake. His voice had squeeked, and lord Lavi, who had trained under a Bookman and was one of the most observant people in all four kingdoms, had blinked and given him a strange look. After a second, the red-head placed his hands on the prince's shoulder. Kanda took it as a hint to cool down, and let the sword fall to his side, but kept an icy stare at the princess.
Komoui momentarily wondered how his sister could have fallen in love with such a sour octopus.
"Prepare yourself." Kanda snapped. "Tomorrow, at 3, your head will fall in the gallows."
Komoui didn't even blink. He had expected a death sentance. And it was alright. So long as no-one figured out that he wasn't lenalee.
Kanda had turned to leave, and Lord lavi turned to his men.
"Take the princess to the cells." he said.
Komoui flinched at that. The way he had said it. Did he know...?
She was so preoccupied that she didn't even notice two soldiers take his arms and lead him from the room.
"Um... Yuu-chan..." The read headed lord knocked softly on the door of his companion. The two had refused to stay in the Green Kingdom's castle over night, even though the princess was being held there. Instead, they had taken up refuge in an inn on the outskirts of the Red Kingdom.
"What do you want." Came a snapped reply, but lavi could sense the energy missing from the insult.
Taking it as an invite, Lavi opened the door, slipping into the prince's room. It was slightly dark, but Kanda was sitting in a plush chair in the corner, lit by a single tableside lamp. The athmosphere would have been comfortable, if it weren't for Kanda's positioning.
The man was hunched over, hiding his face behind his hands, and seemed content to stay that way until he died.
"Yuu-chan..." Lavi said softly, closing the door behind him and moving over to sit on the obviously unused bed. "About... the prisoner..."
"I already know." Came the muffled reply. Lavi blinked in suprise.
"And you're... okay with that?"
"He made the decision to end Allen's life." Kanda snapped back, finally dropping his hands from his face. Lavi almost gasped at the dark red rings around his eyes. "He could have said no to Lenalee, and none of this would have happened!"
It was silent for a moment, in which Kanda decided to return to the shelter of his hands. Lavi mulled the thoughts over in his mind.
"I wonder..." he said softly, picking at the lint on the bedspread. Standing up to leave, he sent one last glance at Kanda, who still didn't move. He left and quitely closed the door behind him, walking down the hall to his own room.
"All he had to do... was say no?"
He put his hands behind his head and looked to the ceiling.
Was it really that simple?
Komoui stood at the top of the gallows. The ropes around his ankles made him feel unblanced, like he could fall over at any time. He almost DID fall over when the guard next to him gave him a rough shove toward his fate. He glanced up at the blade, that sparkled innocently in the sun. His eyes quickly returned to the crowd, scanning over the hundreds of villagers that had come to see his... no... queen Lenalee's fate. The looks of hatred and anger made him want to shout lenalee's innocence to the heavens. It was their fault that she was forced into the ruling possition! It was their fault that his sweet and innocent little sister had been corrupted so.
But he would have the last laugh.
"Lenalee Lee." a strong voice called from the front of the crowd.
He looked up, recognizing the speaker as Lavi.
"You have been sentanced to death for the murder of lady Allen. Do you have anything to say for yourself?"
Komoui remained silent as the guard shoved him down to his knees. His head fit disturbingly well into the wooden notch of the guilletine. He looked through the crowd one last time.
Off in the distance, a church clock struck 3.
"Oh!" he blinked. "Its time to make a snack." He smiled.
Once the blade had fallen, and Lady Lee was silenced for the last time ("what was the meaning of that odd last phrase?" was passed like a murmer through the crowd) the saited villiagers decided it was time to move on, and went back to rebuilding the lives that they had lost.
Hours later, the only ones remaining in the square were lord kanda and a small lieth peasent boy, who was curled on the ground, crying silently.
"Why are you crying?" Kanda snapped (though it came out much softer than he would have liked, darn Allen and her influences.) The village boy looked up at kanda, dirt tracks trailing the tear marks on his face. Large green eyes looked back at him.
"I... I made a mistake..." he cried. (in a voice that sounded much more like a girls, kanda thought)
Kanda simply blew out a puff of air into the cooling night and shifted on his feet, watching the night crew arrive to remove the trecherous princesses body.
"I made one too." He said softly. The peasants face snapped back to him, staring with wide, frightened, tearfilled eyes. Kanda grimmaced. (and it was most certainly NOT because those eyes made him think of Allen.)
"W-what mistake could you have made?" the peasant cried with a bitter laugh. "You caught the criminal didn't you?" (and he couldnt figure out why that sentance made his endless tears increase.)
"Even so." kanda sighed. "I still lost the person who was most important to me."
"You don't seem very upset." the peasent boy whispered.
"Because" Kanda turned, preparing to return to his homeland. "Even though her body is gone, her love is not."
And with that simple sentance, he left the peasant boy (who had suddenly burst into much louder sobs) kneeling alone in the middle of the square.
Don't beloved Lenalee...
Well... maybe she wasn't SO alone.
If I could be reborn, I wonder... if at that time...
Would you be by my side again?
Story of Evil :Servant of Evil.
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Art by rnercury
Current Quest: Vagran Sea
Status: 4.1 / 14.5 Bil
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